Author Topic: Player Progress  (Read 1571 times)

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2014, 12:28:37 PM »
First lesson I got was 38 has dive breaks!!! OOps would have used them, but nope. lol  :bhead :headscratch: :bhead

FYI- None of the P-38s (in game or real life) had dive brakes.

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline lunatic1

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2014, 12:44:54 PM »
Look foward to it, I prefer my horse meat burnt
LOL-well done maybe but not burnt
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Offline SAJ73

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2014, 01:17:15 PM »
This being my one year anniversary of subscribing to AH, I was curious as to whether other players have progressed in a similar fashion.
1. 1st three months, clueless, every time you up, your just giving a red guy free perks.
2. 2nd 2 months, pretty much gave up on fighters, started upping gv's and buffs.
3. 3rd 2 months I've finally adhered to the advice of more experienced players, found a fighter I liked and stuck with it. By this time I am starting to be able to hold my own a little, attempting to not HO, I still will vulch when applicable.
4. 4th 3 months, I'm starting to build confidence although I am still dead 1v1 against a good player. Durring this same time period I am learning complete and utter contemp towards pony drivers who do nothing but HO and pick.
5. Last two months, although I will admit that I still participate in horde base taking, I find my self more and more seeking 1v1 against good players, and upping against the horde.
6. This is a great game with a great player base minus a few exceptions, and if your are a rook or knit flying a pony, jug, or 38 and you come across a bish yak, my advice, run and hide.

I don't always up fighters, but when I do, its a Yak3

When I first started playing back in 07 I started like most newbies, in a spit16 and flying with a mouse. Did that for most of my free 14 day trial period before I was talked into trying a less femi ride like the F4U. Tried the F4U, did not like it at first.. But was adviced to stick with it for atleast a month, so I did. One month passed, then two, three, a year, two, three years passed.. I got fairly good in the F4U and it became my favorite ride in the game. But after a while I wanted to do the same with another ride, stick with it that is. So I went for the P51D you hate so much..  :neener:
Have been told that I am fairly good in the pony, and I don't use it to BnZ much. I BnZ randomly when there is not much else to find just to make time pass, but what I really love is to twist that pony around some spit, ki84, yak or zero and scrub through the weeds on full flaps.

I have not been very active in the game the last year or year and a half actually, so I am feeling rusty and almost like a newbie all over again. Bun anyway, rusty or not.. Today I experienced for the very first time in my time here to be accused of being a shade, after a turnfight with a spit14 that fell into the sea with a missing wing.. Most people would take that as an insult I suppose, but I found it rather amusing. In fact, it made my ego boost a little bit.  :P

And a bit later today I had a few whiteknuckle fights with a quite respected pilot in a yak3 that I would share a film of if I just knew how to share the film.. Just to show you that not all P51 pilots are afraid to make hard turns and get slow.
But I know many other P51 pilots that will support me on this, and most of them are even better at flying the pony than I am. That bird CAN do some pretty amazing things in the right hands I tell you.  :aok


Offline BnZs

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2014, 03:25:52 PM »
Just try it  ;)  Pony vs Dora was my favourite matchup, nearly equal aircrafts with the Dora having advantage in the uphill and the Pony in the downhill. The one who can force his fight on the other, wins.
   Umm, you do realize that you just said almost exactly what I said about the matchup, only with different terms? ;)
"Crikey, sir. I'm looking forward to today. Up diddly up, down diddly down, whoops, poop, twiddly dee - decent scrap with the fiendish Red Baron - bit of a jolly old crash landing behind enemy lines - capture, torture, escape, and then back home in time for tea and medals."

Offline Debrody

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2014, 03:45:10 PM »
   Umm, you do realize that you just said almost exactly what I said about the matchup, only with different terms? ;)
Uhm, youre right. My head was and is full of BS
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Offline zack1234

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2014, 04:04:50 PM »
So is mine but more so :old:
There are no pies stored in this plane overnight

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Offline WW1965

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2014, 11:04:36 AM »
This being my one year anniversary of subscribing to AH, I was curious as to whether other players have progressed in a similar fashion.
1. 1st three months, clueless, every time you up, your just giving a red guy free perks.
2. 2nd 2 months, pretty much gave up on fighters, started upping gv's and buffs.
3. 3rd 2 months I've finally adhered to the advice of more experienced players, found a fighter I liked and stuck with it. By this time I am starting to be able to hold my own a little, attempting to not HO, I still will vulch when applicable.
4. 4th 3 months, I'm starting to build confidence although I am still dead 1v1 against a good player. Durring this same time period I am learning complete and utter contemp towards pony drivers who do nothing but HO and pick.
5. Last two months, although I will admit that I still participate in horde base taking, I find my self more and more seeking 1v1 against good players, and upping against the horde.
6. This is a great game with a great player base minus a few exceptions, and if your are a rook or knit flying a pony, jug, or 38 and you come across a bish yak, my advice, run and hide.

I don't always up fighters, but when I do, its a Yak3

One Year Date ->Feb 14, 2014 .. (present from the wife..)
I can't say I flew bombers, because I have, but that's not why I signed on to AH.. I wanted to fly & shoot stuff..
Unfortunately, I suck at it.. but once in a while karma shows up & says, "yeah, this is good.. this is why I play AH"..

I'm in the DA tonight in a Ki84, had a great 1v1 angles fight vs. a Brew, 4-5mins of twistin, yoyo's, scissors, etc etc.. & I lived thru it!! how unusual for me!!..
check 6 just cuz i'm supposed to & ahh fart!!.. I get picked.. <Grumble/Moan/Yell.. all off of vox of course..><Smile!!>..  and grab another & go back up..

As I get over head I see that a lots goin on, but I also see 'him' trailin a friendly.. I was pretty far out & up high, so I lined up on his friend, ...
to make a long story short, I weaved my way in close to him.. just by using what I've been taught, & picked him.. He was cool about it, & that told me he knew what was up..

the mere fact that I saw 'him', was able to avoid his friends, & then catch him unaware.. that told me, yeah, I'm learning.. finally..
I'm not there yet.. but I will be..

AH+(on that rare occasion)Karma+$15/month+(priceless/wifeack)=  :salute

Offline bozon

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Re: Player Progress
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2014, 12:12:51 PM »
6. This is a great game with a great player base minus a few exceptions, and if your are a rook or knit flying a pony, jug, or 38 and you come across a bish yak, my advice, run and hide.
Bist du ein Meshugane ?! are you crazy?!  :rolleyes:
Worst advice ever - do you want to spend your time chasing them around? Advise them to come and fight every Yak they see!
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

Click!>> "So, you want to fly the wooden wonder" - <<click!
the almost incomplete and not entirely inaccurate guide to the AH Mosquito.