Author Topic: THIS is how you take care of a bully!  (Read 5230 times)

Offline moot

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2011, 06:25:43 PM »
The 'larger' kid doesn't need to have a sense of proportion,
Get outta here...  Doesn't need to have a sense of proportion?  Well then, let's just bust his legs and cave his skull in while we're at it.
That little mosquito was no threat whatsoever. Proof: Big guy took at least one punch without even moving. Just give the little guy a heavy slap to the face. If he comes back, another big slap, and keep going till the little guy gets it.
he was defending himself and he isn't reported to be a professional combatant that can properly gauge his strength or ability to injure.
cf "objective assessment" in retrospect, not as some pontification
 Also, before this occurs, this kid stands there and takes repeated physical abuse and you don't call that restraint?
That's restraint.  A potentially ER worthy pile driver isn't restraint.

You would lose the case in court, without a doubt.
What does that have to do with anything?  The vagaries of modern day American courts are meaningless to the realities of physiological trauma and street fighting tactics.

Are you kidding me? Did you get dropped on your head as a child? HE WALKED AWAY.
He walked away after pile driving a sorry excuse for a pre-teen skeleton into the ground.

If he wanted to he could have gotten on top of that kid and beat his face in, did he? NO.
Non sequitur.

 He was trying to avoid the fight.  That was shoving, cussing at him, and hit him multiple times. He was defending himself.
That doesn't change anything about the fact that his "defense" was excessive.

Are you kidding me?  He never threw a punch, he picked him up and through him to the ground.  It wasn't even a pile driver!  In self defense you do what you need to to stop the situation and get away which is exactly what that kid did.  And by the way, HE IS A KID!  
I'm not kidding you.  You're out of touch with reality if you think that a sloppy pile driver on concrete on a 3 years younger super featherweight, by someone with just a build advantage, in response to punches that aren't anywhere near dangerous, isn't grossly excessive.   And I'm no PC nanny.  I grew up taking and giving in fist fights, it's why I can't do sports today (bad joints), and I'll be first to admit that I miss fighting, and probably I'll argue that used in moderation it's good for kids.  But that pile driver wasn't "restraint".
And I don't give a rat's what courts say, that is probably one of the weakest arguments you could probably make.  The justice system has absolutely nothing to do with the physiology and tactics of martial arts.
You think he should be thinking in his head, while the other kid is smacking the crap out of him, how hurt he would be if he tries to defend himself?
Sure, he "didn't know what he was doing".  I could buy that.  But that doesn't make the exact thing that he did right.
By the way, you said self defense would be neutralizing the other kid?  He looked neutralized to me!
No kidding.  Let's for a second change a single thing here.  Let's take the exact same move and instead of towards the ground, let's apply a one-gravity-equivalent acceleration horizontally instead of vertically; that is, let's make the big kid toss the small kid against the wall, head first, hard enough that he gets the same dislocations and whatever else he got.  I'm curious if you'd deny it's excessive -- now that I think about it I expect you will.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 06:29:58 PM by moot »
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Offline gyrene81

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2011, 06:27:59 PM »
It's just one instance Frenchy.  Though the instigator sure looks like he might be that much of a bad apple.

PFactorDave / Canacka....  A pile driver drop on concrete isn't self defense.  Self defense would be neutralizing the little mosquito.  Doing something that could have killed him (drop him slightly different angle against the corner of that garden bank) rather than just send him flying or socking his lights out, that's excessive.  
Not brow beating, just an objective assessment.  The fat kid has (had) no sense of proportion as far as physical violence goes.  Or no sense of restraint.
that wasn't a "pile driver" was a body slam...and if that didn't "neutralize" the little turd, i'm sure the big kid would have done more...he displayed much more of a sense or proportion than your visual acquity...the little turd deserved a boot to the face once he was down, but he didn't get it...that's more restraint than i would have shown.
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Offline whiteman

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2011, 06:29:21 PM »
agree, little turd got off easy. I'm guessing that wasn't the first time that kid had given the big kid trouble.

Offline moot

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #48 on: March 16, 2011, 06:31:08 PM »
that wasn't a "pile driver" was a body slam...
What a load of fudging BS.  It's as good as a pile driver.  The kid is dropped head first. On concrete. The rest of your post is just added rambling.
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Offline MarineUS

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #49 on: March 16, 2011, 06:42:57 PM »
It's just one instance Frenchy.  Though the instigator sure looks like he might be that much of a bad apple.

