See, that makes me want to fly the p38 and 109k even more. This is mainly due to the fact that I hate flying planes labeled as noob friendly and I hate the way spitfires look (omg blasphemy, /flamesuit on). I also don't like any of the japanese or italian planes. That pretty much narrows it down to the 109, 190, and p38 series of planes. So far I've only tried the p38 and 109k. I like both of them. The 190 that I want to try is the A8, mainly because I like to have craploads of firepower, but I've been told it's a terrible performer.
I like the F4U1-A, P51-D, and P47-N/M because I love being able to stick to the same plane for attack missions as well as dogfighting. Only problem is that if I'm gonna fly an american ride, it's gotta be the p38. I like the LA-7 since I like to fly low, but hate the label that comes with flying it and hate the gun package. I don't like any of the spitfires or the italian planes, I do like the Hurri-D though (for anti GV when ord is down) and the Mossie (basically a slower p38, I use it when the fighter hangars are down). Then there is the 109k which I love because it's fast on the ground, has good, albeit hard to use, firepower, and can climb like crazy to catch bombers. Lastly, the 190 series, which I haven't tried but I suspect is going to be worse than the 109k performance wise but with better guns.
After playing a few days I realize that the way I like to fly, regardless of whether or not it is the best way to fly or the safest, is to BnZ at the start of a furball and then knife fight once the fight has been started. I really like fighting in the vertical, the rope a dope is probably my favorite move to use and works well in the p38 and the 109k. As for looks, the p38-L green skin is my favorite followed closely by the 109k's JG52 skin. These two look so good that I want to build a model of them (although I would probably want the shark/crocodie/whatever you call it paintjob on the front of the p38, kinda like how they do it on the A-10).
Anyways, those are just my thoughts at the moment,