Author Topic: Support for 3D Monitors, Glasses, and Goggles (Oculus Rift, Vive, etc)  (Read 9056 times)

Offline terrydew

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Got the occulus working on our test engine yesterday.

If we do support it I am fairly sure you will have to run a 4.4 driver version.


Are you referring to the oculus runtime version? If not, what does 4.4 refer to?  If so, not sure you can go back to previous versions as it auto updates! Also if you are working with the cv1 on the same machine as the Vive, I had had issues with both connected.


Offline Skuzzy

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That post was from February.  A lot has changed since then.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline terrydew

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Sorry I didn't notice the date.

Offline Gman

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Who here (I know Vulcan is) is running VR with AH/Beta right now?  I just got my confirmation email for my Vive that it's finally shipped, and the Rift they told me should be in less than 10 days - I passed on the used ones I had lined up as you get NO warranty as the 2nd owner by both companies, so as a PSA please be aware of this with used ones.

Anyone using either headset for AH3 - can you give me an intel dump on what settings are best (the new "hack" notepad 2.0/etc and so on settings you can edit now for the Vive), and so forth for the Beta.  Very interested to try this with Aces High in addition to the other flight/space sims.  Built new systems w/1080s mainly for VR, and want the details/settings to be optimal when I use it.

Offline Gman

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Got both the Rift and the Vive, set the Vive up first, and after getting it working in some other games, gave the Beta a whirl.

Pretty impressive, I have the Vive set to 2.5 pixeldensity/SS/whatever using the notepad mod of the steamvr settings file in Steam controls, not sure if it has any effect on Aces High Beta, but it looks as good as other sims/games in terms of graphics.

The hand controller interface is pretty click, a lot of future potential with these things IMO.  I do find that the aircraft icons/ranges disappears as soon as the plane is 2.0 or so out in the HUD, but I'm sure that's just early days stuff, or that I have the wrong size setting in GUI or something - it's really the only thing I noticed that jumped out at me.  Just flying around, looking around, is a pretty good wow factor, and this is my first day with the Vive/VR and I don't have everything optimally set up yet I think.  89fps with everything but the reflections cranked, it's two notches from the bottom, which is the headset limit, so no complaints about fps or anything.  I couldn't figure out what the TrackIR setting in the VR options does, tried playing with it on and off, didn't seem to make any difference, just something I haven't read/'figured out yet I'm sure.

The Rift is better in other sims/cockpit games I've heard, we'll see tomorrow I guess, but I'm pretty impressed so far as early impressions with the Vive in AH beta. 

Offline hitech

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Got both the Rift and the Vive, set the Vive up first, and after getting it working in some other games, gave the Beta a whirl.

Pretty impressive, I have the Vive set to 2.5 pixeldensity/SS/whatever using the notepad mod of the steamvr settings file in Steam controls, not sure if it has any effect on Aces High Beta, but it looks as good as other sims/games in terms of graphics.

The hand controller interface is pretty click, a lot of future potential with these things IMO.  I do find that the aircraft icons/ranges disappears as soon as the plane is 2.0 or so out in the HUD, but I'm sure that's just early days stuff, or that I have the wrong size setting in GUI or something - it's really the only thing I noticed that jumped out at me.  Just flying around, looking around, is a pretty good wow factor, and this is my first day with the Vive/VR and I don't have everything optimally set up yet I think.  89fps with everything but the reflections cranked, it's two notches from the bottom, which is the headset limit, so no complaints about fps or anything.  I couldn't figure out what the TrackIR setting in the VR options does, tried playing with it on and off, didn't seem to make any difference, just something I haven't read/'figured out yet I'm sure.

The Rift is better in other sims/cockpit games I've heard, we'll see tomorrow I guess, but I'm pretty impressed so far as early impressions with the Vive in AH beta.

The Icon issue is a bug.


Offline Gman

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I figured that, or that it was just I had them set too large, like I said, no big deal, and it was the only thing that I noticed that was odd at all, which is pretty incredible considering it's only been weeks since VR has been integrated into AH.  Flying it this morning, with the pixel density turned up to 2.5 in the Vive's steam config file - it's truly amazing where this could go. 

