No whines here . Just never understood why a squad with big numbers gets on the forums and brags about taking bases. Might as well brag about spitting in the face of a 2 year old and taking his cookie. Want to impress me? Take 30 of you best and try to take a contested base from some squad with equal numbers and advantage. Like the Muppets or Chawks. Good old fashion head to head fighting. Beat them down and take the base they fly out of. Now thats fighting!!!
Gary, for every post that you can find a vTARD bragging about taking a base, I'll show you a dozen about someone whining about us taking one. In reality, the majority of our attempted base takes are foiled by determined defenders. On the other hand, no one has yet to stop them by complaining about them on the forums. And frankly, the best squads and pilots in the game typically flock to defend against us, and often prove quite successful in their efforts.
Imagine how boring this game would be if we all just posted up at 20k over our own bases, and never bothered to attack an enemy base. Our base taking missions, both the successful and the unsuccessful typically stir up quite a fight, and as we enter those fights we have 2500-3500 lbs of ordnance hanging from our wings, and we give up any altitude or energy advantage when we dive-bomb both the base and town. Now it seems to me that this should be a literal feast for defenders that have the SA to listen to the little voice "base under attack", and are willing up and defend their base. If they don't, we're as disappointed about the lack of resistance as you claim to be. However, all to often nobody seems to care when we attack a base, until of course they get here to the forums.
If you wanna stop us, just bring your squad to the fight, as you've mentioned, we come to YOUR base, is it to much to ask that you be there to fight us?