Author Topic: Engine Out Landings  (Read 5929 times)

Offline chipr

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #135 on: February 05, 2012, 11:26:04 AM »
No, what I'm saying is that thinking that landing wheels down makes the game more realistic you are bsing yourself.

I still don't believe that statement to be true. Wheels down does make it more realistic. Some games start you off in mid-flight, I hope this game doesnt come to that.

With malice towards some

Offline chipr

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #136 on: February 05, 2012, 11:27:57 AM »
actually you can also say that by moving the thottle to full and the airplane moves down the runway if you think that is realistic you are bsing yourself.  it's a game that simulates flying and fighting.  it's not reality.  it simulates it but will never be almost or close to it.  fun as hell to play but nowhere close to reality.  my quote was meant to make you think of what the game is.

In other words it's like having a real life gf and an inflatable one.  the inflatable one is mean to simulate a real girlfriend, lots of fun,  but will never be a real girlfriend.   :salute.


Take the red pill next time!
With malice towards some

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #137 on: February 05, 2012, 02:20:02 PM »
Then you would be ok if HTC decided to make all fighter flight models diverge from thier known real life performance?

You want to diverge from reality in your flight yet you demand reality from the flight modeling?

you dont really understand.  landing gears up or down doesnt make the game any more or less realistic.  in other words I am making fun of the fact that you believe the game to be realistic when it's based on the illusion that we fly in ww2 aircraft.

once I made a statement here on the wish list that no airplane in ah has any metal in it.  It turned into a 2 page discussion with lots of quotes and references to sources about how much metal was used in all the different airplanes in ww2, blah, blah, blah.  but the true fact is no airplane is ah has metal or any other substance as a matter of fact.

Now if you understood my statement that no airplane is ah as metal in it.  then you would also agree that landing gear up or down doesnt make it any more realistic.  It's just the illusion that you are flying in a certain way that makes you think you are flying realistically.   :salute


you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #138 on: February 05, 2012, 02:30:27 PM »
I'm thinking that would really depend on ones view of reality wouldn't it?

Some people, for better or worst, really insert themselves into the "supposed" reality of the game and for them it is important whether of not wheels are used for landings. While points are unimportant to me I do like to RTB, and unless I have damage I will land on my wheels, after all that is why they are there.

I would think that if the game designer and team went through the trouble of adding wheels and the drop/raise animations to the game that they should be used. I'd also agree that if that option is NOT used there should be a penalty for it much like if you can keep the whole rig on the runway when landing.

Offline icepac

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #139 on: February 05, 2012, 03:14:32 PM »
you dont really understand.  landing gears up or down doesnt make the game any more or less realistic.  in other words I am making fun of the fact that you believe the game to be realistic when it's based on the illusion that we fly in ww2 aircraft.

once I made a statement here on the wish list that no airplane in ah has any metal in it.  It turned into a 2 page discussion with lots of quotes and references to sources about how much metal was used in all the different airplanes in ww2, blah, blah, blah.  but the true fact is no airplane is ah has metal or any other substance as a matter of fact.

Now if you understood my statement that no airplane is ah as metal in it.  then you would also agree that landing gear up or down doesnt make it any more realistic.  It's just the illusion that you are flying in a certain way that makes you think you are flying realistically.   :salute

semp would scream bloody murder if the planes performed in a clearly non-realistic fashion.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #140 on: February 05, 2012, 03:36:06 PM » would scream bloody murder if the planes performed in a clearly non-realistic fashion.

but I am not saying that.  all I am saying is landing wheels up or down is no more or less realistic.

I'm thinking that would really depend on ones view of reality wouldn't it?

Some people, for better or worst, really insert themselves into the "supposed" reality of the game and for them it is important whether of not wheels are used for landings. While points are unimportant to me I do like to RTB, and unless I have damage I will land on my wheels, after all that is why they are there.

I would think that if the game designer and team went through the trouble of adding wheels and the drop/raise animations to the game that they should be used. I'd also agree that if that option is NOT used there should be a penalty for it much like if you can keep the whole rig on the runway when landing.

there's lot of features that arent used in the game.  full tank of gas, external fuel tanks, bombs, rockets, rearm pad, gunners,  heck even the mission creator (or whatever is called) is hardly used.  developers went thru lots of trouble to code those but not everybody uses them all the time.  perhaps there should be a penalty for not upping with full tanks as in ww2 all airplanes did that at the very least and on longe range missions they also carried external fuel tanks.  why should landing gears up or down be any different than all the other things we dont use that are available.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline titanic3

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #141 on: February 05, 2012, 03:47:14 PM »
Solution? Allow the jeep to tow planes. Miss the runway? Call a buddy.

