Well said Wabbit. I sincerely agree. In the MA's it's a cage match, nothing and more nothing less. Expect the red guys to try to kill you at all times in a multitude of ways. Try to do it to them first.
, but I think there is a hole your analogy. It's not a cage. Imagine a cage fight with no cage and running away was allowed. Most fights would suck.
There is balance that those that design the cage try to achieve. Big enough to allow speed and footwork advantages to be a part of the fight, but small enough to force them to have to fight.
"running away" and "extending as part of the tactics in a fight" are are not really the same thing. Running away is never coming back to fight.
I've had this problem with 1oldcoot [yes I'm calling him out as repeat offender] a lot in the Ma. I'm 15k in P-39 looking for bombers and along comes a P-51D. I pretend I don't see him and he markes a move towards me, so I turn in at about 5K con range. He breaks off. I close to 3K turning the turns but it's not long before his 5 ENY ride is 4K, then 5K then 6K. There is no one else even in the sector! I'm the only fun in town and he's running away...from a P-39! Which can't out climb, out turn, out gun, or out dive him. This has happened several times with him. with me in various planes, so I don't think it's plane dependant. He simply won't engage anyone that sees him. This seems to be happenning more and more in the MA, which I think is the impetuous for this thread.
It's a game, not a cage match, not a war. It's played for fun. The fun of any game is the competition it provides. Respect for your opponent and THEIR fun is called sportsmanship and makes any and every game better, and more fun.
Excessive vulching, running, and ganging is just bad sportsmanship. People who think bad sportsmanship is a legitimate strategy for "winning" any game are...well...shame worthy.