Personally, I find myself on the fence of the subject, but understand the strategic value of moving CVs out of a hot area.
Moving out of a hot area is one thing... but keeping them 20 sectors away behind the continent no matter what the overall strategic situation is another one. Particularly as some squads use numerical superiority at off-peak times for raiding ports with the explicit intention of stealing the CV and hiding it.
The problem is, often on a ocean map you have the majority of CV's completely taken out of the game. And on huge maps, it's very difficult to find them and to get them back into play.
It would be neat if a country could not "own" more CV's than it has ports. Basically once a port has been captured its CV re spawns to its origin port after say 60 minutes. We could consider that the CV was "scuttled" and the origin port had made a new fleet.
I think this is a good idea. Could even be longer (like 3 hours or so)... which means it has some merit to keep CV alive for some time, but doesn't keep CV's out of the game indefinitely. It's also a good incentive to get the port back (thus creating fights!). Maybe you should create a distinct thread for this wish ?
Not we but specifically the CV admirals...
Well, that reads a bit different than your initial "cant expect any of the higher rank players to do anything about it because they are part of the problem as well"
Being a high ranked player all the time, I do not support the complete removal of CVs from the game. I'm just not online long enough or being able to keep attention for a specific CV long enough.
Another reason I'm currently leaving CVs alone (except emergency actions like turning the ship away from bombers or PT spawns, or prevent someone parking the CV in front of a SB), is that I'm currently hopping through the countries like crazy (several times a day) - And it doesn't look too good if I turn a CV back towards the "enemy" and then switch to them 30 minutes later.