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline MarineUS

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #142 on: February 05, 2012, 03:48:05 PM »
 :huh Did you just say rockets and a fuel tank of fuel aren't used a lot?

 Have you EVER done anything than furball? If you have, you'd know that if you want to do something other than make your aircraft do pretty spins and twirls, you use ALL of the things you listed. What in the hell are you smoking????

 And you must be a rook....Bishops run missions all the time. We don't "horde" we just prefer to work in a giant group (with some exceptions). I don't join missions if it's fighters only with no goon or M3.

 Also; How in the hell did this get on gear up or down? Do you all have ADD?
Look - It IS realistic to land gear DOWN if your gear aren't blown off. Want to know why? Find me 10 accounts of pilots from WWII who landed gear UP when they had functioning gear and they were OK (No pilot wound).

It's realistic to land gear up and down, but gear up is realistic only if your gear is blown off or not functioning. Everyone is right, but it's situational.

 From the words of my gunny: "For the love of all that is holy", someone with an IQ higher than 12 take charge of this conversation and get over the e-peen swingin' contest on who is right and wrong.

 This is a thread about ENGINE OUT LANDINGS not GEAR UP OR DOWN landings. Go make a separate thread and bicker about how you all are absolutely wrong because you automatically assume your idea is the best thing since oxygen.

 FMGDL - I thought this "new generation" was a bunch of clueless numbskulls. smh.




Edit for reiteration: Semp, just because YOU don't use it frequently does NOT mean it's not used a lot as a whole. Example: 91st and DHBG - We fly primarily heavy bombers. We use ALL of our guns (waist included). Our escorts use DT, Rockets and Bombs (depending on target size and location). Oh oh...and 100% fuel.

People who run CV missions use rockets and bombs. In most cases 100% fuel isn't needed, so it isn't used, but we use all the other things. Oh and those of us who know how to land GEAR DOWN get to use this thing called a pad! O_O hlyfknsht. Ever tried landing on a CV? Lot's of fun.

I'm sorry, sometimes STUPID comments mixed with an arrogant nature just rub me the wrong way, unfortunately I think all I'm doing is feeding a basement dwelling troll. There is no way someone could be that ignorant about a game they play so much.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2012, 04:02:01 PM by MarineUS »
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline coombz

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #143 on: February 05, 2012, 04:10:47 PM »
Solution? Allow the jeep to tow planes. Miss the runway? Call a buddy.

Did you see my dad on dogfights yet?
I'll be seeing you face to face possibly next month.

Offline RTHolmes

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #144 on: February 05, 2012, 04:11:15 PM »
and still be awarded a ditch :aok
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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #145 on: February 05, 2012, 05:21:34 PM »
:huh Did you just say rockets and a fuel tank of fuel aren't used a lot? <--as a percentage of all flights in ah they are rare indeed.

 Have you EVER done anything than furball? If you have, you'd know that if you want to do something other than make your aircraft do pretty spins and twirls, you use ALL of the things you listed. What in the hell are you smoking????

 And you must be a rook....Bishops run missions all the time. We don't "horde" we just prefer to work in a giant group (with some exceptions). I don't join missions if it's fighters only with no goon or M3.  seriously bishops are the only country in the game that doesnt horde?  so those 30 airplanes that we had at v64 when defenders where only a handfull wasnt a horde?  no wonder you think this game is realistic you living an illusion.

 Also; How in the hell did this get on gear up or down? Do you all have ADD? <--did you bother to read the thread?  I was only replying to somebody saying 0 points for landing with gear up.
Look - It IS realistic to land gear DOWN if your gear aren't blown off. Want to know why? Find me 10 accounts of pilots from WWII who landed gear UP when they had functioning gear and they were OK (No pilot wound). we arent talking about ww2, we are talking about a game.  find 10 peope in ww2 who dove in to save a buddy and 2 minutes later were up in a brand new spanking plane ready to save another.

It's realistic to land gear up and down, but gear up is realistic only if your gear is blown off or not functioning. Everyone is right, but it's situational.

