I personally really like the sound of this idea.
I think this idea would work really well with an eastern front setup this is a very basic idea of how i would do it.
Frame 1Operation barborossa, the german invasion of Russia.
Heavy advantage to axis.
Destroy as many airfields as possible.(Germans)
Planes: German :ju88,he111,ju87, 109E(fighter bomber role) 109F Russian : i16 and hopefull some mig and lagg3,s
Frame 2Stalingrad late 1942 (winter)
Slight advantage to axis
Destroy gun emplacements, headquarters and bases around stalingrad area(Both sides)
Planes: Germans: Ju87,ju88,he111,109f(possibly a handful of G2,s) and 190a5(in limited numbers due to it being a 43 aircraft) Russian : il2,yak7b and those mig and lagg3s

Lend lease to russian: Boston,p40E and p39d all in limited numbers.
Frame 3Kursk 1943
capture objectives and giant furball possibly a gv element.(Both sides)
Planes: Germans: ju87D and G2,ju88,109G6,190a5 and c47 Russian: IL2,yak9t,yak9m(20mm T),LA5(small numbers) Lend lease : P39Q,Spit9,B25c and c47.
Frame4Somewere 1944
slight advantage Russians
Destroy German strongholds to advance. (Russians)
Planes: Germans: 109G6,190A5,190A8 and small number of 109G14,s Russians : Il2,yak9t,yak9m,LA5 Lend lease :39Q,Spit9,B25 and Bostons.
Frame 5Berlin 1945
Advantage Russians
Capture Berlin destroy gun emplacements and buildings and capture maybe some gv element
Planes: Germans: 190D9,109K4,190F8,Ta152(small numbers like 6) and Me262(also in small numbers of 6 to 8) Russians: IL2,Yak3,Yak9u,La7 Lendlease: Bostons,B25cs and C47.
Just my idea. How to implement it is not my forte but i think it would be fun and mostly only bomber pilots would have to switch sides to give the numbers difference.
