Author Topic: Tank poll  (Read 7153 times)

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #120 on: July 22, 2012, 02:30:43 PM »
Tank rounds can and did damage aircraft in real life

Yeah, thats what I said, genius.

Using the Blind hog finding a turnip principle you may get lucky and hit a plane. Here find yourself a good size cardboard box and a rifle scope. Make a hole in the box just big enough to push the scope through it with no day light around the scope. Place the box over you head look in the scope. Now try to find and track a flying bird. Heck try to find plane flying over you head and track it. Remember a cardboard box is not a tank turret restricted to a ring gear and no loud engine running near you and it ain't bouncing over hill and dale. Anything is possible when firing large projectiles down range. I even saw a bird hit by a 105 round once but it don't mean the gunner can go duck hunting with the 105. It is what it is in the game and there is an end to it.

You still can't track an aircraft anywhere close to you with the gunsight. You have to do it in commander's view.

Why its easier to shoot down aircraft with our current view/aiming system is quite simple; while each individual aspect is reasonably correct, it represents a perfect level of coordination between the crew members. So, unless you want to make the gunner start screwing up, and moving the gun too far to the right, or pausing to scratch himself before he fires the gun, then we really can't do a whole lot about it.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline R 105

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #121 on: July 25, 2012, 07:09:29 AM »
I understand exactly what you are saying.  You can't understand that there are exceptions.  You simply insist it is impossible when in rare circumstances it most certainly is possible.

I cannot understand how you cannot grasp the situation I am describing the the point that you insist it is impossible.
If a tank shoots down one plane in 500 sorties that is called blind luck. If a tanker is shooting down a plane it his tank every thirds shot that is called a video game.

Offline Wiley

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #122 on: July 25, 2012, 10:12:34 AM »
If a tanker is shooting down a plane it his tank every thirds shot that is called a video game.

Do you have film of this superman?  I'd like to see a guy that can track and hit aircraft every third shot.

It will be less amazing, but still worth seeing that much dumb in the air at once if they're flying right at him.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline titanic3

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #123 on: July 25, 2012, 12:28:45 PM »
Do you have film of this superman?  I'd like to see a guy that can track and hit aircraft every third shot.

It will be less amazing, but still worth seeing that much dumb in the air at once if they're flying right at him.


There was quite a few of those scenarios right after the Storch's release.  :) I think I myself downed at least two Storchs with the main gun. And I GV maybe once a month, if at all.

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline Butcher

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #124 on: July 25, 2012, 01:18:02 PM »
Do you have film of this superman?  I'd like to see a guy that can track and hit aircraft every third shot.

It will be less amazing, but still worth seeing that much dumb in the air at once if they're flying right at him.


If a plane is flying around a tank you only need to know how to judge the distance, its not entirely complicated to shoot one down with a main gun, it does take practice.

Last night shot down a stuka straight above my M4, as he was starting his dive on me I dropped down a hill and had my barrel pointing straight up in the air, one reason I sit around hills so much is because leading upward exposes my front armor for one thing, also my main gun.
I can go back a few tours where I shot down 4-5 planes in one sortie with a Panther, one which was a P47D-40 which dove from 10k down on me (before the change in distance for ground vehicles) and popped him at 1.5k in a dive.

a good tanker, will most likely pop you with a main gun, however I can only name 10-15 top tankers that can do this 1 outa 3 shots.
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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #125 on: August 12, 2012, 10:07:15 AM »

Yes , also a shot down plane can crash and destroy a tank or 2, in the process.
IRL , one pilot claimed 3 tanks kill with 2 shot down spitfires in one mission ( JG26 war diary volume II).

This should be  as common as getting shot down by a tank not flying over runway.

So should I expect this to be implemented in AH ?

Tank rounds can and did damage aircraft in real life
My ammo last for 6 Lancasters, or one Yak3.
"And the Yak 3 ,aka the "flying Yamato"..."

Offline Karnak

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #126 on: August 12, 2012, 10:41:28 AM »
If a plane is flying around a tank you only need to know how to judge the distance, its not entirely complicated to shoot one down with a main gun, it does take practice.