PFactorDave / Canacka....  A pile driver drop on concrete isn't self defense.  Self defense would be neutralizing the little mosquito.  Doing something that could have killed him (drop him slightly different angle against the corner of that garden bank) rather than just send him flying or socking his lights out, that's excessive.  
Not brow beating, just an objective assessment.  The fat kid has (had) no sense of proportion as far as physical violence goes.  Or no sense of restraint.
You must have been dropped on your head. He neutralized the threat. And "no sense of restraint" - are you blind? He got punched in the face! Not ONCE, but TWICE before he decided to do something. Apparently that same kid had been bullying him all year.

Wake up.

It seems moot has been infected...
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline gyrene81

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #50 on: March 16, 2011, 06:45:24 PM »
What a load of fudging BS.  It's as good as a pile driver.  The kid is dropped head first. On concrete. The rest of your post is just added rambling.
moot, you were one of those little schoolyard turds as a kid weren't you? get smacked around after you picked on the wrong guy did you?

a body slam is not "as good as a pile driver" numbskull...the little kid did not in any way hit the concrete head first...get your eyes checked...then get a clue...the little turd was limping for a reason, legs/knees hit the ground first...he was dazed because the big kid dropped him on his head as soon as his legs/knees hit the ground...then bigger bully tries to step in, but wasn't sure he really wanted any of that action.

since you're so well versed in lack of are pile drivers:
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett

Offline 68ZooM

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #51 on: March 16, 2011, 06:46:44 PM »

UrSelf...Pigs On The Wing...Retired

Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch

Offline MarineUS

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2011, 06:49:33 PM »
Pile Driver

Body slam

Jeez :/
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline RoGenT

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #53 on: March 16, 2011, 06:54:10 PM »
I've seen the video few times more and I think the fat kid was right to defend himself. After reading Moot's points and thought I would chip in. In my own opinion, he was defending himself. Now I'm not saying the kid was in the right to slamming him and breaking a bone (don't know if he did or not) and I certainly not going to say what was going through his mind when he picked the kid up, but I for one thinking he didn’t have intentions of slamming him that hard into the concrete, but wanted to defuse the situation enough for the kid to learn a lesson.  I have no doubt there is going to be lawsuits and few court related things. With that said and done, I'll tell a quick story. My sister and I were always getting picked on because our father was chief of police for long while, and I do remember this one time particular. I was in either 4th or 5th grade. There were couple of older kids who would literally chase me after school, sometimes they caught me, and sometimes they did. The first time, they would just push me down or steal my backpack. Sometimes they would do that to my friend if he was with me, but their main focus was on me. After awhile they end up getting more physical and I usually end up coming out of it sporting a bloody lip and few bruises. It stopped for a good while but one night when I was playing shooting hoops in the driveway, they decided to pay me a visit. Well they were pushing me around again and finally I had enough. I had the ball in my hand so I threw it (I was only two feet away) and hit one of them smack in the face, and the other one was so shocked about it, he didn’t react and I kicked him in the nads (I was only little kid at that time so had to hit where I could lol) and that hunched him over low enough for me to give him a good punch to the jaw line. They both were on the ground and I went back into my house. They never bothered me after that. Years later though, I ran into one of them at the store. I guess time made him grow up little bit more and he apologized for all those times him and his friend were bullying to me. I accepted it being it was years ago. I had to ask him why exactly they did and I found out it was because my dad had arrested his older brother.
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Offline moot

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #54 on: March 16, 2011, 06:59:14 PM »
You must have been dropped on your head.
irrelevant and inaccurate ad hominem
He neutralized the threat.

More than
And "no sense of restraint" - are you blind? He got punched in the face! Not ONCE, but TWICE before he decided to do something.
Once again someone is not reading what he's replying to.  What were the exact words?  He's either got no sense of restraint, or no sense of scale. IE if he has a sense of restraint, he doesn't have an accurate sense of what to expect.  Which is really nothing you can't see for yourself anytime someone new tries something like martial arts.  E.G. martial arts newbies the world around falling on the floor trying to kick or badly estimating jumps or having bad motor coordination.  There's really nothing extraordinary about anything I've said, other than a couple of you guys finding it incredible because it disagrees with you, and/or jumping on any opportunity (e.g. misquoting) to save face in this argument.

Standing still while someone punches you is restraint.  What happened next wasn't.  I can't make it any simpler than that, and you guys keep trying to complicate it.
Apparently that same kid had been bullying him all year.
And I'm supposed to guess this from the vid... how?
It seems moot has been infected...

