Listen to yourselves! Are you guys for real???

You mean to say that just because you cant drop a dumb bomb in to the air vent on the top of a hanger that the bombing in AH is ruined? That bombing is worthless??? SERIOUSLY???

You mean to say that having to gauge a wee bit of wind drift is going to stop you from dropping hangers, etc? How do you guys plan ahead to drop on CV's? or turning CV's? Or moving gv's? C'mon fellas, grow a pair and understand that there may be a ever so small learning curve to learn the new system, but damn it isn't like there isn't any of you vets can't learn, adapt, and over come. Wow. Suck it up, cupcake. You've been spoon fed long enough.

Even if HTC has forever thrown off the accuracy of precision bombing perhaps it is time to relearn the importance of actual carpet bombing.