I still fail to understand why HTC can't take 5mins to change the hq hardiness....Is watching a game die fun?
I'm with you, Nuke. I'm at a total loss as to why the HQ problem (and it IS a big one)
based on what I see both in the forums and in the text buffer in-game. The level of player
dissatisfaction with it is huge.
These days I often see something like the following in the text buffer:
"Hi guys, just loggin' in, where's the fight at?" followed soon after by.... "Well, I see HQ is
down again, I'm loggin' off".
There's a reason that the MA used to be packed so heavily and why these days it's not.
It is player/subscriber attrition which is not being offset sufficiently by newer players/subscribers.
The reason(s) for that attrition? Well, I'll take a wild guess here and say it is stale gameplay
and a lack of a feeling of "having fun".
It is my hope that with the new AH engine comes a better and more fun operational
and strategic part of the game.
The majority of the old squads in AH blew up or disbanded in most cases due to HTC
implementing the "split arenas"; effectively disallowing those squads to have a
formal "squad night" which was a big draw for a lot of "pilots" who could only fly
one night per week. Those squads were a very big reason subscriptions climbed back
then. But, they got killed off with the split arenas.
Now, it seems as if the folly continues, but is this time directed at individual pilots
as opposed to squads.
Why? Chirp.......chirp.......chirp
Regards, Odd