Author Topic: The Decline of the Forums  (Read 5571 times)

Offline Guppy35

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #45 on: June 14, 2013, 10:23:27 PM »
It's fun reading my old posts.  You mention your son Fugi.

I said this about my son in 2003 :)

 "After a week in the MA he'd become a pork em, capture their bases kinda, win the reset player, much to my disappointment.

NO MORE!   I dragged him in this week and now he's headed in on his own.  Tonite he was talking so fast and doing so much hand flying, that I couldn't keep up with his story, but it had lots to do with flying an F4F with references to 'dragging Zekes" and 'shooting em off another F4F's tail" etc etc.  Absoultely no mention of bombers, or porking their bases to get back at em for porking ours, kinda talk.  Gun convergence, and how to best use the Wildcat was what he wanted to know."

It's still on us to teach em right :)
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline BiPoLaR

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #46 on: June 14, 2013, 10:38:11 PM »
One of my most vivid AH memories, winging with BiP at the furball lake  :rock


How loudly was I screaming?
R.I.P. T.E.Moore (Dad) 9-9-45 - 7-16-10.
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Offline masterjock

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #47 on: June 15, 2013, 12:51:37 AM »
Thank you but it wasn't really the purpose, just trying to get players interested and sharing information.

You're saying the 'other' thread hold more accessible interest, even though it reads like two gangs of grandmas standing on opposite sides of the street waving their handbags at each other?  :eek:

For some reason when I search I mostly get threads from ten years ago. They seem different to me. More aircraft discussion and ACM. A bit of smack talk for sure, but nowadays this seems to be everywhere

Maybe my tolerance has run out :old:
 triton28, ack ack, zoney are some of these folks that you speak of. The negativeness and the judging of others these 3 take the cake.

Offline nrshida

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #48 on: June 15, 2013, 02:13:17 AM »
<S> shida,
Seems to be same old, same old in the Forums.

                                                                                                                      :cheers: Oz

<Salute> Ozrocker!

Actually I'm afraid to think it is going more & more in the direction that I don't like.   :uhoh

<S> Shida

Yeah man the forums are a joke .. there is some good info for sure but mostly 12 year olds or 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds puffing theirs chests.  I must admit I rarely post due to the fact that I know a majority of the replies are going to be nothing but BS smack talking attention seeking bananas that thrive on sabotaging all the good within a thread that may well be informative.

I think there should be more moderators that just delete posts should they sway off topic into personal abuse.  Its unacceptable behaviour ...

Am now awaiting a 12yo to reply to this to call me names and throw stones ..   :bolt:

The DA is the same now .. I remember years ago you could go in there and meet up with people and learn/teach, sure there was the odd idiot but generally people wanted to learn acm.  Yesterday I was in there trying to fight a guy and had 4 trying to pick me from both countries.  When I merely asked guys can I please fight this guy 1v1 I got a "whaaa .. go cry somewhere else".  Simply requesting some time you get abuse.

It would be amazing if somehow there could be two arenas where the kids could go and do their HOing picking BS but also have an arena where only the serious, interested guys could go to duel, no perk planes, no 25k temps screaming down and picking you on takeoff blah blah .. I know a pipe dream but it would be nice to be able to go to a place where you know the other guy is as interested as you in a GOOD fight.

Sorry may be a little off topic :P


<Salute> NikonGuy!

I think the knee-jerk "cry / whine" gambit is just the fastest way of saying: "shut up, this game is all about me and I'll do exactly what I want when I want to do it". I'm afraid the days of the Breakfast Club at the Furball Lake are long gone. Shame.

How loudly was I screaming?

Actually it was rather the other players screaming. Never have I seen anyone dispensing ego / reality checks with more surgical efficiency. BiPoLaR here actually made a guy log out after a 60 second transmission on range. I never saw him since, lolz.

