Keep in mind that this game is played by people from around the globe and not all of them may have the same connectivity that you and I have. I know that some may use it to their advantage but to group all people into one group is a bit rash. What gives HTC the right to boot me after I pay my monthly fee because they think I lag to much?? I know I would be very upset with HTC if they did that. Not good to make your customers mad.
Most players from all around the world don't have awful 2+sec lag. Even players from places like Hungry, which may not have as developed infrastructure as say the UK. Also, a few upset players at the balanced by everyone else having a good environment seems to be a fair trade off...
Why should all the other players have to put up with one players laggy garbage connection, just so that one player is happy?
We are not talking about people with 300-500ms pings, we are talking about a perpetual few individuals who are around 2+ sec (2000+ ping time) who presence reduce the game experience from air combat to a futile game of whack-a-mole as they randomly jump across your screen.