Author Topic: A night in the life of a vet who came back  (Read 3799 times)

Offline Yeager

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #60 on: July 11, 2010, 12:13:15 PM »
Caps were introduced to enable two arenas to be filled up.
Without them I would fully expect the majority of players to gravitate to the largest numbers arena, leaving the other a 'ghost town'.
why were two LW arenas introduced? 
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Offline Kev367th

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #61 on: July 11, 2010, 12:42:10 PM »
why were two LW arenas introduced? 

To split one big cess pool into two smaller ones.
The caps were needed to make sure both arenas got filled up, without them one arena would be full of players the other would be all but empty.
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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #62 on: July 11, 2010, 05:00:20 PM »
The only thing that really has changed for me is the initial excitement I had when I played the first month or two. The game is pretty much the same, it's only that the experience is no longer fresh. All the articles on netaces have been read, the way the game is played is pretty much understood. I think a lot of returning vets expect to recapture the anticipation they had when they first started. It works in the short-term, but AH2 is like riding a bike. You never get that initial excitement and drive back from experiencing something new and challenging after you have peaked. I honestly think this is mostly where the disappointment and frustration comes from for people who are returning. This is true for all things.
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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #63 on: July 11, 2010, 07:07:49 PM »
Why should a squad be protected from caps and not individuals?  Some of us dont drink and therefore have no interest in AH "mega-skwads".  Caps have a reason and that reason goes far beyond what squads need to function.  In fact, the mega-skwads are the reason caps were desgined to begin with.  No?

Not A squad, ALL squads. Because squads over 2 members need to have his members togheter to function. Otherewise, they do not have a reason to exist. Individuals that do not belong to a squadron go to where there is room. The only thing the sistem would do would be allow a squadmember to join his fellow members over CAP.

Don't understand the drinking and mega-squads pun. Must be some private joke, sorry, I don't get it.

CAPS were introduced to avoid anti-social behaviour in the arenas when above a certain number of population. I would turn Ch200/1 off for good instead. But that's me.
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Offline Slash27

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #64 on: July 11, 2010, 07:13:22 PM »

You do understand the fact that the majority of people who play this game really dislike the caps you have implemented for one reason or another. Here's an idea, remove them and let paying subscribers "choose" which arena they would rather fly in. If one arena achieves "cess-pool" status then let those players who can't handle it "choose" to fly in another arena, the less populated one. I on the other hand will dive right in and 'ave it large like the good old days. Honest to God this game just isn't the same since caps were put in place.

Right, enough QQing from me.

I concur.  :salute

Offline Knite

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #65 on: July 11, 2010, 07:52:51 PM »

You do understand the fact that the majority of people who play this game really dislike the caps you have implemented for one reason or another. Here's an idea, remove them and let paying subscribers "choose" which arena they would rather fly in. If one arena achieves "cess-pool" status then let those players who can't handle it "choose" to fly in another arena, the less populated one. I on the other hand will dive right in and 'ave it large like the good old days. Honest to God this game just isn't the same since caps were put in place.


While I don't love the caps, I understand them as HT has quite often answered why they exist, and I don't think they are going away, unless someone can find a better way of doing what the caps do now.

A) Very high numbers in arena creates player "Cess Pool"
B) It's been proven time and time again that the player base does not police itself well, hence adding to the "Cess Pool". (Caps, ENY, and Perks are proof of this fact)
C) There is a "magic number" that HTC believes creates the best/happiest gameplay.
D) HTC's "live" subscriptions were dwindling before the caps were introduced
E) HTC's "live" supscriptions grew after they were introduced.

Just a couple of explanations from HT below :

Quote from: hitech link=topic=264069.msg3329554l#msg3329554
Simple not refutable facts.
1. Before arena split AH was not longer growing.
2. After arena split AH started growing fast than it ever had.
Now there really is only 1 reason for this, more people are having fun, and thus subscribe.

As I stated , you completely miss the force of the herd mentality. We already have 3 different choices. Does it do much to spread players out?
What would happen is the 450 cap arena would fill up. And then I would have people would complaining and wanting the cap raised. We would raise the cap as you wish and end up with one big arena.  Next I start loosing players because they are not having as much fun. My revenue and player counts go down because people are not having as much fun. I switch back to the system I have now.
And as I stated before, we tried this when we first made the arena splits.

And as a different question, if 1 arena is so wonderful , why is Tuesday night not the busiest night of the week?

