the reason you are not an "awesome" pilot yet is quite obvious. it's because your real goal has nothing to do with virtual dogfighting prowess. your real goal is to start threads that attract 15 pages of attention in 3 days, and at this you are truly skilled. even though i know exactly what this is, here i am. adding to it. be it on 200 or on the BBS, anybody who dares to take an objective look can clearly see what motivates you. attention. of any kind. you aren't stupid. if you want to improve your SA, look around. you already listed the things you need to improve. instead of shutting your lips (for a change) and actually focusing on improving what you obviously know is wrong, you started a thread in hopes (and well founded hopes, ill give you that) that anybody and everybody would respond, negatively or otherwise. if you really want to get better, getbusy doing so and shut up for once. im sorry i posted in this ridiculous thread, this is all i have to add. a spade is a spade, and you, Midway, are a troll. idgaf what you post in response to this. you and everyone else knows damn well that im right.