Author Topic: Questions about the AVA  (Read 9787 times)

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #90 on: September 09, 2010, 12:27:40 AM »
LOL he tries to bring it back to "technically more accurate and historical" -- lol!

It's been proven mathematically, with real world examples, with optical discussions, that flying without icons is a vastly reduced level of details compared to what the human eyeball can make out in real life. Pretending you are being "realistic" is a shout in the face of what you see every day.

Sorry, you guys all lost that argument so many times that folks stopped telling you how wrong you were when you kept saying "nuh-uh!!" -- and it keeps creeping back into these AvA threads. It's that "attitude" that everyone talks about and dislikes...

"No icons are realistic, they're accurate, you suck if you don't like them, they make you a better more realistic pile-it!" <-- all of these comments keep coming up and have been proven wrong by so many people that know so much more than the folks plugging their ears and humming.

I get the idea of trying something new. Like say F3 mode in the AvA. Like an arena with stall limiter forced on, etc. It's good once in a while but the pretentious part is the airs you put on about these "no icons" settings. You're just stroking your own egoes and nobody wants to play with you when you get like this. One thing that would get me into the AvA a bit more* (and I've been burned many times) is a bit more humility in those running the place.

Filth was quite on the nose with his reply in the other thread. Very well said and articulated, Filth!

EDIT: * = icons or no

I love this guy.....he calls all of us pretentious?  Talk about lack of humility...what a joke.  Classic case of being here toooo long...."Ive seen, heard, done, been a part of" all that before and its wrong.  Nice...lmao.  Save us from ourselves oh us please.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 12:31:24 AM by Changeup »
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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #91 on: September 09, 2010, 08:13:20 AM »
LOL he tries to bring it back to "technically more accurate and historical" -- lol!

It's been proven mathematically, with real world examples, with optical discussions, that flying without icons is a vastly reduced level of details compared to what the human eyeball can make out in real life. Pretending you are being "realistic" is a shout in the face of what you see every day.

Sorry, you guys all lost that argument so many times that folks stopped telling you how wrong you were when you kept saying "nuh-uh!!" -- and it keeps creeping back into these AvA threads. It's that "attitude" that everyone talks about and dislikes...

"No icons are realistic, they're accurate, you suck if you don't like them, they make you a better more realistic pile-it!" <-- all of these comments keep coming up and have been proven wrong by so many people that know so much more than the folks plugging their ears and humming.

I get the idea of trying something new. Like say F3 mode in the AvA. Like an arena with stall limiter forced on, etc. It's good once in a while but the pretentious part is the airs you put on about these "no icons" settings. You're just stroking your own egoes and nobody wants to play with you when you get like this. One thing that would get me into the AvA a bit more* (and I've been burned many times) is a bit more humility in those running the place.

Filth was quite on the nose with his reply in the other thread. Very well said and articulated, Filth!

EDIT: * = icons or no

i was in there again last night, playing around with blowing stuff up.

 i saw nothing but friendly banter on open channel. no nasty attitudes, no "i'm uber and u suck" stuff. nothing.

 i saw guys switching to even out sides, guys saluting each other for good fights, and guys generally having fun.

 this is 2 for 2 now in the plus column.

ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #92 on: September 09, 2010, 08:15:40 AM »
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 09:21:35 AM by jimson »

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #93 on: September 09, 2010, 10:08:13 AM »
LOL, still trying to incorporate the horse comment into this discussion.   :headscratch:  Therein lies the old problem and attitude with the AVA to begin with.  Well it's not for you...  The truth is, it is for every paying subscriber, so why not at least respond to the the information that Captain1MA asked for.  The response I received was, well it's probably not for you.  This sounds an awful lot like the personal playground we had before.   Let me say this, I am in no way impuning Capt or yourself, just discussing here Shuff.  I will continue to try it off and on, but I feel that adding icons would improve it.  Having enemy icons was not the reason it was a ghost town, nor is it totally responsible for it's revival.  It is the people and their behavior.



You read alot of your feeling into what I was posting.

Let me put it this way....

You either like the room or you don't Some of you have posted you go there because you like it but then you complain about it and want it to change. Why go to a room that you don't like and say you like it then try to change it?

That is like a woman getting married to a guy who treats her like crap because she thinks he will change.

I don't care for the WWI arena. Went there to check it out a few times when new. I don't care for it so guess what.... I no longer go there.

As for making it my room.... no... I fly in it as it is... you on the other hand are trying to change it to more resemble what YOU want.

As for horses..... we have lots of horses here in Texas. I'm just postin the way I'd tell you if you were here.
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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #94 on: September 09, 2010, 01:34:31 PM »
Why go to a room that you don't like and say you like it then try to change it?

Hello Shuffler,

I never said I don't like it Shuffler.  It's actually new and different, therefore a cool new challenge.  Please page all the way to the top of this thread.  The part where Captain1MA is asking our thoughts on the AVA.  

1. what would it take for you or your squad to frequent the AVA 1 night or more a week?

