Author Topic: WWI Arena Attractions  (Read 2724 times)

Offline F6Fraven

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2010, 05:52:33 PM »
They're dedicated enough to keep with it as it is now, even though it has no strats, base captures and other things you think make an arena fun. But if given that choice, what's preventing them from going to that arena?  nothing at all.
As the arena is now, if you get 6 people on for a furball you're lucky, adding that arena might take that number down even farther. And I'm not really sure what you have against a furball only arena, or what you have against my furballer's mentality, other than you want to change an arena to suit your demands.

Offline Lusche

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2010, 05:55:03 PM »
They're dedicated enough to keep with it as it is now, even though it has no strats, base captures and other things you think make an arena fun. But if given that choice, what's preventing them from going to that arena?  nothing at all.
As the arena is now, if you get 6 people on for a furball you're lucky, adding that arena might take that number down even farther. And I'm not really sure what you have against a furball only arena, or what you have against my furballer's mentality, other than you want to change an arena to suit your demands.

You are simply afraid it could be successful?

Why would you not like to give the players the choice? If they would chose the "strat" arena over the still existing "furball" arena, because it's more fun to them... what is the problem?

« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 05:56:40 PM by Lusche »
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Offline CptTrips

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2010, 05:56:58 PM »
And I'm not really sure what you have against a furball only arena, or what you have against my furballer's mentality, other than you want to change an arena to suit your demands.


I have nothing against your dogfight-only arena.  I don't want to change it a bit.
I just want to add another one beside it with a different format that others might enjoy.
Whats wrong with having a choice?

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Offline F6Fraven

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2010, 06:05:12 PM »
To be totally honest with you, I bet it would be successful. Most people in the game don't like spending all their time dogfighting, and I respect that. But my view is that I don't want the arena changed, whether it would be successful or not. And that's because I like it the way it is, and that's just my viewpoint.

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #34 on: November 21, 2010, 06:08:21 PM »
To be totally honest with you, I bet it would be successful. Most people in the game don't like spending all their time dogfighting, and I respect that. But my view is that I don't want the arena changed, whether it would be successful or not. And that's because I like it the way it is, and that's just my viewpoint.

Well, I respect that.  I don't agree, but I understand your preference.

But I'll continue trying to change it if you don't mind.  ;)

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Offline F6Fraven

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2010, 06:10:46 PM »
I don't agree with you're view on it, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Offline CptTrips

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2010, 06:14:56 PM »
I don't agree with you're view on it, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Look on the bright side.

At the moment, you get to have it your way.

I have to bide my time.

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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2010, 06:19:34 PM »
When we did the WWI birds in AVA it was an absolute HOOT!!!! 

I'm actually surprised, based on the number of gripes on the boards, that the WWI arena doesn't have more numbers. 

I'm looking forward to the next WWI setup in my neck of the woods. 

That said I think some GV's and bombers would help the numbers a bit.  You know for retards like me that know how to manufacture their own fun and stuff :)
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Offline SCTusk

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #38 on: November 21, 2010, 10:21:27 PM »
Ahhhh this old chestnut  :uhoh ok deep breath......

I see this as a simple choice between two options:

OPTION 1: Dogfight Arena - Tusk he up in Camel broom broom, ooops Dr1 uh oh turn dive climb turn BANG Tusk he dead.

OPTION 2: WW1 Things To Do Arena - Tusk he up in Camel, observation balloon woohoo.... watch the archie Tusk.... rat a tat woohoo. Nasty Hun supply train woo hoo.... Tusk drop he bombs darn missed. Ah Hun recon plane woo hoo..... watch tail gunner (ouch) pw darn.... rat a tat hehe. Uh oh Dr1 turn dive climb turn BANG Tusk he dead.

