1. what would it take for you or your squad to frequent the AVA 1 night or more a week?
2. what do you like about the AVA, if anything? (Please speak from experience)
3. what do you dislike about the AVA, if anything? (again, please speak from experience)
1. Not in a squad, but it would take having planes I want to fly available more often (for example: if Spits participated in the historical battle being modeled, they should be included- the "designer" shouldn't leave them out solely because he doesn't like them or thinks a K/D=0.9 plane is "easymode").
2. Historical matchups and the current icon settings. The icon settings totally change the fight. For example, it is possible to extend from a bad situation even in a slow plane by diving to the deck and making use of your camouflage. Having dot dar available makes it easy to find the enemy and friendly icons mean you do not have to identify plane types visually to know what's enemy and what's not. It does, I admit, place people with poor graphics systems or bad eyesight at a disadvantage, especially when trying to follow enemy below you against the terrain. However, I personally think it increases the immersion by requiring SA and increasing uncertainty. (The argument "hey, you want immersion, turn
your icons off while I leave mine on" is specious as it creates a grossly unbalanced situation, much more unbalanced than graphical limitations cause with no icons.)
3. Not being able to fly a plane I like. Also, there is little coordination and it is more like a dueling arena; I'd enjoy it more if people ran missions. In the past the entire reason I stayed away was the attitude problem, but I haven't really seen any of that lately.