Most of the time lately when I check the MA, the rooks are missing representation for some reason. This really messes with ENY for the knights since POTW is a knight squad but, having good numbers still after all these years, we suck it up and act like it's FSO. I just checked the MA to look at ENY fighter rides and noticed once again rooks seem really under represented for some reason middle of the day.
So when ENY limits your rides all the way including the Yak3 for base defense, it can get irritating having to fly something requiring your A++ game to not get picked or power ganged by P51D's and Doras. By that time there are really no rides that you can run away to get a breather and a reset. Most people don't like being forced to be in A++ mode all the time just to play a game. Especially those 4 hours lately during prime time the rooks seem to all be in a bar somewhere watching the latest pro ball game. Or maybe they decided it's better to be with the big population numbers hiding in garbage rides with the rest of us.

Yeppers in this game numbers rule, well once they did when it was 200 P51D's closing down both the nits and bish in the same hour.
Right now ENY is 23 for the knights which means even the Yak9u is unavailable for them as a solid 500mph ride to get separation from bad situations. The bish are close behind. There are only 19 rook in the arena while bish and knights have 2x each or a tad more. Without ENY, those 19 rook would just log and probably tell Hitech to stick it and cancel their accounts. 14 years ago with no ENY people just quit the game because who can fight an overwhelming number of P51D's under those conditions? 1 hour side switching would only oscillate the badness around over 4 hours as people tried to hide on the large number side and people tried to escape the large numbers of P51D's and dora's whipping up on them. Not to mention all the 262's.
If you look at the list of fighters and bombers affected by 23 ENY, it's obvious why 23 ENY based on population numbers takes those rides off the table. In a 2.5 to 1 scenario where the other two sides are roughly 2.5 players to your 1, all the rides from ENY 5-23 would make the MA for your side at 1, a replay of 14 years ago for all the paying customers on your side.
But, Vinkman expressed it best the confusion most players today have about the purpose of ENY.
More people on one side doesn't equal being out numbered in every fight...or any fight for that matter. How does ENY know it's helping? What metric or algorithm does it use to know it's improving game play?
Each player questioning ENY in here assumes everyone else will act like themselves and not act human, until they act human, and screw the low numbers on one of the three sides. Human nature in combat games is it's fun to be the one welding the club making you cry instead of you making them cry.
ENY is better than MOD's with eject powers and no way to challenge them because one of the new rules will be you get ejected for calling out the MOD's. Now I still wonder where the rooks keep going every day because that ENY monster must be getting tired of all this extra work recently.