Frankly. No.
I honestly hope it's never added. Of the 400 posts on it, they all come from the same 10 or so people. Just to piss them off I hope HTC never responds and never adds it.

@theCrab....I hope just because you wish this, HT makes it so.

Will it fly like I like to fly, No. Will lots of others have fun and fly it allot ... Yes! Will I fly it , ..Occasionally. @end
I was just reading the one of the BoB threads. Bruv saying the last BoB that they ran was in 2008? the next one rolls along in 2017?
How much time would it take for the P-63, P-51 <MkI, Ia>, A36, A20G1, A26B/C or even ....shall I dare say it

... the D.520 and Boomer, to eclipse the usage/fun/interest combined of the 111 and the 7B?
Is the Beau-fighter going to get used? Yeah, some will fly it..... will it get used in scenarios yep ...a few. Will it eclipse any of the above in MA usage ...nope <accept the 111>!
Earl how bout we replace these 2? Pick 2 above that are in the in the game? I fly the 39D around you all the time .....cycle your icons once in a while. Many times it's my 39D taking the radar down for your incoming missions

What planes could we enter into the game that the players would have more fun with, just skipping the scenario aspect altogether, but remaining with in the "shadow/pseudo" requirements of..... seen action, squad strength and no night fighters?
And while there at it put .....the fun back in the 109F-4