”It's a shame that he's gone, but the shame is entirely his”
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Offline zack1234

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #49 on: June 15, 2013, 03:00:20 AM »
Get a life Shida!
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

Pipz lived in the Wilderness near Ontario

Offline nrshida

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2013, 04:19:31 AM »
”It's a shame that he's gone, but the shame is entirely his”
HiTech 2 - Skyyr 0

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2013, 07:56:24 AM »
<S> Shida

Yeah man the forums are a joke .. there is some good info for sure but mostly 12 year olds or 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds puffing theirs chests.  I must admit I rarely post due to the fact that I know a majority of the replies are going to be nothing but BS smack talking attention seeking bananas that thrive on sabotaging all the good within a thread that may well be informative.

I think there should be more moderators that just delete posts should they sway off topic into personal abuse.  Its unacceptable behaviour ...

Am now awaiting a 12yo to reply to this to call me names and throw stones ..   :bolt:

The DA is the same now .. I remember years ago you could go in there and meet up with people and learn/teach, sure there was the odd idiot but generally people wanted to learn acm.  Yesterday I was in there trying to fight a guy and had 4 trying to pick me from both countries.  When I merely asked guys can I please fight this guy 1v1 I got a "whaaa .. go cry somewhere else".  Simply requesting some time you get abuse.

It would be amazing if somehow there could be two arenas where the kids could go and do their HOing picking BS but also have an arena where only the serious, interested guys could go to duel, no perk planes, no 25k temps screaming down and picking you on takeoff blah blah .. I know a pipe dream but it would be nice to be able to go to a place where you know the other guy is as interested as you in a GOOD fight.

Sorry may be a little off topic :P


Concise and to the point, excellent post.   The only ones who would disagree, would be the culprits themselves Nikon.

It was great flying FSO again with 9 GIAP.     :salute
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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #52 on: June 15, 2013, 08:53:31 AM »
It's fun reading my old posts.  You mention your son Fugi.

I said this about my son in 2003 :)

 "After a week in the MA he'd become a pork em, capture their bases kinda, win the reset player, much to my disappointment.

NO MORE!   I dragged him in this week and now he's headed in on his own.  Tonite he was talking so fast and doing so much hand flying, that I couldn't keep up with his story, but it had lots to do with flying an F4F with references to 'dragging Zekes" and 'shooting em off another F4F's tail" etc etc.  Absoultely no mention of bombers, or porking their bases to get back at em for porking ours, kinda talk.  Gun convergence, and how to best use the Wildcat was what he wanted to know."

It's still on us to teach em right :)

And how old was he then, late teen? Mine is 27, and has been a gamers since he was 4. He is a computer programer for a software company and is looking to get into programming games. Gaming is what he does, period. Your son grew up in a house full of the "history" surrounding the era this game plays in so it was only natural for him to follow you. My son didn't have that background as I'm the odd one that likes history a bit. I don't have books and books on the subject, nor did I do trips to talk with spit pilots and other squadrons in my youth so they was none of that history here. To my son it is just a game.

Now look at today's people. How much WWII history is covered in school these days? Very little, so nothing to peek a youngsters interest. How about movies? Can you picture anyone in their 20's and under watching Where Eagles Dare, Casablanca, The Great escape, Hell in the Pacific, even Schindler's list tho it's newer? I KNOW my kids wouldn't. Today, people want CGI and big bangs, story is unimportant.

While in the old days we had boasting, and calling people out over the radios and on the boards it was a bit more civil, now it has all fallen to a much more childish rant. "I PWND's YOU!"  I have only a few people on "ignore" and so when I scroll through the boards almost half of the posts are "You are ignoring....." what does that tell you about the boards?

If we go by Lusche's graph, and things continue the way they are we should be BELOW the numbers we had in mid 1999 by Christmas next year. How much do you think the cost of running HTC has gone up since 1999? How long until the money no longer makes since for them?

Offline ozrocker

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2013, 09:35:41 AM »
Just read again what Guppy posted on page 3 to Fugi Sir :aok
Tis the same old  :old: forum that we've all come to love.
Same stories, different times :salute

Hey NikonGuy,  :neener: :neener:
 :banana: :salute

                                                                                                                                                       :cheers: Oz
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The world is grown so bad. That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch.- Shakespeare
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Offline SAJ73

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2013, 12:06:46 PM »
<S> Shida

Yeah man the forums are a joke .. there is some good info for sure but mostly 12 year olds or 40 year olds acting like 12 year olds puffing theirs chests.  I must admit I rarely post due to the fact that I know a majority of the replies are going to be nothing but BS smack talking attention seeking bananas that thrive on sabotaging all the good within a thread that may well be informative.

