I saw this in another thread, I thought it warrants discussion:
And it would only take one simple game mechanic to do that: Aircraft Basing Limits. Once the number of aircraft in flight from a base hits the limit, additional aircraft can't launch from that field.
It could be scale-able based on arena pop, so that it isn't quite as limiting when large numbers are in the arena. It could vary by the size of the field, making large airfields more valuable/useful (something that doesn't matter strategically now). It could have a timer before the loss of a plane is deducted from the "in flight number", meaning the first lemmings to die can't just re-up immediately. This might make survival more important and give an incentive to defenders to try to attack attackers. (Make this exclusive of bails without damage, to avoid abuse.)
There are lots of advantages to this as I see it: spreading out the fight, giving defenders a viable chance at defense, and most importantly placing importance on staying alive instead of augering into a hanger, as losing an aircraft has an impact on your operations.
Implementing something like this would spread out the fights some and incentivize surviving vs. suicide/kamikaze/bombnbail type play.
I like this idea and would love to see it in play. I’ve always thought strange that one could up any type of aircraft from any side field with very few restrictions, The 163 is the only aircraft that has such restrictions and is limited to certain bases. But even with that restriction, an endless number of 163’s cold be upped from those fields.
I had always wanted to see field limits. How many aircraft and type of aircraft could be upped at a time from a field based on field size.
Small airfields should be limited to fighters, medium fields a mix of fighters and medium bombers. Large airfields would have fighters, medium bombers and the big stuff, B24, Lancaster, B29 and B17’s.
The airfield runway lengths would have one small runway on a Small airfield, perhaps dirt, no more than 1800 feet of runways, Medium would have 2500 foot runways and the large fields 4000 feet of runway.
A limit on the number of aircraft that can originate from any one airfield and perhaps this could be tied to the strats.
I know this needs more work , but I think it’s an idea that should be discussed. I can see where it would add a new game dynamic and should increase the number of fights it doesn’t eliminate the horde, but it does require them to spread out and take a new approach to rolling fields.
It also adds a more historic limit to game play.