??? MAYBE ??? a PERK TAX should be charged to anyone SWITCHING SIDES in a MAIN ARENA ??? Any such TAX would be figured on a % basis ... Want to switch sides? OK, it will cost you 30% of your perk points ... This would DEFINATELY put a crimp in the perk farming, Spying, and ENY manipulation that Occurs on a regular basis ... Flame Suit Mode initiated.
You don't understand! People can simply talk to each other no mater what side their on! I call it the Back Channel!
What needs removing is the PM function across sides in game and the ability for squad members to talk to each other on vox, or anybody else, if not on the same side. That will cure it

Your opponents will say well they will just use the phone or the `oingobox or whatever...
I say fine let them ring up the phone bills. Let them hassle with the Roger Wilcox every time they want to enter the game or whatever.

Don't provide a way for people on different sides to talk in game! It's stupid and causes problems.
Wanna talk go to the O'Club if you cant be on the same side or say it on 200!
That includes you Phan and Silat