I have a modest proposal for you Fugi. First, figure out which planes are seeing the most usage in the LWMA, via kills+death. Lusche will have this information at his fingertips for you. Next, find a friend you know to be of your approximate skill level and fight a series of DA matches, using the Pony against the top ten most commonly used LW planes. Then switch out and let the other guy fly the Pony against whatever. At least 3 duels from each of you in the Pony for each matchup. This procedure will tend to eliminate variables resulting from situational luck or pilot skill, and mostly be a test of relative plane performance. Post the films of this experiment when you are done. If, given equal pilots, the Pony wins as often as it loses against other common LW planes, it will tend to support your position. OTOH, if the Pony loses most of these duels with equal pilots, that will tend to support my contention that the P-51D is a fairly mediocre plane for the LWMA.