Author Topic: An Intruder last night….  (Read 4143 times)

Offline ink

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #90 on: January 26, 2014, 10:15:59 AM »
about 20 years ago I lived in Casa Grand Arizona....I had just gotten there 4 days pryer ....staying with my older sister and her was me the wife before she was the wife and our 1 year old daughter....I am 24 years old about 240 at the time and can do a full straddle easy...been out of prison a couple years and trying to do right..but the hatred and anger that was in my heart... was tangible...most will luckily never understand what that is like....

anyways day I get there, my sisters husband has an "individual" hanging out...I notice right away he is smoking all Dave's butts...his bud...and drinking all the beers he can...eating all their food....
you get the picture...he does this every day for 4 days...not once did he bring anything with him to contribute....

I have been holding back..... on the first day, hell with in a couple hours of meeting him I want to drive my fist through his face but because it is my sisters house I am trying to be nice....

but this guy just wont stop....everything that is talked about he has done the best...he is some kung fu expert....knows all kinds of martial arts...kicked 5 or more guys arse at the same time....

he doesnt realize what has been going deeply I am getting in the anger....from his crap talking....

well a conversation comes up that he is some awesome Conga just so happens my brother in law is a conga player has a sweet set...I say right to him...."am gonna put this mouth piece to the test...pull out your congas..."

so Dave pulls them out...I get up to them and start to beat on them fast and hard...but no beat of any sort I cant play for crap, but I have very fast hands so make it look good........well this guy gets up and is a complete moron and cant hit them at all....I am not kidding...he is literally licking his palms and tapping them...saying..."im out of practice"

I am done....I grab him by the face and shove him in a chair...say to him.."time for you to go" I am pacing now...I do that when angry.....he looks to Dave...Dave says "hey he is my brother in law" at this point I am out side in front of the he comes....he actuall has the balls to walk up to me within a few feet...gets in some made up "karate" stance....his legs spread real wide squatting down arms raised above his head swinging them around...he says "kick me and ill break your leg...."   he has no clue how close he is to death at this point....I say simply "ya MFer.... here it comes..."  and step forward and straight snap kick him square in his hard and as fast as I can....(at 15 I was breaking 2by4s with a small side snap kick)....he immediately is thrown into the air flying backwards....while he is flying backwards I chase him soon as he hits the ground I am on him...punching him in his after least 15 times.......a few head buts and elbow smashes....I forgot to mention...he has these nasty long dirty finger nails...well he reaches up and grabs my lower lip...I immediately sink my left thumb into his right the hilt...instantly he lets go...I put him into an anaconda choke and started to choke him out....I hear my sister and wife freaking out Dave is trying to stop me...I realize the guy is just about dead....I relax my grip and whisper in his ear..."if I see him again I wont stop next time"

I get up off him and walk away....

a couple days go by, I am driving down town in my Challenger...I look over and see this person....his entire face is black....and dark purple... one eye is completely closed and massively puffed up his other eye is barely open...he seriously looked like a hammer was smashed into his face repeatedly....

thats I think.... the first time I actually felt guilt for hurting someone... to be honest it wasn't much back then....  

but yet I can still remember his name...Billy keys

trust me when I say you don't want the guilt that comes with those types of actions....which I carry way to many of.


I was thinking...obviously this is different then an intruder in your house....

but I have learned Violence in any form other then righteous anger leaves a sour taste...and even then when you have to use it for a good cause it just feels wrong.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 11:00:47 AM by ink »

Offline GScholz

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #91 on: January 26, 2014, 10:58:35 AM »
Guilt is a strange thing... You can rationalize your choices and actions all you want, but it still there, waiting to pounce when you relax.
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Offline ink

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2014, 11:02:28 AM »
Guilt is a strange thing... You can rationalize your choices and actions all you want, but it still there, waiting to pounce when you relax.

its like a hammer drill in my heart and mind every waking moment.

Offline Ripsnort

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2014, 11:56:37 AM »
I'd have shot him. Then put his head on a pike and planted it in the driveway near the road to let others know not to come this way.

Oh wait...I guess this is not an online game.

Offline Widewing

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #94 on: January 26, 2014, 03:54:11 PM »
I'll leave the safety on until the rifle comes to my shoulder.  It is the way I was taught and is the way I train/practice.  While fine motor skills do deteriorate under stress training and practice, the development of muscle memory, can overcome that.  You will do under stress what you have developed as muscle memory (which is why it is very important to train like you fight, fight like you train)

The safety on an M4/AR15 is much easier to operate than the retention devices on the l holster I carried on duty, I never had any issues drawing the weapon and did it under much greater stress than this encounter the other evening….I practice with the M4 nearly every day so I'm not concerned about being able to put it in action if needed.