Offline hitech

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I figured that, or that it was just I had them set too large, like I said, no big deal, and it was the only thing that I noticed that was odd at all, which is pretty incredible considering it's only been weeks since VR has been integrated into AH.  Flying it this morning, with the pixel density turned up to 2.5 in the Vive's steam config file - it's truly amazing where this could go.

I like the vive controllers, but I like the Oculus CV1 much more for desk top flying with a normal Joystick. It's drivers and interpolation for low frame rates is very impressive.


Offline Gman

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Just trying the Rift out right now - it's better IMO in cockpit type games, beta here for sure too, it's fantastic sitting down with this thing - I can actually easily peak out the bottom and see the keyboard if I need to, but I don't notice it when flying and looking at the lens.  This is really going to be something else fighting and flying in VR.  The Rift is well worth the $ too so far.

Offline hitech

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Just trying the Rift out right now - it's better IMO in cockpit type games, beta here for sure too, it's fantastic sitting down with this thing - I can actually easily peak out the bottom and see the keyboard if I need to, but I don't notice it when flying and looking at the lens.  This is really going to be something else fighting and flying in VR.  The Rift is well worth the $ too so far.

Go fly formation with a drone using the CV1.


Offline Gman

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Go fly formation with a drone using the CV1.

If I could swear on this bbs I would - holy crap HT.  This is something everyone needs to see for themselves IMO.  So impressed, the wow/immersion factor - Rift CV1 gets the nod from me right now, but holy effballs is the Vive good too.  For flying though - Rift is amazing.

I remember doing articles about the first version ever of AH, and how impressive the view system and adjustments available were.  HT/HTC is THE guy(s) to make VR work in combat IMO. There is such future potential for this tech, it's good now, in a few more years I think monitors may go the way of the trackball did for PC gaming.  It's that good.

Offline Gman

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So so sick, AH players, this is just my opinion, but if you play this game, and DCS as well, buy the Rift right now, hands down.  Vive has potential, but the viewing experience is superior in both of the "big" sims (AH for MMO/WW2, and jets DCS IMO).  The value for the cost is there - hands down.  I can see so much potential and what's coming already, but it's fun as he-double hockey sticks already, and playable IMO already/very shortly too.  Rift can be set up on your desktop even if it's small, takes about 1/10th the time the Vive does, and is THE VR unit for cockpit games.  I'm not knocking the Vive, it has great strengths that could be taken advantage of for sim games shortly as well, but for sims right now, driving, flying, space - Rift is where it's at.  I don't understand the backend, but HT said the drivers/etc are far better now for the Rift, and it shows on the front end, which I can plainly see and appreciate. 

Good times.

Buy one.  You won't be sad.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 11:22:46 PM by Gman »

Offline Vulcan

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...and how many years have I been ranting about VR in AH!


Comon HT say it... say "Vulcan was right"

Offline Gman

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Funny, the first thing I thought of was Vulcan, and his solitary VR posts over the years, and how I and others probably just read it, and thought "meh, sounds ok or whatever", and moved on.  Truly, the tech, first gen in terms of mass market that it is IMO, is THERE, both units and the open source that is coming IMO will be able to give a truly playable experience and a pretty damn good one too.  It's truly incredible and needs to be seen first-hand, as the YT videos and screen shots don't do it justice at all. 

I'm no HT, but I'll happily say it - Vulcan was right, and now with really decent units available - the Razer open source unit being very cheap too - Vulcan was really, really right.

Offline Mister Fork

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I  have a Rift DK2 and I also have to agree that flying with Aces High Beta is AMAZING. Though the resolution of the DK2 is somewhat sketchy - I do enjoy even the crappy resolution...I've been wondering if I should just cut out and put a mesh in the bottom of the RIFT so I can see the keyboard easily...but that's just for typing into the buffer chat... all my other airplane functions are mapped to my HOTAS.

So the CV1 it is then eh Gman? I'm curious to the exact differences between VIVE and the Rift from a play-ability.

Next up - try the Beta in bomber formation...
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