Author Topic: My "This game has become junk" rant.  (Read 19244 times)

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #165 on: November 30, 2015, 10:58:28 PM »
whats the point of chasing a person 4 sectors because hes in a jet? if you kill it, does it mean there is one less jet that can be flying around? or can the jet pilot instantly reup another jet? theres only one single reason a whole squad chases a jet for 4 sectors. and Bustr eludes to that very reason. its to spite that player.
 then semp comes to this thread to talk smack to me specifically. he completely avoids the OP main topic. then his squaddies jump in. what do you call that?

vodovee your main complain was that people are running from a fight and into the ack.  and you are complaining because somebody chased you for 4 sectors and into the ack and killed you.

the irony is strong.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #166 on: December 01, 2015, 12:08:58 AM »
What fun are the PoW squadron ruining for others?  I've seen nothing from this squadron that even remotely qualifie of ruining the fun of others.
...coming from the king of perch, swoop, pick - climb, perch swoop pick, vulch, ho, all on low E ftrs
"Harden The F_ck Up”

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #167 on: December 01, 2015, 01:19:16 AM »
What fun are the PoW squadron ruining for others?  I've seen nothing from this squadron that even remotely qualifie of ruining the fun of others.

  You aren't looking.
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Offline VuduVee

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #168 on: December 01, 2015, 01:24:55 AM »
vodovee your main complain was that people are running from a fight and into the ack.  and you are complaining because somebody chased you for 4 sectors and into the ack and killed you.

the irony is strong.

our little conversation is a little off topic, but still ties into the OP's post. because its about players turning the game into a non tactical, spite driven toxic mess of an environment. im not a join em if i cant beat em person when i know that the norms are dirty. ill try to change minds. if that doesnt work, i go to the next level and try to shame them. but you cant shame them when the majority are indoctrinated into the sorriness. they get more emboldened and dig in and turn you into the bad guy. my mistake for thinking people are mostly good. i was wrong.
the difference between what i did and what i complained about, is that i was running in a jet, from 3 jets, a pony, a 38 and apparently, according to bustr a tempy.  thats 1 person running from 5 or 6 people. i seen 5 only. my complaint since you conveniently and deceptively leave it out, is that you people will run from a fair fight nearly every single time. but are the first to jump in on the gang bang. in four yrs of playing, i can count on one hand how many times ive ran from a fight or ganging and have fingers left to pick my nose still.  i promise that the only reason i ran then is that there was a prop plane or two that are waiting for me to get slow so that they could gang me too. otherwise im confident that ill eat you alive in a jet vs jet, 1v1, 2v1 and maybe even 3v1( like i was vs waystin, which is why he ran and i broke off a sec later). i broke off but couldve easily gotten him bc i had all the advantage. but im not a spite player. i have no intentions like you guys seemingly do, to spite a player for my kicks.

Offline VuduVee

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #169 on: December 01, 2015, 05:03:28 AM »
im thinking since i complained, i should offer good tactical reasons on some things i see as wrong.

when 2 teams are dogging 1 team so bad that the 1 team literally has 20 or 30% of their own bases on a large map, its proof that people are avoiding combat by kicking the dead horse. when my team is part of a 2v1 beat down, me and several other players consistently call for rooks to start on the other team right away. thats because we dont need anymore of their bases and we have plenty of insurance bases. so its time to work the other team. for me and my reasons, its no fun or a challenge to me to be a part of that 2 v1 beatdown. i want a challenge, not a handout.

when i see my teammates dogging 1 red, lets say 5 on 1, i tell em right then, that theres no tactical sense in ganging the one guy at our base considering he has 5, 10 or 15 teammates headed that way to bounce the crap out of em. when they show up, my teammates will all be dead and at a huge disadvantage when they try to reup. theyll just die over and over because they were too busy kill shooting each other for a single red guy. they shouldve bypassed the fight when they seen it was 2v1 and been at alt with E and ready to put up a decent fight AWAY from the end of our runway. it makes NO tactical sense at all to gang like that.
when people are chasing empty bombers or clearly rtb planes, i will tell my teammate(s) that if you kill him all you are doing is helping him to get more ords or ammo back onto targets at our base. that doesnt help us at all. it hurts us. it cuts his flight time down and he can immediately be back up and saving time and bombing the crap out of our stuff in 10 mins instead of 20. make the poor sob fly all the way home and give our bases more time to be ready. and also, while your chasing empty bombers, full bombers are inbound and likely getting a free pass to do as they please.  common freakin sense.