 From the words of my gunny: "For the love of all that is holy", someone with an IQ higher than 12 take charge of this conversation and get over the e-peen swingin' contest on who is right and wrong. my gunny always told me "dont follow those who think they are better than others.

 This is a thread about ENGINE OUT LANDINGS not GEAR UP OR DOWN landings. Go make a separate thread and bicker about how you all are absolutely wrong because you automatically assume your idea is the best thing since oxygen.

 FMGDL - I thought this "new generation" was a bunch of clueless numbskulls. smh.  <--this makes you look like an arrogant snob who forgets it's only a game.




Edit for reiteration: Semp, just because YOU don't use it frequently does NOT mean it's not used a lot as a whole. Example: 91st and DHBG - We fly primarily heavy bombers. We use ALL of our guns (waist included). Our escorts use DT, Rockets and Bombs (depending on target size and location). Oh oh...and 100% fuel.

do you up with 100% fuel every time?  in ww2 it was very rare for a plane to up with less than 100%.  and the escort fighters did not escort the bombers all the way in and out, they took turns with other squadrons.  so I am assuming that you demand your escorts leave and a new escort fighter group accompany you every 15 or 20 minutes.  after all that is realistic.  

People who run CV missions use rockets and bombs. In most cases 100% fuel isn't needed, so it isn't used, but we use all the other things. Oh and those of us who know how to land GEAR DOWN get to use this thing called a pad! O_O hlyfknsht. Ever tried landing on a CV? Lot's of fun.

so you dont use 100% fuel and yet in ww2, planes upped with 100% fuel.  not very "realistic" indeed.. and by the way I dont end all my flights wheels up.

I'm sorry, sometimes STUPID comments mixed with an arrogant nature just rub me the wrong way, unfortunately I think all I'm doing is feeding a basement dwelling troll. There is no way someone could be that ignorant about a game they play so much.

[/color] only arrogant people like you think they are better than others and resort to name calling.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline MarineUS

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #146 on: February 05, 2012, 05:32:37 PM »
Lol you proved that you're a troll who is demanding everything be his way.

You will no longer receive a reply from me after this post.

You just bring play devil's advocate, only instead of helping either side - you attack both. So sad.

Tsk tsk tsk.
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline USAF2010

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #147 on: February 05, 2012, 06:56:57 PM »
Right, so my question here is, does anybody here really disagree with the option of a tug?

Maybe not call it a successful landing, but if it is a ditch, don't take everything away from the perked a/c, at least again if the power source is gone or other critical components that allow it to are damaged, etc.

IMHO, i want to get this topic back on track to where it was, not personal opinion vendetta's about realistic or not. Just to quickly throw in, its a simulation like hitech said, so the ability to fly realistically is there, but so is the option to do whatever you prefer....

...something about free will and freedom to do what you want with your $14.95 a month perhaps?  :old:

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Offline EVZ

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #148 on: February 05, 2012, 08:20:40 PM »
I'm thinking that would really depend on ones view of reality wouldn't it?
That's it in a nutshell ... unfortunately, some people's REALITY does not extend beyond their own physical perception ... For them the rest of us are just figments of whatever THEY imagine US to be ... The concept that anyone might have a DIFFERENT PERCEPTION or that it could possibly be anything other than BS ... is almost unthinkable ... another brick ...

I would think that if the game designer and team went through the trouble of adding wheels and the drop/raise animations to the game that they should be used. I'd also agree that if that option is NOT used there should be a penalty for it much like if you can keep the whole rig on the runway when landing.
Well said!
I am my Ideal ! - You may now return to your petty bickering.

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Engine Out Landings
« Reply #149 on: February 05, 2012, 08:25:08 PM »
but I am not saying that.  all I am saying is landing wheels up or down is no more or less realistic.

there's lot of features that arent used in the game.  full tank of gas, external fuel tanks, bombs, rockets, rearm pad, gunners,  heck even the mission creator (or whatever is called) is hardly used.  developers went thru lots of trouble to code those but not everybody uses them all the time.  perhaps there should be a penalty for not upping with full tanks as in ww2 all airplanes did that at the very least and on longe range missions they also carried external fuel tanks.  why should landing gears up or down be any different than all the other things we dont use that are available.


I'd love to see everything used, and used correctly. I think the game would once again promote SKILL over hordes of dweebs we have now.