In case that's not clear enough, I'm obviously starting to go slightly mad upping into a Dr1 swarm and getting shot down repeatedly for no discernible gain. Ok the top dozen or so triplane drivers have it sorted WTFG hooray for them  :salute gf gj etc etc. What about the rest of us, or do they expect us to keep coming back for more ad infinitum? At least give us a shot at destroying something before we get our arses handed to us on a plate. Some sort of reason for taking one on the chin for King and Country.

And before anyone chimes in with the old 'learn to fly and fight better' bollocks, well save it, I've peaked already. That camel ain't turnin' any faster, and this old brain ain't capable of coming up with a counter to the Dr1.... believe me I've tried - ask iwlf and Ehre. As for flying another a/c (would that be the Dr1 you're suggesting?) no thanks, I don't want to improve my score, I just want to have some fun and experience a little of that WW1 flavour as an Allied cartoon pile-it (not Bish, or Nit, or Rook, btw, but that's another issue I guess).

If I could get enough people interested I'd try and organise an overwhelming Camel sweep - give them Dr1 drivers the mother of all dogfights lol. See how many come up after they've been dropped half a dozen times in succession. But I've seen grown men weep after getting the F.1 back on terra firma (those that can walk away, that is) and most swear never to fly the thing again.

So whatever Fate has in store for the WW1 scene here, those WW1 addicts amongst us will no doubt see it through to the bitter end in our chosen ride. But the pure dogfighting thing is an illusion. If all the a/c were the same then yes, that might be close to a level playing field. At the moment it's just a Fokker Scourge replay with no incentive to up in the other a/c other than pure bloody mindedness.

 :salute to the Dr1 drivers btw, not their fault things are as they are. However I'd like to award iwlf and Ehre the Distinguished Flying Cuss for their repeated 2v1 alt picking on my poor old Camel the other day, serves me right for coming back up each time  :) Either one of you could have achieved the same result co-alt guys. But shooting someone else down never gets old does it.
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Offline phatzo

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2010, 10:33:18 PM »
Tusk what time do you usually fly, I would love to battle the Fokker scourge with you. Adelaide time OK and I will convert to ESDT.
No thank you Turkish, I'm sweet enough.

Offline 321BAR

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #40 on: November 21, 2010, 10:36:26 PM »
Ahhhh this old chestnut  :uhoh ok deep breath......

I see this as a simple choice between two options:

OPTION 1: Dogfight Arena - Tusk he up in Camel broom broom, ooops Dr1 uh oh turn dive climb turn BANG Tusk he dead.

OPTION 2: WW1 Things To Do Arena - Tusk he up in Camel, observation balloon woohoo.... watch the archie Tusk.... rat a tat woohoo. Nasty Hun supply train woo hoo.... Tusk drop he bombs darn missed. Ah Hun recon plane woo hoo..... watch tail gunner (ouch) pw darn.... rat a tat hehe. Uh oh Dr1 turn dive climb turn BANG Tusk he dead.
:rofl :rofl :rofl

But honestly. I've flown em all. I never got the hang of the DRI so i stuck with my DVII and F.1 and then i see a DRI (sometimes two...or three...or...well you get it) and in a 1 on 1 the DRI just... wins... Tusk, yeah what time you online usually? ill fly with you and phatzo against the DRI scourge in a camel
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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #41 on: November 22, 2010, 12:27:40 AM » would have to take the trenches before you can make an attempt on a base.  So it would all start out in no mans land.  Players can man machine gun nests to prevent troops from reaching the "map room" of that section of trench (there will, of course, be auto).  Once you have taken the last trench of one side in a section of the line, you can spawn tanks and trucks, and make a go at a field.  Meanwhile, people will spawn into the neighboring trench lines and move in to recapture a trench.  Basic idea on base taking side of WW1.

