Author Topic: Why horde?  (Read 10513 times)

Offline SectorNine50

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #135 on: January 24, 2012, 06:08:16 PM »
if that's the only way to have fun, your missing out on a whole lot of the game, just saying.

Flying in cooperation with LOTS of other players is one of the biggest highlights of this game.
I'm Sector95 in-game! :-D

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #136 on: January 24, 2012, 06:20:11 PM »
I die alot and have fun. Success is what you make it out to be. To me having fun is success.

Like, no wai!?  :x
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #137 on: January 24, 2012, 06:26:44 PM »
I die alot and have fun. Success is what you make it out to be. To me having fun is success.

Agreed.  Good lord, if getting kills or staying alive were the key to having fun here, I'd have moved on many years ago.

- oldman

Offline bustr

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #138 on: January 24, 2012, 06:56:22 PM »
One way to initiate the begining of getting this new generation out of the hoard and finding fun in manoEmano fighting is to give them a simple 3 step process to follow that will ensure their chances of survival against the general population goes up. Not quite an aimbot but, tell them three actions they can repeatabely do that will increase their offensive capabailitys past 50/50 instead of making them your score fodder. As much as you are tired of thier hoards they are tired of being 10 second fodder to the MA.

When I first started this game shane showed me two simple things in the DA. By no means was I ready to take on the DA monsters becasue of it. But, my ability to kill my peers went through the roof and my MA experience was that much more fun. Two simple things shown to me without having to pay long boring hours in the DA being stomped on made a great difference. Now days you won't get them to even show up in the TA. You are going to have to tell them here in the forum in simple 1-2-3 english. Not hidden behind Shawisms or ACM lingo.

The old guard wants to protect their image of this game in the old fashioned school of hard knocks and not give anything away unless it's earned with a busted EGO. The new generation has been given trophys for simply showing up since grade school. Step on their EGO and they either find another game to support with their pocket book or they get even in any way they can that PO's you personaly. Now we have the highly effective hoards and this conversation.

Being a hoard and POing you guys delivers their nightly fun fix. Games are about emotional self reward. You are still making suggestions for how to alter game play so they are punished for having their fun without offering them anything for the amount of increased EGO stomping your suggestions will require they accept. Telling them to grow a pair as the ultimate solution will simply get you a new kind of hoard in repsonse to PO you every night.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #139 on: January 24, 2012, 08:03:11 PM »
a good idea is to make bases just capturable with troops.. no ack, no killing town, just 10 troops in maproom. maybe only 1 troop in maproom.. just make it so ridiculously easy to prove it's nonsense to start with, and all they're fighting against is arena settings.

once the hordelets realize they dont need a horde to take a base, they will most likely stop, or get bored (as most people do eventually with the real estate game anyway)

I'm sure the generals would enjoy coordinating their goon hordes to avoid the other generals goon hordes, and fully enjoy rolling base after base from each other for awhile..  but I'd assume sooner or later they will want to do _something_ other than just take another base..

maybe they might actually want to have some combat!!

Kill the manned ack.

Offline caldera

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #140 on: January 24, 2012, 08:07:33 PM »
Flying in cooperation with LOTS of other players is one of the biggest highlights of this game for me.

Fixed.  Not everyone likes to hold hands in this game.
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline SectorNine50

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #141 on: January 24, 2012, 09:32:23 PM »
Fixed.  Not everyone likes to hold hands in this game.

Oh boy, there's an ego.

Why play a massively multilayer online combat flight simulator if you don't want to fly with and against a lot of other people?
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 09:53:01 PM by SectorNine50 »
I'm Sector95 in-game! :-D

Offline Shane

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #142 on: January 24, 2012, 10:06:38 PM »

Agreed.  Good lord, if getting kills or staying alive were the key to having fun here, I'd have moved on many years ago.

- oldman

considering you only get a kill every few years...   :noid
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
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Offline Shane

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #143 on: January 24, 2012, 10:10:26 PM »
When I first started this game shane showed me two simple things in the DA. By no means was I ready to take on the DA monsters becasue of it. But, my ability to kill my peers went through the roof and my MA experience was that much more fun. Two simple things shown to me without having to pay long boring hours in the DA being stomped on made a great difference.  

Lessee if I can recall what they might have been (and probably something I've passed along to others)... one might have been how to use the vertical and roll to cut inside, an immel/double (as opposed to a more or less flat turning by your avg MA pie-let). Second might have been about the lead turn on the merge... those are the two most common tips I can remember - it's been a while.  :old:  

In any case... pass 'em along, lol.   :aok

I've also shared my viewsets (.hps) with quite a few people. I notice HTC has gotten better with default views.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 10:16:13 PM by Shane »
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline chris3

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #144 on: January 24, 2012, 11:14:09 PM »

i cant get the point with the hord problem.
i like fliing with my squad.... is it a hord?
i like Aces High becouse we all can fly with 600 people sometimes. no other combatfight sim can over that.
i like devending against a hord its always a chalenge and it feels so good if you have susces again a biger group.
if you dont like hords, fly agains tham and beat them were ever you can, thats old Luftwaffen styl and fun, try it  ;)

i will never forget a flight with my wingman again a b17 group about 200 formations.... was it a hord? i m sure but it was one of the bigest fun. here in the game.

please stop all that complaining about the hords, most hords are not as big as the alied attacking squads over germany, so you can say its realistic if a hord attack a fild.

cu christian

Offline caldera

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #145 on: January 25, 2012, 01:20:03 AM »
Oh boy, there's an ego.

