Ahhhh this old chestnut

ok deep breath......
I see this as a simple choice between two options:
OPTION 1: Dogfight Arena - Tusk he up in Camel broom broom, ooops Dr1 uh oh turn dive climb turn BANG Tusk he dead.
OPTION 2: WW1 Things To Do Arena - Tusk he up in Camel, observation balloon woohoo.... watch the archie Tusk.... rat a tat woohoo. Nasty Hun supply train woo hoo.... Tusk drop he bombs darn missed. Ah Hun recon plane woo hoo..... watch tail gunner (ouch) pw darn.... rat a tat hehe. Uh oh Dr1 turn dive climb turn BANG Tusk he dead.
In case that's not clear enough, I'm obviously starting to go slightly mad upping into a Dr1 swarm and getting shot down repeatedly
for no discernible gain. Ok the top dozen or so triplane drivers have it sorted
WTFG hooray for them

gf gj etc etc. What about the rest of us, or do they expect us to keep coming back for more ad infinitum? At least give us a shot at destroying something before we get our arses handed to us on a plate. Some sort of
reason for taking one on the chin for King and Country.
And before anyone chimes in with the old 'learn to fly and fight better' bollocks, well save it, I've peaked already. That camel ain't turnin' any faster, and this old brain ain't capable of coming up with a counter to the Dr1.... believe me I've tried - ask iwlf and Ehre. As for flying another a/c (would that be the Dr1 you're suggesting?) no thanks, I don't want to improve my score, I just want to have some fun and experience a little of that WW1 flavour as an
Allied cartoon pile-it (not Bish, or Nit, or Rook, btw, but that's another issue I guess).
If I could get enough people interested I'd try and organise an overwhelming Camel sweep - give them Dr1 drivers the mother of all dogfights lol. See how many come up after
they've been dropped half a dozen times in succession. But I've seen grown men weep after getting the F.1 back on terra firma (those that can walk away, that is) and most swear never to fly the thing again.
So whatever Fate has in store for the WW1 scene here, those WW1 addicts amongst us will no doubt see it through to the bitter end in our chosen ride. But the pure dogfighting thing is an illusion. If all the a/c were the same then yes, that might be close to a level playing field. At the moment it's just a Fokker Scourge replay with no incentive to up in the other a/c other than pure bloody mindedness.

to the Dr1 drivers btw, not their fault things are as they are. However I'd like to award iwlf and Ehre the Distinguished Flying Cuss for their repeated 2v1 alt picking on my poor old Camel the other day, serves me right for coming back up each time

Either one of you could have achieved the same result co-alt guys. But shooting someone else down never gets old does it.