If I had the option to up bombers in the WWI arena to blow stuff up, I would frequent the arena a LOT more.  I get the urge to fly WW1 planes more often than not, but with only fighters (only 4 of them to boot) in the WW1 arena, I only find it a "once in a blue moon", type of visit.  It is fun, but get's boring right quick.  I kinda like the idea of upping a recon plane to spot balloon's and what-not.  Recon Balloon's, sector x.x.x *place marker*, 2k.  Train spotted, sector x.x.x *place marker*.  A marker would be seen by everyone, but would only last 15 mins and can only be done while in a Recon plane set to recon/scouting mode.  Perks awarded while in Recon/Scouting mode, will go to GV, Fighter, Bomber perks depending.  EX: Say I upped an SBD in Scouting mode and manage to shoot down a Zero.  Perks would go to Bomber.  If it the plane is specifically recon, then any perks gained would go to bomber (unless you want them to go through hassle of adding another perk section.  At which point, how would one burn off Recon/Scout perks?).  The purpose of Scout/Recon Mode is so you can set markers.  You will receive perks while in this mode, but at only, say, 50% of what you would get normally.

Recon Balloon's are AI spawned, so there wouldn't be a set location to where they spawn.  Only that they will spawn on their side of the line at an alt of 1-3k and will not spawn if enemy recon balloon's are in the same sector/across the line.  They will give locations of what they can see.  Range wouldn't be overly far, so maybe 5 miles around the balloon's?

Zeppelin's are AI spawned and will fly a preset path into enemy territory to bomb targets.  However, a player can set their waypoints to hit targets and/or scout, but must take command and sit in it's "tower" or on one of the manned guns on it in order for it to complete it's task.  They will have a limited range (of course), and once it's reached this limit, it will automatically head back to it's launch base.  At this point, no one can take command of it, but can still take over one of it's manned guns.

All very basic ideas and gives options to do other stuff in the WW1A.  You don't need base takes at this time, but the other stuff I think, would be fun to do.  Upping a Handley Page O/400 or Gotha G.V to bomb stuff....*drools* :x
Quote from: hitech
Wow I find it hard to believe it has been almost 38 days since our last path. We should have release another 38 versions by now  :bhead
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What on Earth makes you think that i said that sir?!
My guess would be scotch.

Offline SCTusk

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #42 on: November 22, 2010, 05:18:22 AM »
 :salute phatzo, 321BAR..... "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day."

William Shakespeare (Henry V - King Henry's speech prior to Battle of Agincourt, 1415)

hehe too dramatic? Anyhoo, I think a good time for a one-off sweep would be this Sunday afternoon Adelaide time (which is Sat evening in US I think) say around 1300hrs Adelaide (1pm). That ought to be 1030hrs Sat evening EST (USA) and there always seems to be a small group of guys in there around that time, for an hour or three.

My regular times are (some) afternoons 1200hrs to 1600hrs (that's a window, I don't always fly the whole 4 hours) and (some - but more often) early mornings 0100hrs to 0300hrs, this period starts very slow but gets a few more in around 0200hrs. I would value your company in there at any time, but hopefully we can get a few more Camel jockeys to show up for the one-off sweep and teach those pesky triplanes a thing or two about unfair tactics  :aok 

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Offline HawkerMKII

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #43 on: November 22, 2010, 06:50:03 AM »
8th of November 1965, 173RD Airborne <S>

Offline Ghosth

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Re: WWI Arena Attractions
« Reply #44 on: November 22, 2010, 07:07:25 AM »
Tusk nailed it.

Need more things we can do where we have at least a slightly higher percentage chance of living after being chewed up by the furball.

I don't care if its herding sheep, trying to pop barrage balloons that will respawn 10 min later, or trying to shoot down the zep that twice an hour makes its slow way at 10k from one corner of the map to the other.

BTW shooter could get name in lights, and life goes on. (Zep should belong to no country, or rotate country)
I guess if you had a Bish zep at the top of the hour, then a Knight zep at 20 after, and a rook zep at 20 too, you would not only get people trying to shoot it down. You'd get some defenders as well.

More to do, LOTS more to do if you want more than 12 people in the arena.
And we need more squadrons to support it by bringing their squadrons over once we do have more to do.