Author Topic: Teh Hordez  (Read 50377 times)

Offline Rob52240

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #165 on: November 21, 2011, 03:54:19 PM »
This is a hoarde plain and simple. Why on earth does a squad with 31 members need the help of other squads to pork the front. I myself can pork 2 bases in 1 sortie. What you refer to as porking is actually flattening bases along whole fronts. Why else do you need the kind of numbers you suggest?
You say you wouldn't be opposed to auto assigning countries "as long as it keeps your squad together"  :lol Well the point of auto assigning countries is to break up these gangs  :rolleyes:

You also go on to say that talking about "so called hoardes" is getting off topic. Well the title of the thread is "Teh Hordez".

I'm sorry but I just don't get why so many choose to fly with 20 guys on squad channel. Can you even hear what's going on with so much chatter on the radio?

Since reason has been thrown out the window, I'll just say this.
Go pork your two bases with one sortie, I'll take the base you launched from.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #166 on: November 21, 2011, 04:13:42 PM »
Since reason has been thrown out the window, I'll just say this.
Go pork your two bases with one sortie, I'll take the base you launched from.

....with 30 of your closest friends  :rolleyes:

I don't see where "reason" has been thrown out the window. If your squadmates are as good as Uptown, then in one mission you should be able to pork 60 base. How many bases are along a front? 10 or so?  :rolleyes:

The point here is YOU GUYS have the power. If you ALL attack one base you can capture it, boring run after boring run. It doesn't create any fights or fun for anyone else. All you do is grab another base. On the other hand you could hit 3 bases at once with 10 guys in each mission STILL have a good chance at grabbing at least one base...maybe more, and you have more fun because of the challenge, everyone of your 30 get to play and participate, you generate fights at 3 locations adding fun and challenge for other players as well.

I know it's not your responsibility to make fun for the "enemy", but as we are playing a game, why not?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 04:21:45 PM by The Fugitive »

Offline Rob52240

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #167 on: November 21, 2011, 04:22:05 PM »

....with 30 of your closest friends  :rolleyes:

That's more than enough for a large field.  Smalls take less than 10 and vehicle fields 5.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #168 on: November 21, 2011, 04:31:37 PM »
Since reason has been thrown out the window, I'll just say this.
Go pork your two bases with one sortie, I'll take the base you launched from.

That would work if Uptown was the only guy flying...lmao but he isnt and the others that are in the game will have something to say about it.  In time, the bish will get tired of dying while vDallas lands his 4 picks....and then the vHorde will go Knit and the knits won't follow him...cuz they didn't want that mentality there in the first place if my memory of your squad vote serves me correctly.

But it's all good with me...more targets.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 04:33:36 PM by Changeup »
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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #169 on: November 21, 2011, 04:38:12 PM »
That's more than enough for a large field.  Smalls take less than 10 and vehicle fields 5.

Certainly, it's more than enough for two fields at the SAME TIME  :rolleyes:

Offline Rob52240

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #170 on: November 21, 2011, 04:42:05 PM »
That would work if Uptown was the only guy flying...lmao but he isnt and the others that are in the game will have something to say about it.  In time, the bish will get tired of dying while vDallas lands his 4 picks....and then the vHorde will go Knit and the knits won't follow him...cuz they didn't want that mentality there in the first place if my memory of your squad vote serves me correctly.

But it's all good with me...more targets.
That would work if Uptown was the only guy flying...lmao but he isnt and the others that are in the game will have something to say about it.  In time, the bish will get tired of dying while vDallas lands his 4 picks....and then the vHorde will go Knit and the knits won't follow him...cuz they didn't want that mentality there in the first place if my memory of your squad vote serves me correctly.

It all depends on how strong the defense is Mr Fugitive.
But it's all good with me...more targets.

I like your mentality on stopping said horde.  Aces high needs more with that mindset.