2. what do you like about the AVA, if anything? (Please speak from experience)

3. what do you dislike about the AVA, if anything? (again, please speak from experience)
I am answering his questions directly, and you seem to view at as my wanting a change.  It is simply honest feedback.  Do I expect the change or I'll take my football and leave?  No.  I was in the AVA the last few nights running.  Enjoyed myself thouroughly.



PS-I would have got the horse thing if you converted to alligators as we have a lot of them here in Florida!  :lol
« Last Edit: September 09, 2010, 01:37:07 PM by waystin2 »
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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #95 on: September 09, 2010, 01:54:37 PM »
Flew in AvA last night as well.

Loved it.

I really liked the No Icon, made it very tough to see targets on the deck. In fact I think I was stall fighting someone [Rammey?] and lost sight of him only to find him 2 minutes later, on my six, shooting me down.  When approaching a furball, you weren't sure who was friendly and who was enemy.  Which raises a question....would the next evolution be to get rid of friendly icons completely as well? Id love to try that too...

"Hey...guy in 109..check six! No not you ...the other guy....flying SW of my position at [Boom!]...oh never mind."

And to Krusty's point I would say realism comes in many forms. Even accepting the point that it's harder to see a plane in the game [without icons] than real life, think about communicaton between pilots, SA, and how difficult that was when everyone's name wasn't floating above their heads in neon green lights.  The disipline of formation flying was, in part, to know where your teamates were because you couldn't just look out the window and know that was Joe Blow a mile off in the distance. You had to dedicate a lot of resources to keeping track of who was who. Something you're freed up from having to do with icons. My personal opinion is that is a greater influence on game play than the optical resolusional differences are.  

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #96 on: September 09, 2010, 02:34:21 PM »
Hello Shuffler,

I never said I don't like it Shuffler.  It's actually new and different, therefore a cool new challenge.  Please page all the way to the top of this thread.  The part where Captain1MA is asking our thoughts on the AVA.  I am answering his questions directly, and you seem to view at as my wanting a change.  It is simply honest feedback.  Do I expect the change or I'll take my football and leave?  No.  I was in the AVA the last few nights running.  Enjoyed myself thouroughly.



PS-I would have got the horse thing if you converted to alligators as we have a lot of them here in Florida!  :lol
Baaah alligators are hard to ride. :P
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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #97 on: September 09, 2010, 03:20:51 PM »
and ornery because they have big teeth..that's what mama says
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #98 on: September 20, 2010, 07:37:45 AM »
The question is what will it take to get more folks in the AvA. The problem I see with the AvA is the planes sets and the historial aspect of it. I mentioned in another thread about how adding the full plane set would be a good idea. And I still stand behind that a degree. I don't mean having Ki61s or nikis at the BoB or 109s at Midway, but rather the full plane set for that respective country in the battle.

It's great that the AvA staff want to keep everything historically correct, but why not have the historical stuff as special events and have the players allowed to choose their own Axis or Allied ride at other times in there.
The arena is just too restrictive. It's like ENY hell in there. People complain about the ENY in the MAs. Does anyone really believe they will go to the AvA and fly a B5N when they're tired of the ENY somewhere else?
I say make it a true AvA arena and let the 2 sides duke it out. Historical battles are awesome but as I said before, make them a special event...not the norm. Do away with ENY, caps and all the other stuff the players come to the boards to complain about, and lets see what happens. Yeah it might flop, but what if it works out? I think most of us can agree that the way things stand in there now, it's not attracting players. try something different.

And Slash if you're reading this, I'm not trying to step on any toes here man. I'm just wanting to share my thoughts on the AvA and what can be done to make it a better arena for us all to enjoy. The maps are the best in the game IMO and most people don't even see them because they log on to see 5 in the arena and don't even bother checking it out. I know you guys work hard to keep it going but if you want folks to get in there and play, you have to come up with something different then what we have now. :salute
Lighten up Francis

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #99 on: September 20, 2010, 07:55:33 AM »
sorry didnt see this post until it was too late. heres my reply to you.

1 when was the last time you flew in the AVA?

2 where were you last week and the week before when there were 20-30 people in there every night, with the AVA's "crappy" planeset?

3. why do you presume to know so much about an arena you either don't, or won't have anything to do with?

to be honest we have alot of stuff going on in there. that arena isn't for everyone, but the ones that go in there, enjoy it. we do have full setups with the late war planes, but each setup is unique. thats the beauty of it, not flying uber planes all the time. it forces people to learn planes they normally don't fly. not your cup of tea? no problem. to each his own.

maybe you should get involved with the AVA just a bit more, before beating it up.  :salute

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #100 on: September 20, 2010, 08:02:14 AM »
Ok fair enough. But why post a question about what peoples opinion are about the AvA in the general discussion forum if you don't want opinions as to why some won't fly in there? You asked the questions and I replyed. You don't like my reply so now you're insulted.

1. Last time i was in the AvA for this BIG mission you advertised, it was to escort bombers with 51b. I get on the runway with everyone else and low and behold your PonyAce buddy has the only D model in the crowd WTF is up with that? That pretty much did it for me and your private arena.

