TC is known as a good-willing and friendly person. Badboy, not too much.
Bighorn has evidence on Badboy's trolling business, if thats enough. If you trust in Bighorn.
Bighorn emailed me his evidence. It's not convincing. I can type numbers with periods in an email too.
Fact is Badboy's forum posts (hundreds) are awesome, better than almost anyone else.
Fact is Badboy's been very nice in EVERY interaction I've had with him. He teaches, is patient, and fun.
Fact is TC himself said Badboy is above such nonsense and having read all of Badboy's posts, I see that also.
Triple fact proof that false disparagements and impugnations are, in fact, wrong with respect to Badboy.
Wrong indeed.
Oh, and fact is the one time I ask Bighorn for help, he told me he was too advanced for me and to work with morfiend instead.
So, given the above undisputed facts I have witnessed with my own eyes... well... nuff said.