bomb and bailers, to me, they are gaming the game. and probably do the same cheap things in real life if they can get away with it. i highly doubt there was ever a time when a perfectly good airplane was bailed out of. these guys are the epitome of combat avoidance. in a combat game. i seen a full set of b29s bail out before he even bombed, just to avoid the possibility of combat. i really dont have a clue why anyone bombs and bails other than just being cheap players. the tactic these bomb and bailers should be using is keeping a darbar up so that the easy mode chasers will chase him while his buddies bomb the crap out of their base. but since hes bailed, now those guys can go and kill his friendly bombers before they bomb. the bomb and bailer screwed his teammates.

suicide defenders- these guys up to defend their base and plow into you anyway they can. he will crash into you, he will ho you. you die and he reups and repeats that on the other guys in the attack. you have to fly 5 to 10 mins to get there or get back to that base, but he can instantly be right back up in 10 secs. theres no penalty for the suicide defenders. they can suicide into you every chance he gets. you say, well vudu, dont let em get up. thats a good idea and a good tactic. but you cant always keep em from upping when you are deacking town/base or shooting/bombing it. thats when they go for the suicide defense, then reup, suicide, reup over and over till all attackers are gone. so you try to get to them before they get E and you kill em, then back to work till they reup. but it never fails, they immediately go nose on or just flat out crash into you with guns blazing. even when you try to vulch them during your base attack, they try to pull nose up to ho or crash into you or both. so that if the guns dont get you the crash will. in my opinion its dirty play. just my opinion, dont crap yourselves over it. i think there should be a 2 to 5 min wait before the suicide defender can lift from that base. just my opinion, dont crap yourselves over it. the tactic here is to call for help by putting out an alert and then up multiple planes to defend. you can also resupply and totally throw an attack off most times. you can up from a different base and kill their troops, their vh, look for their goon, look for their m3. you can up a tank or wirble and get it to town. again, common sense and you dont have to game the game by knowing you can suicide and reup 10 secs later. its cheap play in my opinion. just my opinion though, dont crap yourselves.

the runner comebacker- this guy will run from the fight towards his base everytime hoping the ack will kill you and he can get a freebie without earning it. then when you turn away he immediately tries to turn back in. you reverse him again and he runs to ack again. you turn away, he comes back out. rinse repeat. to me, if youre going to run and hide, just keep going and land it out. or better yet, out fight someone and quit being scared in a game that you dont really die in. you know the guy is going home and he only turns back in because you keep trying to give chase only to get reversed and then run. the tactic i do with these types is let them give chase until theyre too far to run and hide. i turn and engage them and trap them so they cant chicken out and run.

im sure there are some ardent defenders of all these things that i think are screwed up. theyre the majority in AH. im part of the minority in this thinking. thats ok though, you can rip me all you want. but, when it comes time that these players have to fight players like me, theyll lose because they never put themselves in a position to learn from mistakes. their egos are too fragile for it or maybe theyre afraid to take a risk. i feel sorry for these types and the reason is because a person doesnt just flip a switch and become someone different in game than they are in real life. you are what you are. in real life if you dont take any risks you can bet youll have no real rewards that you can take true pride in. you wont get better at whatever you do or like if you dont take risks and learn from mistakes. youll plateau out and get stale. i think this plays a huge part in why we as a general public collective conscience dont have a better world. because we dont push for higher reaches. we accept mediocrity and our world is absolute proof of it.

in game, if youre going to spend the time to play, why not be as good as you can and push to get even better? why waste your time if you dont want to outright beat the other guy and make him pay fairly and squarely? i guarantee that Bruv, AKAK, Mano, dr7, 999000 to name a few of the best went after the fight like rabid dogs and pushed themselves because they came to compete if they were going to spend their time playing.  for me, when i know these guys are on, i put myself in their airspace in the hopes of learning and hopefully beating them fair and square. its a pretty good rush to fight them and see where you stand. i even won a few times. theyre 10s, im somewhere around 7. i gave them everything i had. i do the same thing in real life and because of it im very good at what i do and i can prove it. i wish the norm in AH was this way, but its not.

Offline hgtonyvi

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #170 on: December 01, 2015, 06:43:58 AM »
im thinking since i complained, i should offer good tactical reasons on some things i see as wrong.

when 2 teams are dogging 1 team so bad that the 1 team literally has 20 or 30% of their own bases on a large map, its proof that people are avoiding combat by kicking the dead horse. when my team is part of a 2v1 beat down, me and several other players consistently call for rooks to start on the other team right away. thats because we dont need anymore of their bases and we have plenty of insurance bases. so its time to work the other team. for me and my reasons, its no fun or a challenge to me to be a part of that 2 v1 beatdown. i want a challenge, not a handout.