2. 20 or 30 people!!!!!! woot! and laaaadeee friggin daaaaaa. what is that 10 or 15 to a side.! woot it's a party! Sounds like a busy nite in early war to me.

3. True enough I don't go in there anymore for the reasons I've already stated. As far as me only flying uber planes? Lets see, this weekend I flew a P40E, P39, 38s J&L, P47d11,51b as well as the D. I can't remember the last time i used perk points. So I really don't need to be forced to fly anything. But I do want that choice to be mine and not yours.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 08:57:41 AM by uptown »
Lighten up Francis

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #101 on: September 20, 2010, 08:08:44 AM »
The question is what will it take to get more folks in the AvA. The problem I see with the AvA is the planes sets and the historial aspect of it. I mentioned in another thread about how adding the full plane set would be a good idea. And I still stand behind that a degree. I don't mean having Ki61s or nikis at the BoB or 109s at Midway, but rather the full plane set for that respective country in the battle.

It's great that the AvA staff want to keep everything historically correct, but why not have the historical stuff as special events and have the players allowed to choose their own Axis or Allied ride at other times in there.
The arena is just too restrictive. It's like ENY hell in there. People complain about the ENY in the MAs. Does anyone really believe they will go to the AvA and fly a B5N when they're tired of the ENY somewhere else?
I say make it a true AvA arena and let the 2 sides duke it out. Historical battles are awesome but as I said before, make them a special event...not the norm. Do away with ENY, caps and all the other stuff the players come to the boards to complain about, and lets see what happens. Yeah it might flop, but what if it works out? I think most of us can agree that the way things stand in there now, it's not attracting players. try something different.

And Slash if you're reading this, I'm not trying to step on any toes here man. I'm just wanting to share my thoughts on the AvA and what can be done to make it a better arena for us all to enjoy. The maps are the best in the game IMO and most people don't even see them because they log on to see 5 in the arena and don't even bother checking it out. I know you guys work hard to keep it going but if you want folks to get in there and play, you have to come up with something different then what we have now. :salute

i understand what you're trying to say. but as for of my squaddies made a comment about eny the other night. it was too high to get a 38j or l(i think...i saw this on squad channel, as i was in a different arena). he didn't complain though, he just said he'd take a "G" instead.

 i believe that the majority of the players that complain about eny are those that are only willing to fly the "top shelf" aircraft, and possibly have never flown the lower capability aircraft. i know there will be exceptions to this.
 look at imadot.......the dude flys spit1 and hurri1, and schools guys in 190's and mustangs. and he has a friggin blast doing it. i haven't seen him in quite awhile, but there was a p-40 schooling AND out turning guys in spitfires.

 i was somewhat afraid to try the ava, as i don't get much flight time. i thought i was gonna go in there, and find zero fun, thus wasting my time. rangers map, plus the talking about it here lured me in there. it was/is a welcome break from the arcade style play that is developing in the main arenas. i mean....c'mon.......i friggin hate spitfires(flying em that is), and feel like i need a toxic shower to wash the spitfire off of me every time i do fly one(which technically i do when there's a cv vs base battle, as i fly the seafire from the cv).
 yet, i flew the spit5 friday night, and had fun in it. i flew a couple in the hurri2 also.........and i jumped a guy trying to raid one of our bases. that was fun, 'cause here i am a little above him, trying to set up the perfect "pounce", without giving my presence away. stalking so to speak. i got him, although i missed on my first burst.
 i know that it's not for everyone.....and i don't see myself flying in there exclusively. it's just another way to have a different kind of fun, mixed in with a little more immersion. it's also where i got the storylines i used in those other posts i did.

ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #102 on: September 20, 2010, 08:22:01 AM »
Do I need to start posting again?  Seems all the AvA lovers were on vacation last week  :rofl
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #103 on: September 20, 2010, 08:55:01 AM »
Thanks for being civil Cap :salute What gets me about the AvA staff is that they post a thread on what can they do to get folks interested in the AvA then they turn around in the same breath and say "well it may not be your cup of tea" or "to each his own". I make a comment or two and Captain1ma and Slash get offended and act as if I've never stepped foot in the place or I'm wanting everyone to play my way.
I just looked and there is 0 in the arena right now. Wtf is up with that? Is it not open? Is it closed until Captain1ma decides we can play? If the arena is so so great then why is it empty? It seems to me I'm not the only one that don't like their "cup of tea". But they don't want to hear that. They want us to believe that the 20 or 30 guys in there on occasion are right and the other 2500 or so of us are the ones that have it all wrong. But hey they must be right. They're "AvA STAFF".
Lighten up Francis

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Re: Questions about the AVA
« Reply #104 on: September 20, 2010, 09:16:34 AM »
actually i checked first, you haven't been in there in atleast 9 months. so ill ask the question, what what it take to get you or your squad in there more then once a week if at all? if your only thing is not having all the planes turned on, then I'm very sorry to disappoint you but it won't happen.

Maybe some day you will change your mind and give it a try. i hope to see you in there sometime.  :salute