Whether you chose to play or not is up to you. I happen to think that the resupply effort pretty much matches the resupply effort of WWII pretty well. You could kill the M3's or C47's or take out Barracks and or VH at the fields resupplying. That action might force uppers for other defending fields. But you would rather pick a slow moving aircraft just upping from the field you are attacking. Makes you a great stick.
You sir are totally off base here, Lazer is a long standing player and is always fighting the good fight.
Why should a squad or team spend hours flying extra long distances just to pork a field (which is incredibly mind numbing, yet easy task) just so that some dweeb can't resupply his town. I have to wholeheartedly agree with Junky and Lazer on this matter, it is killing combat 24/7 and even moreso off hours. How can 2-3 guys go and pork as you suggest when they already have to bomb a town with <30 minute DT's, kill guns and cover defensive planes and gvs. Before you say hit the strat that is another 90minute flight!!!
It is a simple fix really just remove the ability to magically resupply town buildings only. That way you preserve the supply line aspect and remove what I find to be an un-realistic gimmick. You didn't see Coventry or Dresden rebuilt in 10 minutes!
I have been in the situation many times and covered the spawn, the dweeb gives up after 1 or 2 tries and then grabs a bloody wirble to sit there and still not save his base and avoid upping an aircraft at all costs!
Most of us haven't got the luxury to sit and play all day anymore and I believe this to be the biggest downfall AH has to overcome. It needs to deliver action quicker and more consistently.