when i see my teammates dogging 1 red, lets say 5 on 1, i tell em right then, that theres no tactical sense in ganging the one guy at our base considering he has 5, 10 or 15 teammates headed that way to bounce the crap out of em. when they show up, my teammates will all be dead and at a huge disadvantage when they try to reup. theyll just die over and over because they were too busy kill shooting each other for a single red guy. they shouldve bypassed the fight when they seen it was 2v1 and been at alt with E and ready to put up a decent fight AWAY from the end of our runway. it makes NO tactical sense at all to gang like that.
when people are chasing empty bombers or clearly rtb planes, i will tell my teammate(s) that if you kill him all you are doing is helping him to get more ords or ammo back onto targets at our base. that doesnt help us at all. it hurts us. it cuts his flight time down and he can immediately be back up and saving time and bombing the crap out of our stuff in 10 mins instead of 20. make the poor sob fly all the way home and give our bases more time to be ready. and also, while your chasing empty bombers, full bombers are inbound and likely getting a free pass to do as they please.  common freakin sense.

bomb and bailers, to me, they are gaming the game. and probably do the same cheap things in real life if they can get away with it. i highly doubt there was ever a time when a perfectly good airplane was bailed out of. these guys are the epitome of combat avoidance. in a combat game. i seen a full set of b29s bail out before he even bombed, just to avoid the possibility of combat. i really dont have a clue why anyone bombs and bails other than just being cheap players. the tactic these bomb and bailers should be using is keeping a darbar up so that the easy mode chasers will chase him while his buddies bomb the crap out of their base. but since hes bailed, now those guys can go and kill his friendly bombers before they bomb. the bomb and bailer screwed his teammates.

suicide defenders- these guys up to defend their base and plow into you anyway they can. he will crash into you, he will ho you. you die and he reups and repeats that on the other guys in the attack. you have to fly 5 to 10 mins to get there or get back to that base, but he can instantly be right back up in 10 secs. theres no penalty for the suicide defenders. they can suicide into you every chance he gets. you say, well vudu, dont let em get up. thats a good idea and a good tactic. but you cant always keep em from upping when you are deacking town/base or shooting/bombing it. thats when they go for the suicide defense, then reup, suicide, reup over and over till all attackers are gone. so you try to get to them before they get E and you kill em, then back to work till they reup. but it never fails, they immediately go nose on or just flat out crash into you with guns blazing. even when you try to vulch them during your base attack, they try to pull nose up to ho or crash into you or both. so that if the guns dont get you the crash will. in my opinion its dirty play. just my opinion, dont crap yourselves over it. i think there should be a 2 to 5 min wait before the suicide defender can lift from that base. just my opinion, dont crap yourselves over it. the tactic here is to call for help by putting out an alert and then up multiple planes to defend. you can also resupply and totally throw an attack off most times. you can up from a different base and kill their troops, their vh, look for their goon, look for their m3. you can up a tank or wirble and get it to town. again, common sense and you dont have to game the game by knowing you can suicide and reup 10 secs later. its cheap play in my opinion. just my opinion though, dont crap yourselves.

the runner comebacker- this guy will run from the fight towards his base everytime hoping the ack will kill you and he can get a freebie without earning it. then when you turn away he immediately tries to turn back in. you reverse him again and he runs to ack again. you turn away, he comes back out. rinse repeat. to me, if youre going to run and hide, just keep going and land it out. or better yet, out fight someone and quit being scared in a game that you dont really die in. you know the guy is going home and he only turns back in because you keep trying to give chase only to get reversed and then run. the tactic i do with these types is let them give chase until theyre too far to run and hide. i turn and engage them and trap them so they cant chicken out and run.

im sure there are some ardent defenders of all these things that i think are screwed up. theyre the majority in AH. im part of the minority in this thinking. thats ok though, you can rip me all you want. but, when it comes time that these players have to fight players like me, theyll lose because they never put themselves in a position to learn from mistakes. their egos are too fragile for it or maybe theyre afraid to take a risk. i feel sorry for these types and the reason is because a person doesnt just flip a switch and become someone different in game than they are in real life. you are what you are. in real life if you dont take any risks you can bet youll have no real rewards that you can take true pride in. you wont get better at whatever you do or like if you dont take risks and learn from mistakes. youll plateau out and get stale. i think this plays a huge part in why we as a general public collective conscience dont have a better world. because we dont push for higher reaches. we accept mediocrity and our world is absolute proof of it.

in game, if youre going to spend the time to play, why not be as good as you can and push to get even better? why waste your time if you dont want to outright beat the other guy and make him pay fairly and squarely? i guarantee that Bruv, AKAK, Mano, dr7, 999000 to name a few of the best went after the fight like rabid dogs and pushed themselves because they came to compete if they were going to spend their time playing.  for me, when i know these guys are on, i put myself in their airspace in the hopes of learning and hopefully beating them fair and square. its a pretty good rush to fight them and see where you stand. i even won a few times. theyre 10s, im somewhere around 7. i gave them everything i had. i do the same thing in real life and because of it im very good at what i do and i can prove it. i wish the norm in AH was this way, but its not.
Hey as I returned I bumped into ya with ur was the beating? lol....just kidding..they were fun
CO of the Hell Hounds. In Game: Rud3boi
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Offline waystin2