moot, you were one of those little schoolyard turds as a kid weren't you? get smacked around after you picked on the wrong guy did you?
:lol  "Not even wrong"
a body slam is not "as good as a pile driver"
It is when it's carelessly executed by a sloppy fattie like that kid.  It could just as well have ended up with the scrawny kid injuring his neck pretty bad if he'd fallen just wrong, e.g. clumsily trying to recover in just the wrong way on his way down.  This isn't rocket science either.  How do I know this?  Lots of experience with what should have been harmless fights turning into serious injuries.
the little kid did not in any way hit the concrete head first...get your eyes checked...then get a clue...the little turd was limping for a reason, legs/knees hit the ground first...he was dazed because the big kid dropped him on his head as soon as his legs/knees hit the ground...then bigger bully tries to step in, but wasn't sure he really wanted any of that action.
Not the point
since you're so well versed in lack of are pile drivers:
:rolleyes:  How about a game of semantics
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Offline canacka

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #55 on: March 16, 2011, 06:59:25 PM »
Get outta here...  Doesn't need to have a sense of proportion?  Well then, let's just bust his legs and cave his skull in while we're at it.
That little mosquito was no threat whatsoever. Proof: Big guy took at least one punch without even moving. Just give the little guy a heavy slap to the face. If he comes back, another big slap, and keep going till the little guy gets it. "objective assessment" in retrospect, not as some pontificationThat's restraint.  A potentially ER worthy pile driver isn't restraint.
What does that have to do with anything?  The vagaries of modern day American courts are meaningless to the realities of physiological trauma and street fighting tactics.

He walked away after pile driving a sorry excuse for a pre-teen skeleton into the ground.
Non sequitur.
That doesn't change anything about the fact that his "defense" was excessive.

I'm not kidding you.  You're out of touch with reality if you think that a sloppy pile driver on concrete on a 3 years younger super featherweight, by someone with just a build advantage, in response to punches that aren't anywhere near dangerous, isn't grossly excessive.   And I'm no PC nanny.  I grew up taking and giving in fist fights, it's why I can't do sports today (bad joints), and I'll be first to admit that I miss fighting, and probably I'll argue that used in moderation it's good for kids.  But that pile driver wasn't "restraint".
And I don't give a rat's what courts say, that is probably one of the weakest arguments you could probably make.  The justice system has absolutely nothing to do with the physiology and tactics of martial arts.Sure, he "didn't know what he was doing".  I could buy that.  But that doesn't make the exact thing that he did right.No kidding.  Let's for a second change a single thing here.  Let's take the exact same move and instead of towards the ground, let's apply a one-gravity-equivalent acceleration horizontally instead of vertically; that is, let's make the big kid toss the small kid against the wall, head first, hard enough that he gets the same dislocations and whatever else he got.  I'm curious if you'd deny it's excessive -- now that I think about it I expect you will.

Can I come over to see you and start repeatingly hit you in the face?  Please?  Show me restraint.  you said he didn't cause he picked the kid up and slammed him.  So in your words, you cannot touch me, you will have to stand there and take everything I have to give out.  Will you fight back------now that I think about it I expect you will.
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Offline moot

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2011, 07:06:13 PM »
I can smell the testosterone boiling over from here.  
Can I come over to see you and start repeatingly hit you in the face?  Please?  Show me restraint.
You couldve seen me exercise restraint the way the big kid did in the first half, any of the times where I did nothing while some "numbskull" went far and away beyond reasonable justification for a good bellybutton kicking.  One of those times I did an especially beautiful drop kick onto another kid's head, spraining it.  That was excessive for sure (similar provocations from that kid as in the vid, added humiliation was that it was all over a girl which up to that point he had won over), and I've done worse things I won't mention here, the tamest of em putting kids/people in the hospital.  

Excessive use of power is nothing to brag about. This is one of the first things you learn in just about any good martial arts training, so I really can't take any of you guys seriously when you pretend it's incredible.
you said he didn't cause he picked the kid up and slammed him.  So in your words, you cannot touch me, you will have to stand there and take everything I have to give out.  Will you fight back------now that I think about it I expect you will.
In my words?  Show me where I said that.
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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2011, 07:10:56 PM »
You put someone in hospital moot?

With what? An extensive quote and gibberish bat?
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Tupac

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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #58 on: March 16, 2011, 07:11:51 PM »
As someone who has been in a fight with a bully, I can safely say the LAST thing going through your mind is a wrestling move. You just want him to leave you alone, but on my end I was the little kid and the bully was the bigger kid.
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Re: THIS is how you take care of a bully!
« Reply #59 on: March 16, 2011, 07:11:58 PM »
moot, if you would have read the entire report (it's all over the news -_-) you would have known the kid had been bullying him all year long.

He could have punched the kid in his face and kept on until his skull caved in - he picked him and threw him into the ground instead.

Common sense is not what you are infected with. You seem to be one of those "Let's baby the populace" individuals. I bet you're one of those who seem to not know the difference in between beating a child and spanking a child so you support a ban on parents popping the hand of a kid.

EDIT: Hell just for laughs - he could have kicked the loser in the nads over and over and ruined his ability to have kids.
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.
