Author Topic: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR  (Read 6876 times)

Offline Ex-jazz

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2011, 12:41:30 PM »
you cant compare Nascar to F1 two totaly different leagues, cars, racing styles, car designs, drivers... all the F1 drivers that have came to Nascar have come up short and are just average drivers, nothing special from any of them

How many NASCAR driver qualified to the F1 series and how well they made it there?

Offline 68ZooM

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2011, 02:12:14 PM »
How many NASCAR driver qualified to the F1 series and how well they made it there?

well without doing any in depth research as far as any Nascar Driver going to F1 off the top of my head i would say A.J. Foyt or one of the Andretti's but that was long ago and they both competed in both formats and had great success at each level,   F1 and Nascar are two totally separate beasts, They start their carears off at very young ages for the type of racing they want to do, be it  F1 ,Open Wheel Dirt, Modified, or Nascar they train for that type of racing, i wouldn't expect any Nascar driver who turns to F1 racing to be any kind of dominating factor against the seasoned F1 drivers, just like i don't expect any F1 driver coming into Nascar to be a dominating factor, there hasn't been one yet, if Montoya is the best thing that's came from F1 then i think the Nascar drivers will be safe, just like F1 drivers will be safe from Nascar drivers trying to become a top F1 Driver, it just requires different training

I'm not saying one series is better than the other you can't, it relies to much on what country you live in..F1 is/has a Europeon History, Nascar has an American History, same concept different cars, i like them both but favor Nascar more simply because i grew up around it  :aok
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Offline saggs

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2011, 02:31:16 PM »
How many NASCAR driver qualified to the F1 series and how well they made it there?

There is only one I can think of who went from NASCAR to F1 and did well, very, very well in fact.  The great Mario Andretti, F1 Champion 1978

The only other American Champion in F1 was Phil Hill back in the early 60's.  I don't believe he ever raced a "stock" car series.

Like I said, I'm sure there are some NASCAR drivers have the talent to do well in F1 if they where dedicated to it, but what's their motivation, they can be rock stars right at home in NASCAR.

Offline Mus51

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #48 on: March 30, 2011, 07:37:31 PM »
NASCAR is much more physically demanding. Some NASCAR races are go for 500 laps, how many in F1? I think the most I've seen was around 80.

I take it your being sarcastic. If not, then i strongly suggest not participating in a topic you don't have any knowledge of.


After watching the first half of the first race i fell a sleep.. that was one of the most boring races i've ever seen.

You all should watch the former american le mans series, now called intercontinental le mans cup ILMC :).



Offline MaSonZ

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #49 on: March 30, 2011, 08:35:52 PM »
I take it your being sarcastic. If not, then i strongly suggest not participating in a topic you don't have any knowledge of.


After watching the first half of the first race i fell a sleep.. that was one of the most boring races i've ever seen.

You all should watch the former american le mans series, now called intercontinental le mans cup ILMC :).

+1  :aok

or..even the race topic on hand...formula 1  :O

ILMC and F1 put NASCAR to shame. I grew up around NASCAR, but I cant stand watching the dog chase its tail. or the rock em sock em cause they made you mad. F1, and as far as i know, ILMC too, are very gentlemen like sports. you dont bash someone cause you get mad...and even if contact is incidental you could be DQ'd based on the officials thoughts  :O

F1 and NASCAR are both a different breed of horse, but they are equally fast does F1 get to 100mph? then gettin to 200+ on the starting sdtraight and slowin down to 50 or 60 for the first turn, NASCAR you put your foot in it, shift to 4th (or do they have 5 now?) and let it go.

my .02 on the two different race styles.
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Offline Stoney

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #50 on: March 30, 2011, 10:38:43 PM »
NASCAR you put your foot in it, shift to 4th (or do they have 5 now?) and let it go.

Uh, that's more than a little simplistic...  Those guys work their butts off for 3-4 hours.  Two totally different sports in totally different cars demanding totally different skill sets. 

To understand NASCAR, you need to go to a race.  If you don't see one in person, you'll never understand the appeal.  Furthermore, the two lowest-attended NASCAR races are the two road-course races, if that tells you anything.  At a normal oval track, the people in the stands can watch the entire track, instead of merely a part of it.
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #51 on: March 30, 2011, 11:02:31 PM »
Uh, that's more than a little simplistic...  Those guys work their butts off for 3-4 hours.  Two totally different sports in totally different cars demanding totally different skill sets. 

