there is no average when it comes down tot he page. as for every one that gets a kill somebody else dies. so it's always gonna be 1v1.
I think you are on the wrong track.
Yes, for each kill there is one death, but that has only remotely to do with the individual player's kill/
sortie in fighter mode. And even for the arena as a whole this average will be different over times (We had average k/s based on all arena sorties varying between 0.49 and 0.58 over the years).
A pilot with an average k/s of 1.0 (and that's what we were talking about) would have been better than 86% of all players in tour 140. Even if you would ignore all 2 weekers, you still end up with having a better K/S than 80% of the AH pilots.
So a consistent K/S of 1.0 is actually pretty good.