Author Topic: Learning Curve  (Read 2934 times)

Offline Wiley

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Re: Learning Curve
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2011, 04:44:24 PM »
And that is the part you don;t get.  I fly to do both.  However, I choose to do it by killing my opponents no matter how many, what plane they are in, and what advantage they may have.  If they don't have any of the above my job is easier.  If they do, my job is harder.  Do I die a lot doing it? yes, but heck of a lot more fun than running scared.

Here is what dueling teaches you.  I have the plane to run any time I feel like it but this was a bit more fun.

Learn that in the MA if you can

Not in front of filmviewer, I'm sure your skills are awe inspiring. :aok

Two things though:

You aren't flying to survive.  Your priority is on getting kills.  It is a fun way to fly.  Fun is good.

I know without looking you didn't kill your enemies the same way you would've if you weren't 1 v many.  You fought differently, because that's how you have to fight in a crowd, because fighting in a crowd is fundamentally different from fighting 1v1.

You had to learn to fight in a crowd.  I am typing this slowly so hopefully it may be heard.  You had to learn to fight in a crowd, and that learning went beyond what you were doing 1v1, because it is a vastly different fight.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline cactuskooler

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Re: Learning Curve
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2011, 05:35:38 PM »
I disagree.  In a side based fight with vertical separation, it's not that hard to get some separation from the guy you're fighting, and take a poke at a lower enemy engaged with a friendly, the only downside is, you've got to get another reversal on the guy you were originally engaged with.  It's a consideration that wouldn't come up in a 1v1.


If all you intend to do is come to the fight at high altitude, shoot the low occupied enemy and immediately skedaddle back to safety, then you're right; learning to duel isn't going to help much. If you ever get into to a situation where a bad guy(s) is planning to shoot at you or you need to maneuver to get the kill, then skills that can be learned and perfected from dueling will greatly help you.

You're 800 out on the six of a better turning plane. He's flying about 200mph, you're about 230. He breaks hard to the right. This is a situation that happens in both the MA furball and a duel in the DA.

The timid player thinks he has no chance of getting the kill without risk. He breaks off the attack and retreats back to safety.

The less timid player that has never dueled or learned any ACM will yank the stick back in a hard turn going for the shot, miss the impossible shot completely, and overshoot. He just bled his superior E state and is doomed because the better turning plane just reversed him is now dead on his six and ready to fire.

The dueling purest sees the impending overshoot and pulls into the vertical and starts a high yo-yo. He's now dead on the enemy's six and ready to fire... BAM. The full time dueler is back in the tower because a P-51 just bounced him. He never saw it coming.

The player well versed in skills learned both from furballing and from dueling, sees the overshoot, checks for any imminent threats before starting the high yo-yo, he sees the P-51, breaks off the attack on the better turning plane and evades or kills the P-51.

To be the most efficient and effective furballer as possible, one needs to know everything.
80th FS "Headhunters"


Offline dedalos

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Re: Learning Curve
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2011, 03:36:29 PM »
Not in front of filmviewer, I'm sure your skills are awe inspiring. :aok

Two things though:

You aren't flying to survive.  Your priority is on getting kills.  It is a fun way to fly.  Fun is good.

I know without looking you didn't kill your enemies the same way you would've if you weren't 1 v many.  You fought differently, because that's how you have to fight in a crowd, because fighting in a crowd is fundamentally different from fighting 1v1.

You had to learn to fight in a crowd.  I am typing this slowly so hopefully it may be heard.  You had to learn to fight in a crowd, and that learning went beyond what you were doing 1v1, because it is a vastly different fight.


Lol, you are awesome.  You know how I learned, if I fly to survive, and how the fight went with out looking at the film.  You sir are  :rock
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.