Can we please have a Do 217? Germans pretty much have to make due with the Ju-88 for the span of 1942 to 1945. The Do 217, along with the Ju-188, made up a good portion of the German bomber forces from 1943 onwards.
The Do 217 seems to be the best German bomber we could get at the moment, everything factored in. It has decent special event value, and would be almost perk worthy in the MA, really only suffering from a lack of defensive armament.
Carrying 3000kg (6600lbs) internally or 4000kg (8800lbs) on both internal and external racks, the Do 217M-1 would be armed with 4 7.92mm machine guns in the nose and beam positions, and 2 13mm machine guns in the dorsal and ventral positions.
The Do 217 was capable of around 346mph at 19,000ft, making it the fourth fastest bomber in the game, and possibly the fastest perk free bomber.