What would change that is to have the towns be %100 down. It takes that much more TIME to capture it, not people. Having to inspect each and every building in the town takes multiple pairs of eyes scouting. As it is now, the towns need to get hammers X amount and when the white flag goes up then the challenge is gone. Of course, the knee jerkers will say "that will bring even bigger hordes!!!" My reply is simple: how much bigger can the hordes get? 30v1 odds is no better than the 36v1 odds for the defenders. Adding in the the %100 will force some of the muscle of the horde to become scouts/eyes. Remove the white flag, up it to %95-%100 and find out.
I am no Snailman, but I would suggest that you look at the real numbers that we can draw conclusions from. I don't dismiss what you propose. I am merely pointing out the facts are not on your side.
1) The reason that the white flag and 50% town was brought into play was the stagnant maps that were never reset by players. That along with the numerous arrows pointing to the unintended consequences of redesign of damaged buildings (in contrast to undamaged buildings), about 50 more structures in town, and the addition of hills and hedges that impeded ground level verification on town status.
2) Take the data on bases captured under the pre - "new" town, compare it to the already tested 100 % no flagged "new" town. Hands down the base captures went FLAT! I remember the week the new towns, and vehicle bases came out. The capture crowd learned quickly.
Their immediate answer was the NOE raid, or in other words HORDE. So, the cries

started ".... why do you win the warz type ruin the game?" << NEVER AGREED WITH THIS
3) When HTC made a GOOD decision to make the traditional town capture easier 50% and with white flag, the maps were being reset again by players (even when we had split arenas). On top of the resets, the GAME PLAY was diverse.
You had hordes from missions and defenders, but you also had multiple fights involving all 3 countries in just about every area of the map. But this was not good enough

>>>> A small group could affect the outcome of the war <<<< The horror you say
4) Making things more stagnant again? Smokin' you have a long way to go to convince me this is what will help to keep subscriptions. What I do think would be both more challenging and fun, is more things to target that would affect base capibilities. We used to be able to pork fuel to 25%.
Instead of country wide ENY, find a comprehensive way to affect ENY in areas saturated with friendlies already. Those sort of things that can give a player something to contribute to in offense or defense, besides being the 10th plane to cap a deacked airfield.