Author Topic: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review  (Read 9013 times)

Offline Krupinski

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2016, 08:26:58 AM »
I'm not very savvy when it comes to all these terms.. but I think "Wing Loading" would be a better place to start. An aircraft with a low wing loading (larger wing area, more lift, slower speed. Think Spitfire/A6M) will turn better than an aircraft with a high wing load (smaller wing area, less lift, faster speed. Think 190/P51)

I highly doubt the 110 and A20 were that maneuverable in real life.. though the A20 is a bit more believable than the 110, I think you could say they're the true UFO's of AH's flight model.

At 1:57 you see Junky is trying to turn hard left into the P51, while he's doing this left turn he also does a bit of a left roll that puts him below the 51. The decision by Junky to follow him like he did allowed the P51 a brief moment to get his nose around for a quick shot, as you see in the film. Had Junky not followed the P51, and instead opted for a high yo yo or any upwards vertical maneuver other than the downwards maneuver he made, he would have denied any gun solution the P51 may have had, and been in a much better position above him afterwards. If timed correctly this maneuver would have worked on a N1K, Spit.. no matter what Junky was fighting against.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 08:33:29 AM by Krupinski »

Offline Puma44

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2016, 09:42:46 AM »
So, what is a "stall to lift ratio"?
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 09:52:29 AM by Puma44 »

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Offline Krupinski

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2016, 09:58:13 AM »
So, what is a "stall to lift ratio"?

Judging by your previous posts you seem to have an idea of what you're talking about, so I can't tell if you're trolling or being serious?

Violator (DmonSlyr) is referring to the maximum amount of lift (turn rate) an aircraft can sustain before it reaches its critical angle of attack.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 10:00:46 AM by Krupinski »

Offline Puma44

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2016, 10:04:54 AM »
How "Can some planes not have better lift vectors than other?"  Explain what is meant by this statement.

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Offline Puma44

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2016, 10:11:27 AM »
Judging by your previous posts you seem to have an idea of what you're talking about, so I can't tell if you're trolling or being serious?

Violator (DmonSlyr) is referring to the maximum amount of lift (turn rate) an aircraft can sustain before it reaches its critical angle of attack.

No, I'm not trolling at all.  He uses made up terms that are more than likely confusing others.  I'm just curious as to what he really means.  It's impressive that you've come up with an interpretation.  But, it's not clear if he understands the terms you've used. 

It's obvious you've done some research and know some basics.  That is a very important aspect of teaching others.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 10:13:49 AM by Puma44 »

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Offline Krupinski

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2016, 10:26:55 AM »
One aircraft cannot have a better Lift Vector than another, because the Lift Vector is simply the direction in which an aircraft wing produces lift. While turning, you pull BACK on the stick because it is the direction in which lift pushes your aircraft. If you attempt to turn by pushing FORWARD on the stick, you're going to have a bad time because you're going against the Lift Vector (the direction in which your wings are being pushed by lift.)

The Critical Angle of Attack on the other hand, is the maximum amount of lift a wing can produce (its maximum turn rate) before it begins to lose lift and stall. I believe this is the term Violator is looking for.

Offline Puma44

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2016, 10:41:38 AM »
Great explanation.  :aok. It's not clear if he understands the terminology and application.

Using less than accurate descriptions and combinations of self made words by one who is "teaching" others is more than likely going to create a lot of confusion and frustration for them.

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Offline LCADolby

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2016, 10:43:37 AM »
Lift is generated by the wing as it moves through the air. It will always be directed perpendicular to the direction of travel when looking from the side and perpendicular to the leading edge of the wing when looking at the plane from the front. The faster a wing is moving through the air, the more lift is generated by that wing. The lift vector is the direction of force applied by your plane’s lifting surfaces, the wing. When someone tells you to “point your lift vector” a certain direction, think of the lift vector as a line coming straight out of the top of your canopy. I must stress that no matter which way the plane is angled, the lift vector is straight out of the top of the canopy.
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Offline Krupinski

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2016, 11:18:34 AM »

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2016, 11:23:46 AM »
Lift Vector

as described on the AH TRAINING website

basically, the same thing Dolby posted...

"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Randy1

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2016, 12:07:08 PM »
Vector is not an aviation invention.  Vector is a mathematical display of forces.  A vector has both direction and length where the length is an indication of magnitude.

As an example, a plane is going straight and level has zero lift vector.  That is. the plane has no force to make it go up.  Pull back hard on the stick and the length of the lift vector goes up at the same time the force to make the plane go straight shrinks.

Remember hot wheel cars that went through a loop.  The vector on the car as it goes through the loop goes down representing centrifugal force.  Go too slow and the little car falls off the track at the top of the loop.

Offline Krupinski

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2016, 12:12:26 PM »
I think we get the idea by now...
« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 12:25:32 PM by Krupinski »

Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2016, 12:28:04 PM »

Regarding your example of a plane flying straight having zero lift, is incorrect, if it had zero lift, it would there for be flying at zero G, and would gradually go into a nose dive

Planes flying straight and level, are normally flying under a force (think Lift Vector here) of around 1 +G nearly constant...

Correct me if I'm wrong please

"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Krupinski

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2016, 12:33:41 PM »
You're right TC, if an aircraft had no force to make it go up, it would fall out of the sky. If you pull back hard on the stick and the force to make your plane go straight shrinks, it's because you decreased engine power, or you're flying a glider.

Offline Vudak

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Re: P38J vs P51B MA 1v1 Flight Review
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2016, 12:53:57 PM »

It's obvious you've done some research and know some basics.  That is a very important aspect of teaching others.

Another important aspect is not coming across as a jerk, which is what tends to happen when you pull answers out of someone inch by inch on a bbs and lack the self awareness to realize your text is coming across as slathered in derision.

See, now we're all learning something :D
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