I think there should be more moderators that just delete posts should they sway off topic into personal abuse.  Its unacceptable behaviour ...

Am now awaiting a 12yo to reply to this to call me names and throw stones ..   :bolt:

The DA is the same now .. I remember years ago you could go in there and meet up with people and learn/teach, sure there was the odd idiot but generally people wanted to learn acm.  Yesterday I was in there trying to fight a guy and had 4 trying to pick me from both countries.  When I merely asked guys can I please fight this guy 1v1 I got a "whaaa .. go cry somewhere else".  Simply requesting some time you get abuse.

It would be amazing if somehow there could be two arenas where the kids could go and do their HOing picking BS but also have an arena where only the serious, interested guys could go to duel, no perk planes, no 25k temps screaming down and picking you on takeoff blah blah .. I know a pipe dream but it would be nice to be able to go to a place where you know the other guy is as interested as you in a GOOD fight.

Sorry may be a little off topic :P


This has become the truth, the sadly truth.
I see the same things more often, trolling and personal attacks has become the daily deal. And the DA I don't even care to visit anymore, and I used to fly in DA all the time before. The only troll we had in DA back then was Charger vulching the field in his F4U4 on occations.  :lol

Offline LCADolby

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2013, 12:11:29 PM »

What news from the Throne of Knowledge Dolby? Somewhat like the illegitimate lovechild of a back-alley affair betwixt Mosquito and Emil perhaps? Could this be the one British aircraft that Dr. Dolby might fly from time to time?  :rock

I noticed that when carrying bombs it says not to do any aerobatics or exceed 350mph in a dive... I sense a mountain of snapped off parts forming already  :eek:
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Offline Midway

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2013, 02:16:04 PM »
This has become the truth, the sadly truth.
I see the same things more often, trolling and personal attacks has become the daily deal. And the DA I don't even care to visit anymore, and I used to fly in DA all the time before. The only troll we had in DA back then was Charger vulching the field in his F4U4 on occations.  :lol

I use to fly in the DA a lot also.  Matter of fact it's where I met a really nice guy named nrshida.  He never talked, but showed me cool stuff and was just generally all around awesome nice. Then somehow things deteriorated to where we won't even speak to each other.  I suppose that's just life... many good things deteriorate over time.  Just like any natural process making room for the next one.  Wear and tear takes its toll. :frown:

Some can overcome this rather negative tendency, with strength of will and character, that is.  :old:

 :salute nrshida :rock


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Offline nrshida

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2013, 03:25:16 PM »
I noticed that when carrying bombs it says not to do any aerobatics or exceed 350mph in a dive... I sense a mountain of snapped off parts forming already  :eek:

Yeah it wasn't designed for bombs, that was an adaptation.
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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2013, 03:48:08 PM »
... and some can't. :frown:

 :salute nrshida :rock


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Offline Gixer

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Re: The Decline of the Forums
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2013, 06:20:19 PM »
Is no one interested in aircraft or ACM anymore?

Doesn't seem so, which is reflected in player numbers, and Snail's graph. Other reasons imho is that due to slow game development over past 10 years doesn't leave much to talk about which hasn't already been discussed 100 times before. Also too many egos and internet tough guys, one squad in particular likes to think of itself as the "Seal Smacking" squad which ownz everyone either in MA, CH200 or forums which does nothing at all for the game especially for new guys.

Personally I got bored with forums when O'Club got muted around 2003-2004 to where it is now and most of the  discussion revolves around guns,cars and sports. General, Aircraft/Vehicles  just repeat similar subjects on a consistent basis with the usual contributors trying to dominate any threads with their opinion of "I don't have to be right, I just have to say it" attitude.

All of which kills off discussion in the forums.
