Really? I think you should ask around outside of the AoM / Blue Knights circle. You might be surprised by what you hear.
I'm assuming members of your clique care to hear and consider dissenting opinions rather than dismissing them out of hand. The established historical precedents are not of joining together, holding hands and singing kumbaya for either side of the issue.
Why would I ask outside of these groups? If I wanted information or knowledge about something, would I not seek out the best if I could? You do not go to a grade school teacher to learn the complexity of calculus!
Every single member in the AOM / Blue Knight circle started and inhabited our place outside of that circle. These 2 groups (not the only 2) have cultivated a wealth of AH2 experience and understanding, and if the majority in groups such as these think a certain way, maybe just maybe it is from experience and "time served" NOT because I/they are part of some clique!! The members of these 2 groups are some of the most opinionated, single minded d0vchebags I've never had the pleasure to meet. They know this game cause they came up thru it. There is no clique, there is a standard!! The standard is not what you think it would be, but make no mistake the standard is high!
Let me speak for myself, as I know 1st hand each of them has no issue with speaking for themselves.
#1 - I do not consider AOM, Blue Knights and others a "clique".
#2 - I have no problem dismissing "out of hand" any dissenting opinion if I think it is wrong.
#3 - These groups "and others like them" have more experience, knowledge and understanding of this game than virtually all other groups combined.
#4 - The opinion of these groups weighs more than the opinion of others who have not the same experience, knowledge and understanding.
#5 - The long term historical precedent you speak of is rife with the experience, knowledge and understanding of these groups of players.
#6 - The 12 hour rule is a detriment to game play, it hinders choice and freedom. It stifles fun and it is one of the reasons I no longer play.
#7 - Changing it could be one of the reasons for my return!