I've always had a great interest in a AvA arena. Hell I got into this game because I thought CT was going to happen. The plane set doesn't really bother me. What keeps me away, and probably most others, is the low numbers in there. 20 or 30 players logged on in the AvA may be good by the AvAs standards but it's pretty sparse when most players are use to flying with 2, 3 or 400 people on any given night.
I wish I had the answer that was acceptable to everyone to get folks in there. Because I really do believe there's more fun to be had in there as opposed to the mains. I think adding more planes is the answer to attract more people. Can't the arena be setup like the TA with different sectors, except divided into time periods and have 2,3 or 4 different battles going on at once? 40-41 in one corner, 42-43 in another and 44-45 in the other?
I know it sounds nutty but surely there must be some way to get the full plane set available to the players. Once you get people in there that might peak their interest into the other lesser known planes and find out they're just as fun. And they might learn a little something about history while they're at it.
I heard a guy the other night crying about how the 3 country setup sucks. I suggested he go to the AvA, his reply was "they don't have LA7s". Personally I think if you want people to log in there you're going to have to offer something they want to fly and be competitive in. Add the big guns and fast planes and people will come. Folks flock to the orange arena because that's where the big fights are. Big fights are there because it offers something for everyone, not because there's 3 sides instead of 2.
The historical aspect of the arena is great but sometimes history can be ....well boring.