The second time I pwned your F4U, shooting you twice when you had no guns on me. You went down and started ranting on 200 because you lost.
This is why you're a troll, that wasn't a fight... and you're lying about it as well...
no pwnage took place... I don't say this because you towered me by HOing... I say this because it doesn't fit the criteria.. you didn't saddle me, you HO'd me on the first and second merge... not to mention it was a 2 vs 1... you can't by definition "pwn" someone in a 2 vs 1 if you type, "I got a kill on SR yesterday" then I can't deny that, it actually happened... but...
luckily Shuff was the second plane and can back up my statements..
you make this kind of statement because you are a troll, and an idiot... you know, its not to hard to get good enough to have a decent fight, especially in a spit, most of the good sticks I know trained in the spitV, I did... but you aren't capable of getting good at fighting, because you'd rather "imply" you're good or just flat out lie about it, rather than try to get there.
I wouldn't waste my time with you in the MA or the DA.. why? Because you're not the first lil puppy to play this way, there have been many through the years to come through AH, some still play... weak lil trolls who jump in the smack talk game but don't bring the fight... the kind of fella that talks smack and then when the duel time comes, HO on first merge and claim "I pawned joo" because everybody knows he hasn't got a clue how to actually fight... just plain retarded, and a waste of game time! It's a waste of BBS time even replying to anything you post in here, I just wasted time typing this.... why did I do this?