I was in a Dora at teh end of the last frame.....
I had a bomb. I flew around looking for an M4 that was in the area, I could not find it.
I am not a level bomber, I drop almost verticle. With that, and the new ICON range and the snow on the trees and white camo on that M4. Plus roaming P-38's and Temests. I hit nothing with bombs. I went back and looked at the film and I was 500 yards from him and he was hiding under a tree with white camo.
Did TankAce participate in the WSDG?
Seems like he did not as the things we are talking about did not happen. I am not a GV'r, even in the MA and had no desire to do so in WSDG, even though my Unit was given Panthers. I preffered to stay in my Dora.
The problem that i heard most was that all the guys begging for a GV scenario DID NOT SHOW UP for it! Why are the CM's going to spend all that time setting up a scenario, and the numbers SUCK.
They are never going to make eveyone happy, that is a fact!
SO best set it up to get the most participation, and that goes for time slot as well.
I would suggest that if you want a particular set up, join the CM team and BUILD it! If not, just show up and have fun with what you get........ I want to fly JG/26, so I do, even if the plane they use is not what I want.
Not trying to stir it up, this is my 100th post YAY