Allie here

So far on the wishlist, all I've asked for was new things. Some of you disagree with my wishes, some of you agree. Thats fine. New stuff can be scary. But its ONE thing in this game that doesnt get me going more and I would LOVE to see change, the Bomb Activation.
In AH, a bomb has to fall 1000(feet or kms, idk) before it activates. If it doesnt fall 1000(ft/km) then it wont explode and will just hit the ground with a dud. I HATE this feature, and I wish to see it change.
Im a ground attacker. I fly mainly stuff that is used to support our GVs. Such as the B-25, the Me410, and the IL-2. Stuff that can hit the enemy hard.
The B-25H doesnt have a bombsight, but it has a wide range of bombs that it can be fitted with. So you up a 25 with 12x100lbers, and you find a tank, and you COMPLETELY overshoot and miss the tank because you have absolutely no referance as to what your dropping at. Plus, you HAVE to be at 1000(km/ft). Thats hard to do with just the mk.1 eyeball.
Ive read that german attackers would fly just a couple hundred feet above the ground, then drop their bombs when the tank disappears under their prop. WHY cant we do that? Because we have to be in space to drop ours.
I just dont see the point of the minimum of a 1000(ft/km) drop height. I cant think of any use for it. All I want is there to be no drop height. Dive bombers can actually be more accurate, and us B-25 pilots dont miss and waste a ton of bombs on nothing but trees.
-Thanks, Alucard.