Trinity was for another time in the game when the idea of 600-700 players in the arena was possible. A map should not be so large you can loose 400 players on it. Might as well play one of the old boxed AI WW2 PC first person simulators while talking to several freinds on Skype about how bad you are shooting at AI.
Trinity forces any incursion into one of the 2 other countries via a BIG intial hoarding just to get the first foothold. Which then turns into the hoard steam rolling complained about becasue 60 guys are there now and "Why Not??".. If that first incursion stalls, it's usualy a bunch of guys wandering around at all alts in a 1.5 sector area mostly avoiding each other if they don't have an obvious advantage.
Otherwise the 1.5-2 sector distances not barriered by the 20k+ alps turns into air combat stalemate choke points. The terrain and distances at those well know choke points wind up with one group of furballers above 12k and the other twiddling their thumbs 7k to the deck praying they have enough beer to stay distracted untill the timid alt tourists decide to play air combat. Eventualy the furball drifts between the two airfeilds changing alt postions.
Greebo's new
CraterMA seems to be a direct attempt to make a Trinty style map have no geographic choke points to prosicuting Air Combat with any size of group while protecting the central caldera TT from unreasonable bombing intrusion. The HQ and Factories are situated to make them enticing bomber group targets or even a sneak capture of a feild with a spawn to the HQ. I doubt you will be able to hide CV on this map.
It's a nice sized map that offers quicker access to your oponents while reducing some of the hiding at alt or by sneaking around in empty spaces. You won't loose 400 players on it. The airfeild distances are such that late nights will promote small concentrated air fights between resonabley spaced feilds while TT's terrain will be an interesting challenge for the tank ace. I hope HTC gets this one approved for rotation sooner than later.
CraterMA by: Greebo.