Since reason has been thrown out the window, I'll just say this.
Go pork your two bases with one sortie, I'll take the base you launched from.
....with 30 of your closest friends

I don't see where "reason" has been thrown out the window. If your squadmates are as good as Uptown, then in one mission you should be able to pork 60 base. How many bases are along a front? 10 or so?

The point here is YOU GUYS have the power. If you ALL attack one base you can capture it, boring run after boring run. It doesn't create any fights or fun for anyone else. All you do is grab another base. On the other hand you could hit 3 bases at once with 10 guys in each mission STILL have a good chance at grabbing at least one base...maybe more, and you have more fun because of the challenge, everyone of your 30 get to play and participate, you generate fights at 3 locations adding fun and challenge for other players as well.
I know it's not your responsibility to make fun for the "enemy", but as we are playing a game, why not?