when I had comcast I never warped..yet had people tell me I warped....and one even came back and apologized to me said he reviewed the film and saw in the film I maneuvered while I was under his nose so he didn't see me maneuver and was surprised when I popped up on his 6....
what I find funny is the amount of "cheating" accusations that go on.
hell recently I was hearing a few people talk about a impervious 109...so I said to myself "well lets test that theory" first hit pieces were falling off... he died very shortly after.
people don't understand how someone does something they automatically assume "cheat" ....you hear "no way could that 190 out turn my spit" yet that 190 never "out turned" the spit just out "maneuvered"
I cant count the times Ive heard "no way can a hurri do that"
comes down to the same thing, people don't understand something they ASSUME the worst, what is sad is all the so called "vets" that cry cheat quicker then the noobs.
Well, I'll concede the advantage point to you guys I guess.
It's been so long since I've played with a crummy connection perhaps I've forgotten what it was like.
I still feel that hardcore habitual warpers should at least be given some sort of formal notice. By this I mean that they should be told that their connection isn't up to snuff and they might consider diagnosing the problem.
Most will simply scoff at it, but there may be some that are unaware of the issue and it might be the incentive needed to look into possible solutions.
BTW ink, I was in a furball last week against you and some of your buds. I never noticed any warpage from anybody in the area. 
I hate the fact that I will get a warp, truly hate it, thankfully its not that bad.....
another reason I say its not an advantage, someone with a high ping time, such as myself.
will not always "see" the nme where he really is...for instance I pride my self on my merge, on how to avoid a HO on the merge, yet just yesterday I merge with a spit, it was clean, until he passed me, then bullets started to hit my plane and he took out my engine oil

he was 400 behind me when the rounds started to hit.
did he cheat? no not even close, my connection is just that bad