So Vulcan, how's it going? Any updates for us?
Do you guys on the dev list perhaps get any hints from Oculus about when the consumer version might arrive? Hmmm? 
The forums are all pretty open, they're saying next year, it will have 6 DoF.
I have one bugbear at the moment, I don't think the opentrack software is keeping up with the fast head movements of AH and I'm getting 'drift'. I used to use GlovePIE with my Vuzix headset and that was OK, there's a new version called FreePIE but for the life of me I can get it to work. So the tracking is 'acceptable' but could be better. I also have my eye on the Sixense Stem system due out next year (magnetic highly accurate 6DoF tracking).
The feeling from the view is still awesome, and so immersive.