You mean the defensive fire of 15 B-17s. Players bring 3 each.
And this is my problem with the auto formation function. Buff guns are already way over effective. Drones were added to strengthen the defensive power of a single player and in addition giving him "3 strikes" before he gets the short trip to the tower. Combine drones formation with player auto formation and you get one ridiculous flying ack cloud. What started as a combat flight sim has shifted into too many things that do not include flying. Now even a bomber pilot does not actually fly his bomber, but slave them to another player. He is basically a gunner that brought 3 (3, not 2) drones with him.
I don't think this will turn into indestructible death star formations. I was in a formation of seven B-26's (21 planes) that was completely destroyed by interceptors. Some interceptors have cannons that can reach out and kill bombers beyond the effective range of the bomber's guns. What I think this does is level the playing field and add an element of realism. IRL the bombers had pilots to hold the formations together and gunners to fight. In AH it is often hard to find folks to fly in the gunner position only. So as pilots go to their guns the formations drift apart, and once the formations have separated there are many fighter pilots that can make an easy meal of a single formation of three, not to mention multiple interceptors. Bomber pilots don't up their bombers to become kills, they want to come home

What I think this could mean is a whole lot of fun! These big formations show a big dar bar over multiple sectors which can attract many interceptors. The formations also need escort fighters to knock down the 410's sitting out there at 1.5k sniping one bomber after another. I have been on some large missions which have become epic battles at 20k, with interceptors tearing through the formations with escorts in pursuit and guns blazing everywhere. In the end the mission is not destroyed but heavily damaged with maybe a 50% loss of pilots and drones, but also many interceptors and escorts shot down and hopefully fun for all

This also makes missions with the lessor bombers like the He111 and Betty more feasible. Right now a lone formation of He111's is often cannon fodder. A formation of 10 He111 pilots (30 He111's) tucked in tight together with a few escorts would be a different story. So hopefully we will see the use of lessor bombers more often in the MA now that we have this feature. I'm certainly going to up these types of formations for some variety and challenge

On the other side of the equation, I watched a large formation of over 20 B-24's and B-17's on a strat run recently. They weren't holding tight formations, and almost none, if any, returned home as they were slowly picked away at by fighters all the way there and back.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. I doubt there will be enough interest in large bomber formations to sway the balance of power in the MA dramatically towards bombers. But it might make life more interesting for bomber pilots and fighter pilots to boot when they do appear!