so glad that for a while those 30k+ lancs dropping hangars at will are gone.
When was the last time you had really seen a 30k+ hangar dropping Lanc?

Seriously let's just
assume it's now working as intended and here to stay. Bombing at altitude would become really difficult, it would take lots of practice, more approaches and buffs are easier to shoot down.
Fine. for me as a bomber pilot it's a challenge.

But what would it mean for gameplay, when the suicide Jabo attacks become much, much more efficient now compared to bomber sorties? Would all those quickly rejoicing now about the 'lame bomb****s' be happy with an increase in NOE raids and Lancstukas? More unstoppable Pony swarms taking down all FHs on a base in seconds and then staying to kill the last defenders and smash the town? What would happen to high alt combat overall? It's already scarce, and for me as a fighter pilot and buff hunter, escorted bomb raids at altitude are a highly welcome variation from the standard 5k merry-go-round. Personally I'd really hate to see high altitude bombers gone.
But again, that's just
assuming things would stay like they were last night
(And yes, unlike most players I'm really to be found on both sides. The majority of 'my game' revolves on stuff at high altitudes, both as an relentless bomber hunter as well as a avid bomber pilot myself)