The basic problem is all about the same thing you wish to promote, Having fun with friends.
My view is we had crossed a point where it became very difficult for a new person entering the game to make new friends.
Please do a search as for detailed reasons I think this was so. But in a nut shell it amounts to ....
When you have to many people in 1 place peer pressure no longer is a control on peoples behavior. Once peer pressure is no longer a control, people will start to exhibit hostile behavior to each other, (in essence overcrowding).
Because of the over crowding we had been forced to implement at lot of game changes (more police type force) to try to control the over crowding.
The arena became much less of a fun social place, then it had at other times.
The current change is an attempt at removing the over crowding and letting pier pressure back into the system.
With some time people will change there behavior back to a more social friendly environment.
If you understand the above, then the question becomes.
How do you spit a group of people while letting them maintain there current set of friends?
Our first attempt was as follows.
Lower arena caps,make arenas of slightly different game play (I.E EW/MW/LW) to see if people can be drawn off the old main population.
The first itteration drew some people to other arenas, but the force of wanting to go to the arena with the most players was to great. And hence to make 2 sustained 250 peek time arenas was not working, because no one wanted to be the first into the empty arena.
While we contemplated a new solution we raised the caps back to 390. This still was not large enough to handle the people still wanting to go to the big arena.
So the current implemtation is designed toward minimizing the time the 2nd arena is below critical mass.
I had hoped that also by always bumping the limit on the lower arena, people would realize that if the numbers were close to equal, the lower populated arena would be where they would next have the most people.
This at times keeps both areas in a non full state, and hence, as you wish , you could always fly with your squad.
Also understand that  peoples behavior will only change over time. And in a few weeks it is well possible, that both arenas will allways have space to go play with your squad.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 08:03:03 PM by Knite »

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Offline dedalos

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #66 on: July 12, 2010, 03:06:26 PM »
The timer is screwed up, if you switch sides in LWBlue then go to LWOrange/Pink it adds another hour to the timer. If you went back to LWB, you would have been able to switch over to knits, then go back to LWP and fly with your squaddies..

Easy solution, no?

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By all means, do not, I repeat, DO NOT! fix anything.  Just flame the posters.  Sounds like an easy fix to a small bug but hey, do not bother fixing it cause the fun boys said no  :rofl
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline SunKing

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #67 on: July 13, 2010, 11:43:47 AM »
I see somethings never change.

Offline Larry

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2010, 03:54:08 PM »
So in other words, "me and my Mega squad should be able to get all 60+ into a capped arena because one of us got a spot hours earlier and went AFK in the tower while being at work all day."

No such thing as a squad that has 60+ members.

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Offline Yeager

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2010, 04:42:02 PM »
No such thing as a squad that has 60+ members.
There is such thing as multiple wings of a higher level organization.  See BoP
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Offline Larry

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #70 on: July 14, 2010, 04:56:05 PM »
There is such thing as multiple wings of a higher level organization.  See BoP

Still, not a squad with 60+ members.
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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #71 on: July 14, 2010, 10:15:10 PM »
I started to lose interest not too long after arena caps were put into place. To me this game wasnt as fun as it was back several years ago.

I greatly enjoyed the old maps that are long gone (from version 1). These new maps just dont do it for me anymore. I do see Mindano came back but also I gave up my subscription sometime back in 2009. I may come back and try it out again, but I dont see it anytime soon due to the fact that the game just changed too much for me.

Call me an old fart, but I once again push the idea of bringing the AH1 server back up for paying subscribers. If given the choice to play in version 2 with the new maps or version 1 with all the old original maps, I would pick version 1 over 2 anyday and im sure there are many more members from years back like me that would agree
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Offline grizz441

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #72 on: July 14, 2010, 11:49:50 PM »
So in other words, "me and my Mega squad should be able to get all 60+ into a capped arena because one of us got a spot hours earlier and went AFK in the tower while being at work all day."

Has anybody actually seen a 60 player sqd online at the same time?  The most I've ever seen was something like 20 on someone's sqd night, even that is rare, big deal.  The major hordes in the game comprise of lazy players from all different walks of cartoon life looking for soft fights and easy kills.  The whole mega sqd rolling swarm is a myth as far as I have seen, or not seen for that matter.

Offline WMLute

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #73 on: July 15, 2010, 07:03:05 AM »
Has anybody actually seen a 60 player sqd online at the same time?  The most I've ever seen was something like 20 on someone's sqd night, even that is rare, big deal.  The major hordes in the game comprise of lazy players from all different walks of cartoon life looking for soft fights and easy kills.  The whole mega sqd rolling swarm is a myth as far as I have seen, or not seen for that matter.

Bops on squad night used to have a good 40+ back in the day.

(I think i'm remembering that right...)

I also don't think i've seen 60 on at one time.
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Offline dedalos

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Re: A night in the life of a vet who came back
« Reply #74 on: July 15, 2010, 08:33:51 AM »
Has anybody actually seen a 60 player sqd online at the same time?  The most I've ever seen was something like 20 on someone's sqd night, even that is rare, big deal.  The major hordes in the game comprise of lazy players from all different walks of cartoon life looking for soft fights and easy kills.  The whole mega sqd rolling swarm is a myth as far as I have seen, or not seen for that matter.

BS, I remember back in the day all 3 wings of the BK's on at the same time.  The GV wing would all up troops and head to a town while our bomber wings flew NOE to level the buildings given cover by the fighter wing vulching the runways.  We would take 30 or 40 bases every night and if I remember correctly, we had like 80 to 90 guys on.  Ahhhh, the good old days  :D
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.