Updated without issues.
Went to Greebo's CraterMA, set the graphics to default. At A1 one tree kept flickering in the forest in the middle of the view when looking front out of the tower. The same tree kept flickering even after visiting other fields. Trunks-leaves-trunks-leaves... Found a similar single tree at A42, looking front left in the tower. Some broadleaf with several trunks, maybe the River Birch?
On A43 looking front over the tower main desk the hill in the front left kept flashing like it didn't know whether to be high or low. There were some clouds, could that cause it?
Short bursts of 1 to 3 rounds don't give a sound every time. Tried this in the Storch and the Emil. The Storch seemed to suffer more from this, then again the Emil had more guns. The gun flashed but every second/third time no bang. FR about 30 or even less, if that explains anything.
Filmed the flickering hill and the tre but the film viewer crashed every time I tried to view it by clicking the files. When I started the Beta Game Film Viewer first I could open the films but to my surprise they were upside down! Changing the view to other than internal the image was right way, but the film showed only some grass and flowers from a frog's perspective, not the tower view. Both also show me in the 109E although I was in Tower. Does the flickering hill film work ok on other computers?
Film viewer crash details:
Ongelman tunniste:
Ongelmatapahtuman nimi: APPCRASH
Sovelluksen nimi: ahfilm.exe
Sovelluksen versio:
Sovelluksen aikaleima: 52ebdb25
Vikamoduulin nimi: ahfilm.exe
Vikamoduulin versio:
Vikamoduulin aikaleima: 52ebdb25
Poikkeuskoodi: c0000005
Poikkeuksen poikkeama: 00028497
Käyttöjärjestelmän versio: 6.1.7601.
Aluekohtaisten asetusten tunnus: 1035
Lisätietoja 1: 0a9e
Lisätietoja 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e 789
Lisätietoja 3: 0a9e
Lisätietoja 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e 789