To understand NASCAR, you need to go to a race.  If you don't see one in person, you'll never understand the appeal.  Furthermore, the two lowest-attended NASCAR races are the two road-course races, if that tells you anything.  At a normal oval track, the people in the stands can watch the entire track, instead of merely a part of it.

I went to one race, it sucked.     

Again, there is NO comparison.   F1/WRC/ILMC anyday of the week.   
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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #52 on: March 30, 2011, 11:19:38 PM »
I take it your being sarcastic. If not, then i strongly suggest not participating in a topic you don't have any knowledge of.



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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #53 on: March 30, 2011, 11:54:00 PM »
You greatly exaggerate here my friend.

From Gordon's own website.  

They say Montoya was less then a second slower then Gordon in the stock car.

Meanwhile Gordon's best lap in the F1 car was a.................... 1:16.7
Montoya's qualifiying lap for the US GP that year was.............. 1:11.4

5 seconds is an eternity in racing fast laps, with the 107% rule Gordon's lap would not have even qualified for the Grand Prix.  I don't know where you got that Gordon was "matching Montoya's lap times in Montoya's Williams on the Indianapolis F1 course" it's not even close.

Not ragging on Gordon at all, I admire his skill, I probably couldn't even get an F1 car (or NASCAR) around a single corner without dying.  This was after all just a publicity stunt, and I'll bet the FIA folks told him to not push to hard for fear of crashing a multi-million dollar race car.  I'm sure if he dedicated himself to it he could be competitive in F1.  Just saying you kinda misrepresented the facts there.

PS:  I do like Gordon better then Montoya by far though, no matter what sport.  That Montoya guy is a class A Jerkwad. 

A couple of points here...

1) Montoya's Williams was not set up for qualifying, it was set up as neutral as possible for Gordon to drive. Neutral is safe, but it isn't fast. Comparing a qualifying lap to Gordon's times is pure apples and oranges. Let's compare Montoya's best time to that of Gordon. Montoya's best lap in that car, that day, was just 1.3 seconds faster than Gordon, and Montoya stated that he was working quite hard to set that lap. On the other hand, we have Gordon, who had never driven the Williams prior, and had never turned a wheel on that road course before. On several segments of the course, Gordon was faster than Montoya. Too fast in one section, actually, as he blew his line and lost time. Keep in mind that Gordon drove just 7 laps... Seven. Give him 50 laps, and then a fresh set of tires and see what happens....

2) Gordon did not attempt to set a fast time in his Monte Carlo. He ran a few laps as a benchmark for Montoya to aim for. When asked if he had been pushing, Gordon replied, "why would I. What purpose would it serve?"

1.3 seconds is nothing when one considers the circumstances. 1.3 seconds is a big wiggle, or a missed shift. Considering that he was driving an unfamiliar car on an unfamiliar course... I call it remarkable. Besides, Gordon had his chance against the best Europe had to offer in the race of champions and walked away with the Nation's trophy, driving unfamiliar cars on an unfamiliar course. People forget, or don't know that Gordon was a Silver Crown champion, driving sprint cars sideways at 150 mph on dirt. King of the Outlaws, Steve Kinser, said that, "I couldn't beat Gordon on dirt the few times we raced together, and I couldn't beat him in stock cars either... That should tell you all you need to know about Jeff Gordon"  Kinser has 20 sprint car championships to his credit.

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2011, 11:54:31 PM »
I went to one race, it sucked.     

Again, there is NO comparison.   F1/WRC/ILMC anyday of the week.   
Michigan Raceway does suck. Try going to Bristol. I do enjoy other forms of racing, Nascar is by far the most popular in the states. Perhaps some F1 drivers could buy some charisma, instead of little pus like Fellipe Massa. JMO
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Offline Slash27

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2011, 12:02:50 AM »

Offline saggs

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2011, 01:52:14 AM »
There is still something really fishy about this story. (which is being reported many places now. )

Kimi made over $50,000,000 a year with Ferrari, one of the biggest sports contracts ever, he was offered an F1 seat last year by Toyota (before they pulled out) but turned it down because he wanted a better car and bigger contract.  He went to WRC because even though it was a lot less money, he said that rallying was his true passion.