Last night shot down a stuka straight above my M4, as he was starting his dive on me I dropped down a hill and had my barrel pointing straight up in the air, one reason I sit around hills so much is because leading upward exposes my front armor for one thing, also my main gun.
I can go back a few tours where I shot down 4-5 planes in one sortie with a Panther, one which was a P47D-40 which dove from 10k down on me (before the change in distance for ground vehicles) and popped him at 1.5k in a dive.

a good tanker, will most likely pop you with a main gun, however I can only name 10-15 top tankers that can do this 1 outa 3 shots.
Could you do that if they removed the ability to fire the main gun from the commander's position?
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             As she remembers me-

Offline Rob52240

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #127 on: August 12, 2012, 10:47:13 AM »
first we should poll all the players to see if they would like to have a poll.  one must be done for tanks another for fighters and another for bombers.  but in order for the poll to be fair, we just really ask first after the first poll to poll the players to see if they want a poll done, if adding planes by country would be good.  well after the first poll to ask if it's ok to have a poll, then after the poll to ask if we should add by country, the we can have the poll to ask for a specific plane. which brings us back to the "to be fair" thing.

ah forget it, I am confused already.


Don't want a poll.
If I had a gun with 3 bullets and I was locked in a room with Bin Laden, Hitler, Saddam and Zipp...  I would shoot Zipp 3 times.

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #128 on: August 12, 2012, 11:50:16 AM »
Could you do that if they removed the ability to fire the main gun from the commander's position?

I don't think they should remove that ability, under any circumstances.

The ability to control the tank from the TC possition just represents giving commands to the various crew members. If you want to remove the ability to fire from TC possition, you would also have to remove the ability to traverse the turret, steer, accelerate, switch ammunition loadouts, and basically anything but looking around.

It would also follow that you shouldn't be able to turn WEP on/off or steer the plane from a gunner possition, as communicating across a plane over the loud 1000hp + engines would be more difficult than talking across a tank through speaking tubes/intercom over the sound of a 420hp engine and tracks.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline hlbly

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #129 on: August 16, 2012, 06:58:27 PM »
While not a tank gun, this Caribou was shot down by a 105mm howitzer.
(Image removed from quote.)
A U.S. twin-engine transport Caribou crashes after being hit by American artillery near Duc Pho on August 3, 1967. U.S. artillery accidentally shot down the ammunition-laden plane, which crossed a firing zone while trying to land at the U.S. Special Forces camp. All three crewman died in the crash.

A 105 mm is not enclosed unless it was an SP gun . Highly doubt it .

Offline hlbly

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #130 on: August 16, 2012, 07:05:59 PM »
Could you do that if they removed the ability to fire the main gun from the commander's position?
main gun could be fired from TC position at least in M4 series . There is even a crude sight . No I am still looking at the problem .

Offline hlbly

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #131 on: August 16, 2012, 07:09:31 PM »
Do you have film of this superman?  I'd like to see a guy that can track and hit aircraft every third shot.

It will be less amazing, but still worth seeing that much dumb in the air at once if they're flying right at him.

I can do you one better stud . I got a film of me going 3 shots 3 kills . That good<gamey> enough for you ?

Offline hlbly

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #132 on: August 16, 2012, 07:11:59 PM »
So...  Quick googlage shows a FOV of 8 degrees displays 14.1 meters at 100 meters.  That means at 1000 meters, you've got a 141m field of view.  If you're engaging the enemy tanks at distance, having the scope elevated so 3/4 of the circle is above the horizon is pretty common.  That means if the aircraft is below about 300 feet it can be seen.

Seems to me that's a pretty decent sized circle to see a low flying aircraft with, and if it's coming right down your throat, to track it.  This is all using your own numbers, explain why it can't be done again?

And at roughly 160 meters per second speed you still have a tracking and acquisition problem . I now have a film of me going 3 shots 3 kills in an M4 against B-25 . I only had to actually hit the target once LOL .
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 07:13:51 PM by hlbly »

Offline perdue3

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #133 on: August 16, 2012, 08:23:55 PM »
Since we have a Poll for planes to be added why dont we do a tank poll. We need Brit tanks and russki  tanks.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline hlbly

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Re: Tank poll
« Reply #134 on: August 16, 2012, 10:15:39 PM »
Tank rounds can and did damage aircraft in real life
While in flight ? Prove it .