I understand this type of training. A good friend of mine was a small arms instructor for the Vermont State Police. Retired, he now works for a private firm, doing the same type of training. The police have certain liabilities that civilians don't. More than the military as well. Thus, they train a bit differently than the military, with greater emphasis on caution. I was trained that when I expect a confrontation, safety off, finger alongside the trigger. One need only to bend the finger. Why safety off? Because, a potential adversary just 6 feet distant can cover that distance in the time it takes to operate the safety and shoot. Less than a second. Muscle memory is great, but time is the most uncontrolled factor. You go through a door and the bad guy is four feet away... Time becomes THE major factor.

Nonetheless, you're better off doing what you've been trained for. Besides, circumstances will always vary and no one can tell you what to do if not actually in your situation.

My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline colmbo

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #95 on: January 26, 2014, 08:36:15 PM »
You go through a door and the bad guy is four feet away... Time becomes THE major factor.

Nonetheless, you're better off doing what you've been trained for. B

Oh heck yeah.  Going to a known threat such as an entry the safety would be off.  Same on high risk traffic stop, etc.

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Offline guncrasher

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #96 on: January 26, 2014, 09:02:26 PM »
You go through a door and the bad guy is four feet away... Time becomes THE major factor.

did you ever think that the best option is not going thru the door?

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline ink

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #97 on: January 26, 2014, 09:04:17 PM »
did you ever think that the best option is not going thru the door?


evil thrives when good man do nothing.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #98 on: January 26, 2014, 09:14:00 PM »
evil thrives when good man do nothing.

sometimes waiting for the guy to come thru the door is better than you going thru the door not knowing that the bad guy is waiting for you.

ink you are a hard azzz thinking that you have to go thru the door to kick azzz.  but that isnt the smart thing to do in every situation is it?

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Slash27

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #99 on: January 26, 2014, 10:04:03 PM »
The wife was in town getting her hair done so I was getting some quality time playing Aces High when the dog lets out her "I'm concerned, I think I heard something" woof.  I live at the end of a street, semi-rural area.  I can look out from the computer room to see the front gate (yard is fenced) and one of the greenhouses on the property.  When I take a peek I see the door on the greenhouse is open.  Crap.

Slip the boots and jacket on, grab the M4 and the phone and the dog and I go check it out to find some amazinhunk sorting through the wife's bottle collection!  He was so intent looking through things he never saw or heard me coming.

I ask him what he's doing, he replies matter of fact like "Just looking around".

I respond with you're on my property, in my greenhouse…wtf are you doing here?  I said it um, firmly.  I've got the carbine at low ready, I'm old, ugly, I have pneumonia at present, I haven't shaved in a week and was using my best "I'm gonna mess you up" scowl.

He replied "Chill dude!  No need to get all excited ya know." and he stepped toward me.

Really?  Sometimes I really wish I lived in Texas.  :)

I stepped back from the door, clicked the safety off and told him to "get the f&% off my property, if you come back I will shoot you"…the dog added a deep "Woof!" as an exclamation point.  I gave him room to exit, he did and the whole time was giving me crap about what an a hole I am.

Frankly, the guy looked a bit whacko.  Didn't seem high or drunk…just bat poop crazy.  If someone confronted me while holding a gun I'd be a bit diplomatic in my dealings with them, not chipping my teeth the whole time.

This is twice now in a couple years I've run people off that were prowling around the property, just ordered a motion detector system to cover the approaches.

Too bad the dog didn't get a piece before he left. :D

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #100 on: January 27, 2014, 12:15:01 AM »
evil thrives when good man do nothing.

Good men can keep guard outside the door and call police. Old chinese proverb.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone

Offline ink

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #101 on: January 27, 2014, 12:16:13 AM »
Good men can keep guard outside the door and call police. Old chinese proverb.


dogs are for keeping "guard"

Man are for action..... ;)

Offline Plawranc

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #102 on: January 27, 2014, 02:49:43 AM »
If there is something happening that is illegal or just morally wrong.... and you have the power to either prevent it or stop it... and don't.  I would feel ashamed.

Simply an opinion.
DaPacman - 71 Squadron RAF

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Offline ink

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #103 on: January 27, 2014, 03:47:05 AM »
If there is something happening that is illegal or just morally wrong.... and you have the power to either prevent it or stop it... and don't.  I would feel ashamed.

Simply an opinion.

nicely said :aok

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: An Intruder last night….
« Reply #104 on: January 27, 2014, 04:19:42 AM »
If there is something happening that is illegal or just morally wrong.... and you have the power to either prevent it or stop it... and don't.  I would feel ashamed.

Simply an opinion.

In many countries and possibly in some US states your options to legally try to stop it are extremely slim. It has often happened that the person attempting to prevent a crime or stop the perp has got much worse punishment than the criminal. So now people pretty much just look the other way and possibly call the cops.

In my f***ed up country if a gun owner for example uses his weapon to threat a criminal and the criminal does not wield a similar weapon himself, it's considered as excessive force and may lead to loss of the carrying permit.
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. –W. Clement Stone