As far as the squad vote goes, someone posted dallas's email regarding the country change on the forum and a lot of people who weren't in the squad voted a lot more than once.  Along with his contact # including phone number.  Talk about an underhanded move.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline 68ZooM

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #171 on: November 21, 2011, 06:10:38 PM »
Rob you can thank one of your own squaddies for that, but that's what ya get for taking anyone and everyone with a pulse into the romper room you call a squad.  all for the HORDE
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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #172 on: November 21, 2011, 06:14:06 PM »
yup. and my answer to that is to break these guys up and scatter them between the 3 countries

How would you go about telling people who and where they can fly,are you paying for everyones subscription?? lol yea try that and this place will be a ghost town in no tine
UrSelf...Pigs On The Wing...Retired

Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #173 on: November 21, 2011, 06:44:03 PM »
The horde:

Who cares?  Seriously????  The horde complainers fly like you can cash your points them.  It's that simple.  Two things will happen when you up against the will get better with your SA and you will get better at your angles fights.

This is not the American Express Rewards Program!  You don't get TVs and fabulous vacations with your score points!!! :bhead

So? 5-6 can't realisticly be expected to defeat 30, and so defeat is usually inevetable. The more even the odds, the better the fight, IMO. You can't really and truely get a feel for your opponents skill level if you have to pay attention to 4 other guys. You can't start predicting his moves and trying to counter, while he does the same.  Its just too.... impersonal I guess. I think your finest moment is after the most grueling, intense fight, sweat on your brow as you're pulled into the action, and at the end stand victorious.

Thats really the only time I can get a feel for my opponent's skill, get to know him as an enemy, and know how much of an accomplishment beating him is.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #174 on: November 21, 2011, 06:54:10 PM »

As far as the squad vote goes, someone posted dallas's email regarding the country change on the forum and a lot of people who weren't in the squad voted a lot more than once.  Along with his contact # including phone number.  Talk about an underhanded move.

I voted about 20 times to keep the vMentallyChallenged from moving to Rooks but that didn't work out to well.

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Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #175 on: November 21, 2011, 06:55:33 PM »
I voted about 20 times to keep the vMentallyChallenged from moving to Rooks but that didn't work out to well.


Aww..... thats mean  :rofl.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #176 on: November 21, 2011, 07:38:06 PM »
So? 5-6 can't realisticly be expected to defeat 30, and so defeat is usually inevetable. The more even the odds, the better the fight, IMO. You can't really and truely get a feel for your opponents skill level if you have to pay attention to 4 other guys. You can't start predicting his moves and trying to counter, while he does the same.  Its just too.... impersonal I guess. I think your finest moment is after the most grueling, intense fight, sweat on your brow as you're pulled into the action, and at the end stand victorious.

Thats really the only time I can get a feel for my opponent's skill, get to know him as an enemy, and know how much of an accomplishment beating him is.

To handle the horde it isn't about figuring your opponents skills...its about killing..very quickly.  The ones who survive the hordes for the longest period of time are the marksmen...the skilled shooters.  After that, its about accepting the fact that you are going to many I take with me is what I care about...and if I gave a good fight while doing it.  Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't but I won't do is complain about the hordes.  I spend too much time as it is looking for a fight...the hordes bring it to me! (and most of the time, they aren't skilled enough to have to worry about...or they wouldn't be flying in the horde) :t
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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #177 on: November 21, 2011, 09:46:31 PM »
See? I think thats where you and I differ. I don't much care for that type of fight. Yeah, I mean I guess it requires good SA and marksmanship, and I guess you could call it a fight since people are being killed. But the results don't show who was better.

I like a nice, close up fight, where I have to be a better pilot than my opponent to win.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #178 on: November 21, 2011, 11:52:56 PM »
See? I think thats where you and I differ. I don't much care for that type of fight. Yeah, I mean I guess it requires good SA and marksmanship, and I guess you could call it a fight since people are being killed. But the results don't show who was better.

I like a nice, close up fight, where I have to be a better pilot than my opponent to win.

Then invite people to the DA...controlled, even and clear.  You can find out exactly how good you are in there, lol.
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

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Re: Teh Hordez
« Reply #179 on: November 22, 2011, 01:35:00 AM »
How would you go about telling people who and where they can fly,are you paying for everyones subscription?? lol yea try that and this place will be a ghost town in no tine
well thank goodness I don't own the company, because if I did we would find out if that was true before the sun comes up this morning.  :t
Lighten up Francis