The only issue I have with the V guys is that they changed sides ... A lot of my time is taken up by base defense...when they were Knit (I think) I would always have a busy time..sure I had some issues with some of the ways they fought...but then when a base is close to being taken most of the red guys do the same thing...but these guys actually did take it on board and to their detriment in some cases. ..then I get on one day and they are here on my side base defending days slowed down but didn't stop...and you know what?? every other group of guys trying to take a base do the same thing.....many other squads actually just hang about, just off the fringe of the base and wait for uppers to pounce on and gan.... I mean use wingm
en tactics on...but have no intention of taking the base ...At least the V guys are intent on taking the gloves off...
And as for the ..They don't want to fight bollocks....there is always one or two (not always the same either) helping at a capped and over run field....they are sometimes the only ones who will up to give a hand..
In my mind all squads are the same...when they have an agenda they do what is necessary...just like any gang...get a couple of them aside and they are good guys...put them back into the group and they are just another boofhead gangbanger..and all the I don't likes or do's fly out the window...but that's the art of combat bigger and more guns on the day wins..