From the Jug scenario used earlier:
The overtaking Pony FE's detects a collision and dies, yet the Jug flys on because it never collided from its perspective...
Consider this: what is the difference when a shooter's FE detects hits on the target, and damages/kills it- even if from the target pilot's perspective, the shot was impossible (assuming that lag caused the difference in perspective?)
Why in one instance is the target left unscathed, yet in the other, destroyed? In the second example, the target pilot could deny that the was hit - yet dies because it was a valid solution from the shooter's perspective. In the Pony/Jug example, the Jug (target) survives, yet should have been damaged from the Pony's perspective. In both instances, the Jug wouldn't perceive a cause for his demise. The argument / justification of "how would the Jug feel" in the collision scenario doesn't jive with how the a target might feel if he was killed from a seemly impossible shot.
(Retreating to my corner, dunce cap on)