Why play a massively multilayer online combat flight simulator if you don't want to fly with and against a lot of other people?

Ego?  Where on earth did you come up with that?  I am a mediocre pilot and have no illusions about having mad skillz.  I like flying against other people, just not a lot of them at once.  I prefer to fight my own battles and sometimes fight with friendlies, just not coordinate with them. 

You like to fly with a lot of people but not everyone else does.  That is all I said and it was perfectly clear.
"Then out spake brave Horatius, the Captain of the gate:
 To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late.
 And how can man die better, than facing fearful odds.
 For the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his Gods."

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #146 on: January 25, 2012, 01:37:32 AM »
Right.  They will bail 5 minutes before they plan to release the troops, leaving a skeleton crew at CAP alt in case the enemy gets ideas.  Or, 40 of the 50 they brought will continue to the next base, leaving a skeleton crew at the previous base to mop up.  Another question occurs to me.  What happens if the requirement for troops is 15, 11 troops get into the maproom, and the timer runs out on a bunch of planes that have left the area/died to push it down to requiring 10 for the take?

And I (and most skilled pilots as well) can break through a skeleton crew CAPing. A single tater and I just killed somewhere between 3 and 15 troops. Either way, you still can't take the base.

If the timer runs out, a single additional troop would be required. The point is that it either pushes the attackers to use smaller numbers, or delays their horde enough that defenders can up from another base, and come kill troops. Its not supposed to be easy on the hordes.

...So 30 planes isn't a horde?  I'll... just leave that comment right here.  That statement alone completely invalidates anything else you might say, no matter how many italics you use.
No, 30 is still a horde, but a 30 man horde is also a raid, or an attack, or a mission. Horde isn't a precise term, which is why I didn't use it in that instance.

Yes, because people always approach the game in terms of 'where can I be the most effective?'  You act like people log into the game and uniformly sit down and plan among themselves how big the horde is going to be today, and where it's going.  People log in, see a bardar, and head toward it.  Under your system, if you don't bring the maximum number of people, the number of troops that are required to take the town will be random, and the number of buildings needed to be down will also be random.  Alternately, they can bring in a horde they know will get the job done, and enough troops to satisfy the maximum requirement.
no, but they usually tend to avoid areas where they are ineffective. Each individual isn't very effective, because they're competing against 30 others. Since smaller groups would be just as effective as a horde, and increasing the size of the horde makes the horde ineffective, the hope is that instead of sticking around to do nothing but take in the view, people will be drawn to the areas where they can do something.

Based on what? There will be fewer people in the game?
based on the fact that joining the horde makes the horde as a whole less effective. You yourself are already ineffective as an individual in the horde, so that leaves nothing for the individual who wants to help fly around a capped base.

Why?  What will prevent them from bringing enough goons?
because after a bit, the goons will increase the troop requirement by more than the number of troops they cary.

If they're equally effective, they'll still be there.  If 30 works pretty much as well as 15, 30 will be what will come.  If 40 has a higher troop requirement, why will they not bring 50 with more troops?
Maybe. I personally don't think so (at least not after a while), but you may be right. But even if you ARE right, then at least we wouldn't have constant one-sided fights.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline MK-84

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #147 on: January 25, 2012, 04:28:46 AM »
What prevents the enemy from upping to defend against the "hoard"  :headscratch:

Offline Wiley

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #148 on: January 25, 2012, 10:13:14 AM »
And I (and most skilled pilots as well) can break through a skeleton crew CAPing. A single tater and I just killed somewhere between 3 and 15 troops. Either way, you still can't take the base.

...Through the 40 planes that moved on.  Ok.

If the timer runs out, a single additional troop would be required. The point is that it either pushes the attackers to use smaller numbers, or delays their horde enough that defenders can up from another base, and come kill troops. Its not supposed to be easy on the hordes.

Again we're back to the number of troops it requires to take the base being effectively random.

No, 30 is still a horde, but a 30 man horde is also a raid, or an attack, or a mission. Horde isn't a precise term, which is why I didn't use it in that instance.

What IS the magic number of attackers that makes it fun for all?

no, but they usually tend to avoid areas where they are ineffective.

...You say this, and then you go on immediately to say

Each individual isn't very effective, because they're competing against 30 others.

Which is how it is now in a horde.

If people tended to avoid areas where they are ineffective, hordes wouldn't exist now.  People in a horde at present are just along to look at the scenery/get in a vulch if their timing is right because they're competing with 30 others.

Obviously the first statement is wrong, and that's kind of what your plan hinges on, so...  I'm kind of having trouble seeing how it would work with that first statement being clearly false.

because after a bit, the goons will increase the troop requirement by more than the number of troops they cary.

Again, what is the number of attackers that makes everything swell?

Maybe. I personally don't think so (at least not after a while), but you may be right. But even if you ARE right, then at least we wouldn't have constant one-sided fights.

Wait, what?  Ok, until I hear different, let's assume 30 is your magic number since we've already mentioned it.  Hordes of 20 to 30 are routine in the arena now, and roll unopposed and are whined about.  That many planes already creates many one sided fights.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline SectorNine50

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Re: Why horde?
« Reply #149 on: January 25, 2012, 10:25:28 AM »
What prevents the enemy from upping to defend against the "hoard"  :headscratch:

Bishop did it last night, was fun.
I'm Sector95 in-game! :-D