Now he's gonna go to NASCAR??  :headscratch:  Starting fresh with a car that likely won't be competitive (new teams never are) where it is not likely he can make anywhere near F1 money?!?!  I don't know what's in his mind, but this move seems very, very odd to me.  Maybe he's been hitting the vodka a little too hard.  Or else he's just trying to build up his "ICE" or whatever it is brand, wherever he can.  Or maybe F1 and WRC won't have him anymore because of his lazy attitude and off-track antics so NASCAR is his last resort.  Maybe he knows he can make more money in NASCAR then WRC, but then what happened to rallying being his passion.   Or it's all a big April fools joke.

I would have more expected him to go into a league like IRL or American LeMans before NASCAR. :headscratch:   Unless it's all about money,  which is the only logical conclusion I can reach, that he burned to many bridges in F1 to go back, so he's going where the next most money is.  But since Ferrari paid him nearly $200 million I still don't get it.  


Why you're trying to use a one time publicity stunt with a handicapped F1 car to prove Jeff Gordon is somehow the greatest unknown open-wheel racer is beyond me.  NASCAR is not, and will never be in competition with Formula 1 for fans, sponsors, venues, or driver talent, they are two different worlds. (actually just the USA and then the rest of the world)  I really have no idea what you're trying to prove.   Most NASCAR fans I know are able to take a joke, it's just an easy sport to make fun of, (like curling, or bowling, or snooker ) learn to lighten up and laugh at yourself a little bit.  Take me as an example, I'm a curling fan for pete's sake.  Go ahead, make fun of curling, I don't care.

Too fast in one section, actually, as he blew his line and lost time.

 :lol  Yea, they have these things on real race tracks called corners, and you have to place your foot firmly on that squarish pedal next to the long skinny one or else you can't go 'round them.   ;)

P.S. How many NASCAR drivers does it take to screw in a light bulb????

Trick question, it's impossible they can only turn left.  :lol

(yes I know it takes lots of talent to race NASCAR, the above jokes are purely satire, relax.)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 02:29:35 AM by saggs »

Offline Mus51

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2011, 04:33:43 AM »
Here's a video with jenson button replying about the comparison from a fast road car to a F1 car:

Jenson Button:
''Its completely different. Its like flying a propeller plane and flying a fighter jet.

Your turning into a high speed corner thinking 'its not gonna go throe there' but the faster you go the more down-force you have the quicker you can go. Thats something which takes a lot of people time to get used to. And some people can get to an F1 driver to about something like 2 seconds if they've raced in other formula's but its that last bit thats very difficult. And they can get to those 2 seconds because they never crashed a F1 car yet.

Those last 2 seconds takes a lot of time and some people will never ever bridge that gap.

Here's another video about the forces a F1 car driver experience on a lap:

Bottom line - Jeff gordon might get to an F1 drivers lap time to about 2 seconds, but i highly doubt he will last a whole race with that pace. Especially races on tracks like Malaysia this year.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 04:36:24 AM by Mus51 »


Offline morfiend

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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2011, 04:41:34 AM »

  Kimi always was a problem for the F1 teams,he cant talk in public,they say he suffers from shyness.

 Add to that that on more than 1 occasion booze was a problem,trying to smooze a corporate sponsor and having a "shy" tipsy driver isnt going to go over good. Kimi didnt like MC bringing in Hamilton and making him the goto guy so he moved over the the prancing horse team.The team had 3 drivers so they let the old guy retire to keep the young bucks but that didnt work very well so they signed Alonso away from Renault because of various reasons.

  I'd like to see Kimi come to Nascar for the season that he'll stay then he'll go home again because he wont be a top runner and he cant handle that.As talented as he is he was rushed into the position of a F1 driver but I dont think he could handle all the off track duties thats goes with those 50 million dollar contracts.

  Of course this is just my oppinion,I'm a fan of racing any racing but I havent missed an F1 race since May of 84.


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Re: F1 driver Kimi Räikkönen to the NASCAR
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2011, 05:10:16 AM »
I highly respect that morfiend, i stopped watching since 2001 untill the last race of 2007.

Lewis Hamilton FTW!