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #171 on: December 01, 2015, 07:00:19 AM »
You will be more of a joy to fight and less of a joy to shoot down if you can control yourself on channel 200 and not PM folks when you get shot down.  Right now you are a joy to shoot down.
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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #172 on: December 01, 2015, 09:15:29 AM »
vodovee your main complain was that people are running from a fight and into the ack.  and you are complaining because somebody chased you for 4 sectors and into the ack and killed you.

the irony is strong.


That isn't irony.

That is hypocrisy.

Most don't know the difference either
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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #173 on: December 01, 2015, 09:17:06 AM »
...coming from the king of perch, swoop, pick - climb, perch swoop pick, vulch, ho, all on low E ftrs

You should take him to the DA and see.  My bet is you lose every fight.
"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered.  Those who are skilled at winning do not become afraid.  Thus, the wise win before the fight, while the ignorant fight to win." - Morihei Ueshiba

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #174 on: December 01, 2015, 09:19:05 AM »
VooduVee does have many points about the player base within the game.

There is always the 'extenuating circumstances' but for the most part every night I log on AH 75% of my time spent is engaged with one of the player types he listed. 25% of my time is in a 'real fight' with someone regardless who had the advantage at the start of the fight.

This game is not junk!   :old:

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #175 on: December 01, 2015, 10:28:29 AM »
rudeboi, i dont remember any "beating". i remember getting ganged and you picking me 3 times. they werent fun at all to me. as i recall, i counted 6 v 1 in the last one before one shot my chute thinking it would be a kill. that was a fun furball until you guys started hanging at the end of the runway so that i would have to fly 10 mins for a 30 second gangbang. i just logged and chalked it up as another reason to quit playing for 15 a month.

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #176 on: December 01, 2015, 10:35:17 AM »
You will be more of a joy to fight and less of a joy to shoot down if you can control yourself on channel 200 and not PM folks when you get shot down.  Right now you are a joy to shoot down.
waystin, its well known that you fly around jumping into gang bangs and taking any shot possible in your little zero. and your IV taunt salutes make it so that i have no regrets in calling out players like you on 200 or PM.

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #177 on: December 01, 2015, 10:44:56 AM »
Sooo what... you get chased and killed boohoo  :cry 
In your mind its wrong for someone to chase you down and kill you but it's ok for you to come over pick from the high heaven's and then run and cry on 200 about how someone else is ruining the game..... how bout STFU.  :ahand   
This game is NOT a 1 on 1 duel arena game... so go to the dueling arena if you want that kind of fight. What ruins the game its trolls like you that want a high score and whine when someone kills them, I believe you need to take scoring out of the game so butt hurt pilot's stop complaining. We make a contest out of killing the most 262's its a blast, sorry you don't have fun in this game because AH is the best game ever. If your red your dead if you dropped bombs on our main land you will die. This is war all is fair. This is only a game, play it or don't play it, stop all the whining because that's what is truly ruins a game. As we are irritating to you so are the lone guys that wait in the heavens to pick off mission's they are irritating to Us. (that includes you)

You act as if running to the ack is a bad thing, but its a way to profile to see if their a good pilot or not, a good pilot will avoid the ack... a crappy pilot will run right through the ack .. there are many ways to play the game. The pigs are just a group of friends that get together on Tuesday night to enjoy the game and the friendship's that we have built over ten years. Whiners like you are ruining the game, NOT the people playing the game that are trying to have fun. if it's not fun for you find another game maybe you've been playing to long. This game is not junk it's the best game I have ever played that's why I have played 12 years. Maybe you should take up chess. :aok
Pigs On The Wing
[90% of everything is crap...except for crap, because crap is 100% crap
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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #178 on: December 01, 2015, 10:47:03 AM »
That isn't irony.

That is hypocrisy.

Most don't know the difference either
none of what semp said, was my main point. what i said was, the same people who will run from a fair fight/1v1 instantly are the same ones who will gladly jump into a gangbang. i didnt run from a fair fight. i ran in a jet from a 6v1. 3 jets, a 51, a 38 and a tempy.

Offline waystin2

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Re: My "This game has become junk" rant.
« Reply #179 on: December 01, 2015, 10:48:33 AM »
waystin, its well known that you fly around jumping into gang bangs and taking any shot possible in your little zero. and your IV taunt salutes make it so that i have no regrets in calling out players like you on 200 or PM.
I do not fly Zeros.  Point stands. <S>
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& The nicest guy in Aces High!